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tahina-pro committed Jan 25, 2025
1 parent bb0a511 commit a832fc1
Showing 1 changed file with 258 additions and 0 deletions.
258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions src/cbor/pulse/raw/CBOR.Pulse.Raw.Copy.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
module CBOR.Pulse.Raw.Copy
include CBOR.Pulse.Raw.Type
open CBOR.Spec.Raw.Base
open Pulse.Lib.Pervasives
open Pulse.Lib.Slice

module SZ = FStar.SizeT
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module V = Pulse.Lib.Vec
module B = Pulse.Lib.Box

type freeable_tree = // this is necessary to define the freeable slprop by structural recursion, because freeable_cbor' is not structurally recursive because V.vec and may introduce cycles
| FTBytes
| FTBox: (b: freeable_tree) -> freeable_tree
| FTArray: (a: list freeable_tree) -> freeable_tree
| FTMap: (m: list (freeable_tree & freeable_tree)) -> freeable_tree
| FTUnit

type freeable_cbor' =
| FBytes: (v: V.vec U8.t) -> freeable_cbor'
| FBox: (b: freeable_cbor_box) -> freeable_cbor'
| FArray: (a: freeable_cbor_array) -> freeable_cbor'
| FMap: (m: freeable_cbor_map) -> freeable_cbor'
| FUnit

and freeable_cbor_box = {
box_cbor: cbor_raw; // the box turned into ref in cbor_tagged
box_footprint: freeable_cbor'; // the freeable_cbor associated to the contents of box_cbor

and freeable_cbor_array = {
array_cbor: V.vec cbor_raw; // the vec turned into slice in cbor_array
array_footprint: V.vec freeable_cbor'; // the freeable_cbor objects associated to each element of array_cbor
array_len: (array_len: SZ.t { SZ.v array_len == V.length array_footprint });

and freeable_cbor_map_entry = {
map_entry_key: freeable_cbor';
map_entry_value: freeable_cbor';

and freeable_cbor_map = {
map_cbor: V.vec cbor_map_entry; // the vec turned into slice in cbor_map
map_footprint: V.vec freeable_cbor_map_entry; // the freeable_cbor objects associated to each map entry key and value of map_cbor
map_len: (map_len: SZ.t { SZ.v map_len == V.length map_footprint });

module SM = Pulse.Lib.SeqMatch

let rec freeable_match'
(x: freeable_cbor')
(ft: freeable_tree)
: Tot slprop
(decreases ft)
= match x, ft with
| FBytes ve, FTBytes -> exists* (v: Seq.seq U8.t) . pts_to ve v ** pure (V.is_full_vec ve)
| FBox bx, FTBox ft' -> exists* (v: cbor_raw) (x': freeable_cbor') . pts_to bx.box_cbor v ** pts_to bx.box_footprint x' ** freeable_match' x' ft'
| FArray ar, FTArray ft' -> exists* (v: Seq.seq cbor_raw) (x': Seq.seq freeable_cbor') . pts_to ar.array_cbor v ** pts_to ar.array_footprint x' ** SM.seq_list_match x' ft' freeable_match' ** pure (V.is_full_vec ar.array_cbor /\ V.is_full_vec ar.array_footprint)
| FMap m, FTMap ft' -> exists* (v: Seq.seq cbor_map_entry) (x': Seq.seq freeable_cbor_map_entry) . pts_to m.map_cbor v ** pts_to m.map_footprint x' ** SM.seq_list_match x' ft' (freeable_match_map_entry' ft freeable_match') ** pure (V.is_full_vec m.map_cbor /\ V.is_full_vec m.map_footprint)
| FUnit, FTUnit -> emp
| _ -> pure False

and freeable_match_map_entry'
(r0: freeable_tree)
(freeable_match: (freeable_cbor' -> (v': freeable_tree { v' << r0 }) -> slprop))
(c: freeable_cbor_map_entry)
(r: (freeable_tree & freeable_tree) { r << r0 })
: Tot slprop
(decreases r)
= freeable_match' c.map_entry_key (fst r) **
freeable_match' c.map_entry_value (snd r)

let freeable_match_map_entry
(c: freeable_cbor_map_entry)
(r: (freeable_tree & freeable_tree))
: Tot slprop
(decreases r)
= freeable_match' c.map_entry_key (fst r) **
freeable_match' c.map_entry_value (snd r)

fn freeable_match_map_entry_weaken
(r0: freeable_tree)
(c: freeable_cbor_map_entry)
(r: (freeable_tree & freeable_tree) { r << r0 })
freeable_match_map_entry' r0 freeable_match' c r
freeable_match_map_entry c r
unfold (freeable_match_map_entry' r0 freeable_match' c r);
fold (freeable_match_map_entry c r)

let freeable_match'_cases_pred
(x: freeable_cbor')
(ft: freeable_tree)
: GTot bool
(decreases ft)
= match x, ft with
| FBytes _, FTBytes
| FBox _, FTBox _
| FArray _, FTArray _
| FMap _, FTMap _
| FUnit, FTUnit
-> true
| _ -> false

fn freeable_match'_cases
(x: freeable_cbor')
(ft: freeable_tree)
freeable_match' x ft
freeable_match' x ft ** pure (freeable_match'_cases_pred x ft)
let test = freeable_match'_cases_pred x ft;
if test {
} else {
rewrite (freeable_match' x ft) as (pure False);
rewrite emp as (freeable_match' x ft); // by contradiction

let cbor_free'_t =
(x: freeable_cbor') ->
(ft: freeable_tree) ->
stt unit
(freeable_match' x ft)
(fun _ -> emp)

fn cbor_free_map_entry
(cbor_free': cbor_free'_t)
(x: freeable_cbor_map_entry)
(ft: Ghost.erased (freeable_tree & freeable_tree))
(freeable_match_map_entry x ft)
unfold (freeable_match_map_entry x ft);
cbor_free' x.map_entry_key _;
cbor_free' x.map_entry_value _;

fn rec cbor_free'
(x: freeable_cbor')
(ft: freeable_tree)
freeable_match' x ft
freeable_match'_cases x ft;
match x {
FUnit -> {
unfold (freeable_match' FUnit FTUnit);
FBytes v -> {
unfold (freeable_match' (FBytes v) FTBytes); v
FBox b -> {
let ft' = Ghost.hide (FTBox?.b ft);
unfold (freeable_match' (FBox b) (FTBox ft')); b.box_cbor;
let b' = ((let open Pulse.Lib.Box in ( ! )) b.box_footprint);
cbor_free' b' _; b.box_footprint
FArray a -> {
let ft' = Ghost.hide (FTArray?.a ft);
unfold (freeable_match' (FArray a) (FTArray ft')); a.array_cbor;
with s . assert (pts_to a.array_footprint s ** SM.seq_list_match s ft' freeable_match');
V.pts_to_len a.array_footprint;
SM.seq_list_match_length freeable_match' s ft';
SM.seq_list_match_seq_seq_match freeable_match' s ft';
let len = a.array_len;
with s' . assert (SM.seq_seq_match freeable_match' s s' 0 (SZ.v len));
let mut pi = 0sz;
while (
let i = !pi;
( i len)
) invariant b . exists* i j . (
pts_to a.array_footprint s **
pts_to pi i **
SM.seq_seq_match freeable_match' s s' j (SZ.v len) **
pure (
j == SZ.v i /\
SZ.v i <= SZ.v len /\
b == (SZ.v i < SZ.v len)
) {
SM.seq_seq_match_dequeue_left freeable_match' s s' _ _;
let i = !pi;
let x' = V.op_Array_Access a.array_footprint i;
cbor_free' x' _;
pi := (SZ.add i 1sz);
SM.seq_seq_match_empty_elim freeable_match' s s' (SZ.v len); a.array_footprint
FMap a -> {
let ft' = Ghost.hide (FTMap?.m ft);
unfold (freeable_match' (FMap a) (FTMap ft')); a.map_cbor;
with s . assert (pts_to a.map_footprint s ** SM.seq_list_match s ft' (freeable_match_map_entry' ft freeable_match'));
SM.seq_list_match_weaken s ft' (freeable_match_map_entry' ft freeable_match') freeable_match_map_entry (freeable_match_map_entry_weaken ft);
V.pts_to_len a.map_footprint;
SM.seq_list_match_length freeable_match_map_entry s ft';
SM.seq_list_match_seq_seq_match freeable_match_map_entry s ft';
let len = a.map_len;
with s' . assert (SM.seq_seq_match freeable_match_map_entry s s' 0 (SZ.v len));
let mut pi = 0sz;
while (
let i = !pi;
( i len)
) invariant b . exists* i j . (
pts_to a.map_footprint s **
pts_to pi i **
SM.seq_seq_match freeable_match_map_entry s s' j (SZ.v len) **
pure (
j == SZ.v i /\
SZ.v i <= SZ.v len /\
b == (SZ.v i < SZ.v len)
) {
SM.seq_seq_match_dequeue_left freeable_match_map_entry s s' _ _;
let i = !pi;
let x' = V.op_Array_Access a.map_footprint i;
cbor_free_map_entry cbor_free' x' _;
pi := (SZ.add i 1sz);
SM.seq_seq_match_empty_elim freeable_match_map_entry s s' (SZ.v len); a.map_footprint

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