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feat: health endpoint (#1354)
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Introduce /healthz endpoint to allow for readiness checks in Kubernetes.
Use Django-Watchman to execute checks (already includes checks for caches
and databases) and extend with additional checks for minio, database
models and database migrations.
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luytena authored Mar 31, 2021
1 parent 1095de4 commit bfc4951
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,447 additions and 8 deletions.
363 changes: 363 additions & 0 deletions caluma/caluma_core/
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@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
import logging
import sys

import pytest
import requests
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import management
from django.db import connection
from minio import Minio
from psycopg2 import OperationalError
from requests.models import Response
from watchman.decorators import check as watchman_check_decorator

from caluma.caluma_form import storage_clients

def disable_logs():
"""Disable logs for health checks."""
urllib3_logger = logging.getLogger("urllib3")
watchman_logger = logging.getLogger("watchman")

urllib3_level = urllib3_logger.level
watchman_disabled = watchman_logger.disabled
watchman_logger.disabled = True


watchman_logger.disabled = watchman_disabled

def track_errors(mocker):
"""Write stacktrace to stderr to enable error checking in tests.
Patches django-watchman check decorator.

def track_error_check_decorator(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
response = watchman_check_decorator(func)(*args, **kwargs)

if response.get("ok") is False:
elif not response.get("ok"):
for value in response.values():
if value.get("ok") is False:

return response

return wrapped

mocker.patch("watchman.decorators.check", new=track_error_check_decorator)


def db_broken_connection(transactional_db):
"""DB fixture with broken connection.
Cap DB connection by trying to re-connect with faulty connection details.
Changes host settings and restores them after use.
# overwrite DB host setting and re-connect
prev_settings = settings.DATABASES["default"]["HOST"]
settings.DATABASES["default"]["HOST"] = "not-db"
except OperationalError:
# ignore connection error


# restore original DB settings
settings.DATABASES["default"]["HOST"] = prev_settings

def switch_user(test=False):
"""Re-connect to database with either user 'tester' or 'caluma'."""
# set username and password
user = "tester" if test else "caluma"
password = "test" if test else "caluma"

# connect new user to database
settings.DATABASES["default"]["USER"] = user
settings.DATABASES["default"]["PASSWORD"] = password

def db_user_tester(transactional_db):
"""Create new user 'tester' with privileges necessary for health checks.
User is removed after use.
# get db connection
cursor = connection.cursor()

# create test user (with all necessary privileges)
cursor.execute("CREATE USER tester WITH PASSWORD 'test';")
cursor.execute("GRANT ALL ON caluma_logging_accesslog TO tester;")
cursor.execute("GRANT ALL ON caluma_form_file TO tester;")
"GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE caluma_logging_accesslog_id_seq TO tester;"
cursor.execute("GRANT ALL ON django_migrations TO tester;")


# get db connection
cursor = connection.cursor()

# revoke privileges and remove user
cursor.execute("REVOKE ALL ON caluma_logging_accesslog FROM tester;")
cursor.execute("REVOKE ALL ON caluma_form_file FROM tester;")
"REVOKE USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE caluma_logging_accesslog_id_seq FROM tester;"
cursor.execute("REVOKE ALL ON django_migrations FROM tester;")
cursor.execute("DROP USER tester;")

def db_privileges_working(db_user_tester):
"""DB fixture with all necessary privileges for health checks.
Create new test user with necessary privileges and connect to database.
Remove test user and reconnect with original database user after use.
# switch to new test user


# switch back to caluma user

def db_read_error(db_user_tester):
"""DB fixture with revoked read privileges on caluma_logging_accesslog.
Create new test user without necessary read privileges for table used by
health check and connect to database.
Remove test user and reconnect with original database user after use.
# revoke select rights on accesslog table
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("REVOKE SELECT ON caluma_logging_accesslog FROM tester;")

# switch to new test user


# switch back to caluma user

# grant select rights on accesslog table such that user can be removed
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("GRANT SELECT ON caluma_logging_accesslog TO tester;")

def db_write_error(db_user_tester):
"""DB fixture with revoked write privileges on caluma_logging_accesslog.
Create new test user without necessary write privileges for table used by
health check and connect to database.
Remove test user and reconnect with original database user after use.
# revoke insert, update and delete privileges on accesslog table
cursor = connection.cursor()
"REVOKE INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON caluma_logging_accesslog FROM tester;"

# switch to new test user


# switch back to caluma user

# grant insert, update, delete rights on accesslog table
# such that user can be removed
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("GRANT INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON caluma_logging_accesslog TO tester;")

def minio_mock_working(minio_mock, mocker):
"""Provide working minio mock for health checks.
Based on existing minio_mock.
Patches requests.get and requests.put to provide necessary responses for
health check.
# determine fixed UUID to be used during tests
uuid = "7c5ad424-e351-4db8-ba37-bbace45d0e0f"
mocker.patch("uuid.uuid4", return_value=uuid)

# mock upload response
upload_response = Response()
upload_response.status_code = 200
mocker.patch("requests.put", return_value=upload_response)

# mock download response
download_response = Response()
download_response.status_code = 200
download_response._content = (
b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; '
mocker.patch("requests.get", return_value=download_response)

# change object name of existing stat response
stat_response = Minio.stat_object.return_value
stat_response._object_name = "healthz_tmp-object_" + uuid

# update responses compatible with media storage service health check
Minio.stat_object.side_effect = [stat_response, None]

def minio_broken_connection():
"""Provide new minio client with faulty connection details.
Change minio settings to generate new client unable to connect to minio
Restore original settings and client after use.
# store previous client
prev_client = storage_clients.client

# reconnect with new client (with invalid host settings)
prev_settings = settings.MINIO_STORAGE_ENDPOINT
settings.MINIO_STORAGE_ENDPOINT = "not-minio:9000"
storage_clients.client = storage_clients.Minio()


# restore previous client
settings.MINIO_STORAGE_ENDPOINT = prev_settings
storage_clients.client = prev_client

def minio_not_configured():
"""Fixture with no connection to minio instance.
Remove minio client to ensure no connection is available.
# store previous client
prev_client = storage_clients.client

# reset client
storage_clients.client = None


# restore previous client
storage_clients.client = prev_client

def minio_mock_read_error(minio_mock, mocker):
"""Produce exception when downloading file or stat-ing object.
This scenario might occur when there is a internal minio issue or if a
previous upload isn't successful (which doesn't issue exception).
# raise exception instead of handling request
def download_side_effect(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
raise requests.exceptions.RequestException("GET request failed")

def stat_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
raise Exception("stat_object failed")

# determine fixed UUID to be used during tests
uuid = "7c5ad424-e351-4db8-ba37-bbace45d0e0f"
mocker.patch("uuid.uuid4", return_value=uuid)

# mock upload response
upload_response = Response()
upload_response.status_code = 200
mocker.patch("requests.put", return_value=upload_response)

# mock erroneous download response
download_response = Response()
download_response.status_code = 500
"requests.get", return_value=download_response, side_effect=download_side_effect

# raise exception
Minio.stat_object.side_effect = stat_side_effect

def minio_mock_write_error(minio_mock, mocker):
"""Produce exception when uploading file.
This scenario might occur when there is a internal minio issue.
# raise exception instead of handling request
def upload_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
raise requests.exceptions.RequestException("PUT request failed")

# determine fixed UUID to be used during tests
uuid = "7c5ad424-e351-4db8-ba37-bbace45d0e0f"
mocker.patch("uuid.uuid4", return_value=uuid)

# mock upload response
upload_response = Response()
upload_response.status_code = 500
"requests.put", return_value=upload_response, side_effect=upload_side_effect

# mock download response
download_response = Response()
download_response.status_code = 200
download_response._content = (
b'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; '
mocker.patch("requests.get", return_value=download_response)

# change object name of existing stat response
stat_response = Minio.stat_object.return_value
stat_response._object_name = "healthz_tmp-object_" + uuid

# update responses compatible with media storage service health check
Minio.stat_object.side_effect = [stat_response, None]

def roll_back_migrations():
"""Roll back database migrations to ensure unapplied migrations exist."""
# undo applied migrations for app contenttypes
management.call_command("migrate", "contenttypes", "zero")


# re-apply migrations for app contenttypes
management.call_command("migrate", "contenttypes")

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