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Deploying low-code app-gen platform Budibase on k0s Kubernetes distribution

Instlling k0s (1 controller + n workers)

Prepare hardware

  1. On all nodes where k0s is going to be installed

    1. Create new partition
    2. Mount it as /var/lib/k0s
  2. Hostnames naming convention (Reason: easily traceable afterwards from k8s cluster) - prefix-<role><n>-<ip>

    1. role - worker/controller
    2. n - node id - optional
    3. ip - static ip dash separated
    # Example hostname for controller
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname moriawalls-debian-controller1-192-168-68-3
    # Example hostname for worker
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname theshire-ubuntu-worker1-192-168-68-4
  3. ? To update /etc/hosts and match hostname for

Download / Install k0s

sudo curl -sSLf | sudo sh

Deploy k0s controller (w/ OpenEBS as k8s CSI)

sudo k0s install controller --enable-worker -c ./k0s.yaml

Set OpenEBS hostpath storage class as default (optional)

kubectl patch storageclass openebs-hostpath -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'

Deploy k0s worker

  1. Generate Token for worker
sudo k0s token create --role=worker
  1. Add token to a file called k0s-worker<n>-token-file where n is the worker enumeration
  2. Deploy worker on target node
sudo k0s install worker --token-file /home/na/k0s-worker01-token-file

Create kubectl management host

  1. install kubectl

    1. gpg sigining key, add repo, install

      sudo curl -fsSLo /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg
      echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg] kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
      sudo apt-get uppdate
      sudo apt-get install kubectl
  2. Go to controller and there cat /var/lib/k0s/pki/admin.conf

  3. Copy the content to management host under user's home dir under .kube/config

  4. Modify cluster.server from localhost:6443 to <controller ip>:6443

Deploying Budibase

Install Helm

curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/helm.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
sudo apt-get uppdate
sudo apt-get install kubectl

Install Kustomize

curl -s ""  | bash

Install nginx-controller (for baremetal - NodePort style)

  1. Preferred way is to deploy using helm

    helm repo add ingress-nginx
    helm repo update
    helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace --namespace ingress-nginx --set controller.service.type=NodePort   --set controller.service.nodePorts.http=32080 --set controller.service.nodePorts.https=32443
  2. Option deploy using kubectl

    kubectl apply -f

    To delete nginx ingress after deploying with kubectl

    kubectl delete all  --all -n ingress-ngin


    Cleaning up floating around related resourcess after deploying nginx ingress using kubectl is tedious to say the least This is why it is recommended to deploy nginx ingress using Helm which does much better job of cleaning up after removal

Install nfs-common on all worker nodes

Note: This is an important step! otherwise nfs based Persistent Volume will not funtion

Indication that this package is missing on you workre node/s look for the following on a Deployment describe for a Deployment containing a pod requiring nfs mount:

Mounting command: mount
Mounting arguments: -t nfs XXXXXXXXXXX /var/lib/k0s/kubelet/pods/669bd77e-3874-414e-b014-b7e95e0833cb/volumes/
Output: mount: /var/lib/k0s/kubelet/pods/669bd77e-3874-414e-b014-b7e95e0833cb/volumes/ bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.

Install budibase (Helm chart v2.3.10)

helm repo add budibase
helm repo update
# budibase-k0s-values.yaml is Helm Values file that instruct Helm not to deploy ingress-nginx but use existing one
cd helm-post-render/kustomize
helm install --create-namespace -f ../../budibase-k0s-values.yaml --post-renderer ./kustomize --version 2.3.6 --namespace budibase budibase budibase/budibase

Find node port to use to access budibasse

> kubectl get ingress -n budibase
NAME                CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS        PORTS   AGE
budibase-budibase   <none>   *   80      6h26m
> kubectl get services -n ingress-nginx
NAME                                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
ingress-nginx-controller             NodePort    <none>        80:30277/TCP,443:30020/TCP   6h38m
ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                      6h38m

Helm Tips n' Tricks

  1. To pull helm archive

    helm pull budibase/budibase --destination ./dev/git/helm/ --untar
  2. Developing a Kustomize patch

    1. Pull source

      cd ~/dev/git/helm/budibase4k0s
      helm pull budibase/budibase --destination .
    2. To check the outcome of the patch

      # Comment all lines in kustomiztion.yaml but the all.yaml line
      helm template my-test ../budibase/ --post-renderer ./kustomize --debug --dry-run > out1.yaml
      # Un comment all lines in kustomiztion.yaml
      helm template my-test ../budibase/ --post-renderer ./kustomize --debug --dry-run > out2.yaml
      diff out1.yaml out2.yaml
    3. Show details on the chart installed (version etc.)

    helm show chart budibase/budibase

kubectl cheatsheet

  1. Find Pod by its IP (relies on jq utility being installed)

    kubectl get --all-namespaces  --output json  pods | jq '.items[] | select(.status.podIP=="")' | jq
  2. Restart deployment (i.e. nginx-controller)

    kubectl rollout restart deployment budibase-ingress-nginx-controller -n budibase


  1. nginx--controller error port 80 is already in use. Please check the flag --http-port when using budibase's Helm chart supplied nginx ingress

    1. Interim solution I found was to update nginx controller from 1.1.0 to 1.1.3

      1. Patch deployment:

        kubectl set image deployment/budibase-ingress-nginx-controller --record
      2. If need be - force restart:

        kubectl patch deployment budibase-ingress-nginx-controller -p   "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
    2. In the end I dropped this solution in favor of cluster wide ingress-nginx installation using Helm

  2. Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: IngressClass "nginx" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "[](" ...

    1. Look if IngressClasses are flowting around - if it does delete

      kubectl get Ingressclass --all-namespaces
    2. Look if nginx related ClusterRoleBindings are floating aroung - if it does delete

      kubectl get clusterrolebindings  | grep nginx
    3. Look if nginx related ClusterRoles are floating around - if it does delete

      kubectl get clusterroles  | grep nginx
    4. Look if there are any nginx related validatingwebhookconfigurations - if it does delete

      # Search
      kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations
      # Delete
      kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations ingress-nginx-admission
  3. rejected since it cannot handle ["BIG_CREATION"]

    1. This is evident in logs within couchdb pod
    2. The pod contains couchdb container and sidecar container with clouseau which provides lucene search capabilities to couchdb 3.x
    3. The error is due to incompatible ErLang protocol between the two.
    4. Solution: To patch helm chart downgrading couchdb from v3.2.1 to v3.1.2


  1. Nodeport vs Hostport
  2. Kubernetes ingress-nginx installation guide
  3. K8s ingresss-nginx Helm chart values
  4. ingress-nginx bare-metal considerations
  5. Patch Any Helm Chart Template Using A Kustomize Post-Renderer
  6. Helm Kustomize example
  7. Kubernetes Kustomize with JsonPatches6902
  8. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch 6902
  9. NFS Persistence Storage Basics
  10. NFS based Persistent Volume in Kubernetes example
  11. JSON Patch (JsonPatches6902) Builder Online
  12. Convert YAML to JSON online
  13. Convert JSON to YAML online
  14. Modify containers without rebuilding their image
  15. Budibasae - backups
  16. Create missing system DBs in couchdb
  17. Apache couchdb - release notes
  18. My own Budibase app sidecar for admin


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