This is a project skeleton for event engine The following tutorial shows how to connect and use the Cody bot with the Event Engine Skeleton to generate PHP code from prooph board event map.
Please make sure you have installed Docker and Docker Compose.
Install the PHP Cody + Event Engine Skeleton:
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(pwd):/app \
prooph/composer:8.0 create-project -v \
--stability dev \
--remove-vcs \
proophboard/php-cody-engine-skeleton \
To start this application, you can use the
bash script in the root directory.
It does some checks and setups the application. After that you can use Docker Compose as usual.
$ ./
Prepare the database:
$ docker-compose run --rm pb-ces-worker bin/console database:prepare
This skeleton comes with some preconfigured services for development.
- Backend: Message Box:
- Backend: Message Box Schema:
- Event Engine Cockpit:
- ensure that you configure the right schema url
and message box urlhttps://localhost:4444/api/messagebox
- ensure that you configure the right schema url
Cockpit is an admin UI for Event Engine. You can access it on port 4444
: https://localhost:4444.
The skeleton is preconfigured with the cockpit-php-backend handler.
Note: To avoid CORS issues the Nginx configuration of the Cockpit server is modified to also act as a reverse proxy for requests from Cockpit to the backend.
You can execute the built-in HealthCheck
query to very that Cockpit can access the Event Engine backend.
Ensure that you configure the right schema url https://localhost:4444/api/cockpit
and message box url https://localhost:4444/api/messagebox
via settings.
prooph board is a modeling tool specifically designed for remote Event Storming. It ships with realtime collaboration features for teams (only available in paid version). The free version is a standalone variant without any backend connection. Your work is stored in local storage and can be exported. It is hosted on Github Pages and has the same code generation capabilities as the SaaS version.
You can use prooph board free version and model the building tutorial on the event map (no login required).
Create a new board called "Cody Tutorial". You'll be redirected to the fresh board. Choose "Cody" from top menu to open the Cody Console. Just hit ENTER in the console to connect to the default Cody server that we've setup and started in the previous step.
Finally type "/help" in the console to let Cody explain the basic functionality.
Cody will generate the following boilerplate for you:
- Event Engine API description for commands, aggregates, domain events and queries
- Command, aggregate, domain event and query classes with corresponding value objects based on metadata (JSON schema)
- Glue code between command, corresponding aggregate and corresponding domain events and also queries
With the command docker-compose ps
you can list the running containers. This should look like the following list:
Name Command State Ports
pb-ces_nginx_1 / ngin ... Up>443/tcp,:::443->443/tcp,>80/tcp,:::8080->80/tcp
pb-ces_pb-ces-cockpit_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up>443/tcp,:::4444->443/tcp, 80/tcp
pb-ces_pb-ces-cody_1 docker-php-entrypoint vend ... Up>8080/tcp,:::3311->8080/tcp
pb-ces_pb-ces-composer-cody_1 composer --ansi install Exit 0
pb-ces_pb-ces-composer_1 composer --ansi install Exit 0
pb-ces_pb-ces-test_1 docker-php-entrypoint php -a Exit 0
pb-ces_pb-ces-worker_1 docker-php-entrypoint php -a Exit 0
pb-ces_php_1 docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm Up 9000/tcp
pb-ces_postgres_1 -c ma ... Up>5432/tcp,:::5432->5432/tcp
Make sure that all required ports are available on your machine. If not you can modify port mapping in the docker-compose.yml