The package allows you to verify phone number using simple API and one of the providers (currently only Authy is supported).
The package can be installed by adding phone_verification
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:jason, "~> 1.1"}, # or any other JSON library
{:phone_verification, "~> 0.4.0"}
Add the following configurations to your config file
config :phone_verification,
provider: PhoneVerification.Provider.Authy,
default: [locale: :en, code_length: 4, via: :sms]
config :phone_verification, PhoneVerification.Provider.Authy,
json_codec: Jason,
api_key: System.get_env("AUTHY_API_KEY"),
mocks: %{}
> PhoneVerification.start(%{phone_number: %PhoneVerification.PhoneNumber{country_code: "380", subscriber_number: "000000000"}})
{:ok, %{message: "Text message sent to +380 00-000-0000."}}
> PhoneVerification.check(%{phone_number: %PhoneVerification.PhoneNumber{country_code: "380", subscriber_number: "000000000"}, verification_code: "1111"})
{:ok, %{message: "Verification code is correct."}}
> PhoneVerification.check(%{phone_number: %PhoneVerification.PhoneNumber{country_code: "380", subscriber_number: "000000000"}, verification_code: "1111"})
code: "60023",
message: "No pending verifications for +380 00-000-0000 found."
> %PhoneVerification.PhoneNumber{country_code: "380", subscriber_number: "000000000"} |> to_string()