This repository is intended as a temporary solution until(if?) there is a fix for Rails 5 in the forked repository. There is currently a pr at:
This gem is intended for use in Storholmen.
This gem adds selectors and helpers for working with recurring schedules in a Rails app. It uses ice_cube recurring scheduling gem.
Created by the Jobber team for Jobber, the leading business management tool for field service companies.
Check out the live demo (code in spec/dummy folder)
Basic selector:
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'recurring_select'
- application.js:
//= require recurring_select
- application.css:
//= require recurring_select
- application.js:
//= require jquery-mobile-rs
- application.css:
//= require jquery-mobile-rs
In the form view call the helper:
<%= f.select_recurring :recurring_rule_column %>
f.select_recurring :current_existing_rule, [, :wednesday, :friday),
Use :allow_blank for a "not recurring" option:
f.select_recurring :current_existing_rule, nil, :allow_blank => true
Recurring Select also comes with helpers for parsing the parameters when they hit your application.
You can send the column into the is_valid_rule?
method to check the
validity of the input.
There is also a dirty_hash_to_rule
method for sanitizing the inputs
for IceCube. This is sometimes needed if you're receiving strings, fixed
numbers, strings vs symbols, etc.
Recurring Select is I18n aware
You can create a locale file like this:
not_recurring: "- not recurring -"
change_schedule: "Change schedule..."
set_schedule: "Set schedule..."
new_custom_schedule: "New custom schedule..."
custom_schedule: "Custom schedule..."
or: or
You have to translate JavaScript texts too by including the locale file in your assets manifest. Only French and English are supported for the moment.
//= require recurring_select/en
//= require recurring_select/fr
For other languages include a JavaScript file like this:
$.fn.recurring_select.texts = {
locale_iso_code: "fr"
repeat: "Repeat"
frequency: "Frequency"
daily: "Daily"
weekly: "Weekly"
monthly: "Monthly"
yearly: "Yearly"
every: "Every"
days: "day(s)"
weeks_on: "week(s) on"
months: "month(s)"
years: "year(s)"
first_day_of_week: 1
day_of_month: "Day of month"
day_of_week: "Day of week"
cancel: "Cancel"
ok: "OK"
days_first_letter: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]
order: ["1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "Last"]
Options include:
$.fn.recurring_select.options = {
monthly: {
show_week: [true, true, true, true, false, false] //display week 1, 2 .... Last
The dummy app uses a Postgres database recurring_select_development
. To get setup:
rake db:create
Start the dummy server for clicking around the interface:
rails s
Use Guard and RSpec for all tests. I'd love to get Jasmine running also, but haven't had time yet.
Tests can be ran against different versions of Rails like so:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=spec/gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.0.x bundle install
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=spec/gemfiles/Gemfile.rails-4.0.x bundle exec rspec spec
Feel free to open issues or send pull requests.
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.