This script bootstraps rvm, Ruby, bundler and any defined gems in a Ruby project directory.
Tested with Bash shell on RHEL/CentOS 6, Mac OS X 10.8+, Debian 7 (Wheezy), and Amazon Linux AMI images (on AWS/EC2).
$ curl -L | bash -s
The script tries to find .ruby-version
in the current directory. If there is none, it recursively traverses from
the current directory to its parent directories and picks the first match. For example, if you run the script from
the directory foo/bar/quux/
then foo/bar/quux/.ruby-version
would be picked before foo/bar/.ruby-version
, which
in turn would be picked before foo/.ruby-version
and so on. This behavior matches rvm's.
error: /home/vagrant/.rvm/archives/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6: import read failed(2).
error: open of /home/vagrant/.rvm/archives/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm failed: No such file or directory
This may happen when rvm
tries to install Ruby on RHEL-compatible OS'es (e.g. Amazon Linux AMI images) that do not
have EPEL installed. rvm
requires EPEL to install build dependencies for
$ sudo rpm -Uhv
Copyright © 2013 Michael G. Noll
See LICENSE for licensing information.