Use the official fork at BlockchainCommons/jc-sskr.
This is an implementation of Sharded Secret Key Reconstruction (SSKR) for JavaCard environments.
Gradle project contains one module:
, the JavaCard applet can be used both for testing and building a.cap
Run the buildJavaCard
./gradlew buildJavaCard
Generates a new cap file ./applet/build/javacard/com.proxy.sskr.cap
Typical output:
[ant:convert] [ INFO: ] Converter [v3.1.0]
[ant:convert] [ INFO: ] Copyright (c) 1998, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
[ant:convert] [ INFO: ] conversion completed with 0 errors and 0 warnings.
[ant:cap] INFO: using JavaCard 3.1.0 SDK in ./libs-sdks/jc310r20210706_kit
[ant:cap] INFO: targeting JavaCard 3.0.4 SDK in ..libs-sdks.jc304_kit
[ant:cap] Building CAP with 1 applet from package com.proxy.sskr (AID: FFFFFF040506)
[ant:cap] com.proxy.sskr.Applet FFFFFF04050607
[ant:compile] Compiling files from ./applet/src/main/java
[ant:compile] Compiling 4 source files to /tmp/jccpro5411199499583907175
[ant:verify] Verification passed
[ant:cap] CAP saved to ./applet/build/javacard/com.proxy.sskr.cap
[ant:exp] EXP saved to ./applet/build/javacard/com.proxy.sskr.exp/com/proxy/sskr/javacard/sskr.exp
Make sure to set the correct ISD key in
Attemping to authenticate with an incorrect key will increment the internal retry
counter of most secure elements, and eventually lock the card permanently.
# Replace with a real key (use GRADLE_OPTS env variable or -P command line arg
# to override in release builds, do not add your real key to source control).
This will delete any previous instances of the applet on your card. Make sure you are prepared to lose any persistent data they store.
./gradlew installJavaCard
To override project variables on the command line, for example to specify a production
key, use the -P
command line arg:
./gradlew installJavaCard -PissuerKey=...
To inspect already installed applets:
./gradlew listJavaCard
./gradlew test --rerun-tasks --info
Typical output:
tests.AppletTest > echo() STANDARD_OUT
DEBUG | 2023-03-03 12:50:56 | [Test worker] cardTools.CardManager:307 | --> 800000000142 (6 B)
DEBUG | 2023-03-03 12:50:56 | [Test worker] cardTools.Util:115 | --> [800000000142] (6 B)
DEBUG | 2023-03-03 12:50:56 | [Test worker] cardTools.Util:122 | <-- 42 9000 (1 B)
DEBUG | 2023-03-03 12:50:56 | [Test worker] cardTools.CardManager:315 | <-- 42 9000 (1) [0 ms]
tests.ShamirTest > roundtrip1() STANDARD_OUT
secret: 0FF784DF000C4380A5ED683F7E6E3DCF
0: 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
1: D43099FE444807C46921A4F33A2A798B
2: D9AD4E3BEC2E1A7485698823ABF05D36
3: 0D8CF5F6EC337BC764D1866B5D07CA42
4: 1AA7FE3199BC5092EF3816B074CABDF2
from 1: D43099FE444807C46921A4F33A2A798B
from 2: D9AD4E3BEC2E1A7485698823ABF05D36
from 4: 1AA7FE3199BC5092EF3816B074CABDF2
recovered secret: 0FF784DF000C4380A5ED683F7E6E3DCF
verified secret: true
tests.ShamirTest > roundtrip2() STANDARD_OUT
secret: 204188BFA6B440A1BDFD6753FF55A8241E07AF5C5BE943DB917E3EFABC184B1A
0: 2DCD14C2252DC8489AF3985030E74D5A48E8EFF1478AB86E65B43869BF39D556
1: A1DFDD798388AADA635B9974472B4FC59A32AE520C42C9F6A0AF70149B882487
2: 2EE99DAF727C0C7773B89A18DE64497FF7476DACD1015A45F482A893F7402CEF
3: A2FB5414D4D96EE58A109B3CA9A84BE0259D2C0F9AC92BDD3199E0EED3F1DD3E
4: 2B851D188B8F5B3653659CC0F7FA45102DADF04B708767385CD803862FCB3C3F
5: A797D4A32D2A39A4AACD9DE48036478FFF77B1E83B4F16A099C34BFB0B7ACDEE
6: 28A19475DCDE9F09BA2E9E881979413592027216E60C8513CDEE937C67B2C586
from 3: A2FB5414D4D96EE58A109B3CA9A84BE0259D2C0F9AC92BDD3199E0EED3F1DD3E
from 4: 2B851D188B8F5B3653659CC0F7FA45102DADF04B708767385CD803862FCB3C3F
recovered secret: 204188BFA6B440A1BDFD6753FF55A8241E07AF5C5BE943DB917E3EFABC184B1A
verified secret: true
tests.ShamirTest > recoverFromReference1() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 0FF784DF000C4380A5ED683F7E6E3DCF
verified secret: true
tests.ShamirTest > recoverFromReference2() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 204188BFA6B440A1BDFD6753FF55A8241E07AF5C5BE943DB917E3EFABC184B1A
verified secret: true
tests.SSKRTest > roundtrip() STANDARD_OUT
secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
0: 001111010091405D03C53896A1AB7FEA914B659E0F
1: 00111101018F53CF68BDBFC092973B06D2AEE60559
2: 0011110102AD6662D5352D3AC7D3F729179A78B3A3
3: 001111120000112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
4: 0011111201FC2D359E6DC33A031129B9D0A95039A3
5: 00111112022E3E180843AC4ABEB10F5B7E835040D3
6: 0011111203D2020FA56A3A16CA28BF4815E6DD978F
7: 0011111204450806B605A9587ABA37226670DAC5C1
from 1 (0.1): 00111101018F53CF68BDBFC092973B06D2AEE60559
from 2 (0.2): 0011110102AD6662D5352D3AC7D3F729179A78B3A3
from 3 (1.0): 001111120000112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
from 5 (1.2): 00111112022E3E180843AC4ABEB10F5B7E835040D3
from 6 (1.3): 0011111203D2020FA56A3A16CA28BF4815E6DD978F
recovered secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
verified secret: true
tests.SSKRTest > recoverFromReference1() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
verified secret: true
tests.SSKRTest > recoverWithPartialTransactions() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
verified secret: true
tests.SSKRTest > recoverWithTwoTransactions() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
verified secret: true
tests.SSKRTest > recoverWithDuplicates() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
verified secret: true
tests.SSKRTest > reset() STANDARD_OUT
recovered secret: 7DAA851251002874E1A1995F0897E6B1
verified secret: true
Finished generating test XML results (0.006 secs) into: ./applet/build/test-results/test
Finished generating test html results (0.009 secs) into: ./applet/build/reports/tests/test
Average of three runs to generate a set of shares from a 128-bit secret.
Shares | JCOP3 J3H145 | SLJ52WML140 |
1 of (1,1) | 125 ms | 42 ms |
1 of (2,3) | 388 ms | 242 ms |
1 of (3,5) | 818 ms | 608 ms |
2 of (2,3), (2,3), (2,3) | 1440 ms | 860 ms |
Unless otherwise noted (either in this or in the file's header comments) the contents of this repository are Copyright © 2023 by Proxy, Inc, and are licensed under the BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License.
This table below also establishes provenance (repository of origin, permalink, and commit id) for files included from repositories that are outside of this repository. Contributors to these files are listed in the commit history for each repository, first with changes found in the commit history of this repo, then in changes in the commit history of their repo of origin.
File | From | Commit | Authors & Copyright (c) | License |
---|---|---|---|---| | codahale/shamir | codahale/shamir@f44e1ce | 2017 Coda Hale ( | Apache-2.0 |
Based on the crocs-muni/javacard-gradle-template-edu template, which uses:
Java 8-u271 is the minimal version supported.
Make sure you have up to date java version (-u
version) as older java 8 versions
have problems with recognizing some certificates as valid.
Only some Java versions are supported by the JavaCard SDKs. Check the following compatibility table for more info: