Using java NIO(netty),fast down and easy to customize.
To create a download task, need to construct a request and a config.
Build a HTTP request.
The default method is GET,We can also use POST,PUT...
The default request header refers to the following table.
key | value |
Host | {host} |
Connection | keep-alive |
User-Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36 |
Accept | text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8 |
Referer | {host} |
We can customize the request header,when overriding the default value, the default request header will be replaced.
{host}:is Domain name parsed from url
Set the request body,only support text format.
Default will request once for response related information,such as support HTTP 206,Content-Length,attach name.
If know response Content-Length and name,can create a task directly, without spending a request to resolve the task name and size.
Download options.
field | default | desc |
filePath | {root} | Saved path |
fileName | {name} | Saved file name |
totalSize | 0(B) | The total size of the file to be downloaded |
supportRange | false | Does the server support Accept-Ranges |
connections | 16 | Concurrent connections |
timeout | 30(S) | If no response during this time,will re-initiate connection. |
retryCount | 5 | All connection download exceptions exceed this times,will be stop download. |
autoRename | false | Automatic rename when checking to download directory with duplicate file. |
speedLimit | 0(B/S) | Download speed limit. |
//Download a file with URL
//Download a file with a custom request and response
.request(new HttpRequestInfo(HttpMethod.GET, ""))
.response(new HttpResponseInfo(2048,true))
//Set download option
.downConfig(new HttpDownConfigInfo().setConnections(32).setAutoRename(true).setSpeedLimit(1024*1024*5L))
//Set proxy config
.proxyConfig(new ProxyConfig(ProxyType.HTTP,"",8888))
//Set callback
.callback(new ConsoleHttpDownCallback())
git clone git@github.com:proxyee-down-org/pdown-core.git
cd pdown-core
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Pexec
#See help
java -jar pdown.jar -h
#Download with default configuration
java -jar pdown.jar ""