An npm module which incorporates the elm-compiler built with GHCJS and presenting a simplified compilation interface. It is currently very rough, not well tested, and ripe for improvement.
The simple way to use it is like this:
var ebc = require('elm-basic-compile');
ebc.justCompile("import Html\nmain=Html.text \"hi\"").then(function(res) {
if (res.error) {
// error
} else {
// eval(res); // Javascript should be runnable.
The builder uses the same file formats as elm-make does, basically just elm-package.json and elm source files. You can use javascript inputs as well as Native modules in the usual way.
The builder has two parts:
a Retriever
object which gets gets source code and json files. The default one, GithubSource, retrieves
needed source files and version sets from github, as elm-make does, but does not strictly require that packages
are acceptable by elm-package, and one could make their own or extend this one to support different sources.
It has this shape:
type ProjectName = { user: string, project : string }
type ProjectSpec = { user: string, project: string, version: string }
interface Retriever {
// Retrieves the version numbers of the package
retrieveTags(projectName : ProjectName) : Promise<[string]>
// Retrieves the elm-package.json of the package
retrieveJson(projectSpec : ProjectSpec) : Promise<string>
// Retrieves the indicated source file from the package.
// Errors must be reported as {status: int, text: info} , and 404 is treated
// as a non-fatal error since there might be multiple source directories in
// an elm package.
retrieveSource(projectSpec : ProjectSpec, srcDir : string, modname : [string], ext : string) : Promise<string>
The default retriever in this module is GithubSource
which has some extra methods that allow you to put
files in it for the compiler to use:
useJson(projectSpec : ProjectSpec, json : (string | dict)) : Unit
useSourceFile(projectSpec : ProjectSpec, modname : [string], content : string) : Unit
The compiler driver is called ElmPackage
which has this shape:
class ElmPackage {
constructor(retriever : Retriever, projectSpec : ProjectSpec)
// Turn spammy diagnostics on or off
debug(on : bool) : Unit
// Ensure that dependencies are present in the cache for the exposed-modules
// of the package plus any modules listed in the optional force argument.
expandPackage(force : [string]?) : Promise<Unit>
// Compile beginning with the given Main module.
// If force is specified, the result will be cached in the object but not in
// localStorage, and localStorage won't be queried for that module.
compileModule(modname : string, force : bool) : Promise<Unit,{error: Error}>
// Link the package, producing executable javascript.
// targets specifies the modules that begin dependency analysis.
link(targets : [string]) : Promise<String,Unit>
This is from index.js
from elm-basic-compile
/* The simplest possible compilation interface. */
module.exports.justCompile = function(source) {
var packageSpec = {user: "prozacchiwawa", project: "test", version: "1.0.0"};
var retriever = new gs.GithubSource();
"version": "1.0.0",
"source-directories": ["src"],
"repository": "",
"exposed-modules": [],
// If you want to compile with more dependencies, specify them here.
// You could make your own retriever that would have more sources than
// github. Also this retriever doesn't require that the packages are
// accepted by elm-package.
"dependencies": {
"elm-lang/core": "5.0.0 <= v < 6.0.0",
"elm-lang/html": "2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0"
var epkg = new ep.ElmPackage(retriever,packageSpec);
return epkg.expandPackage(["Main"]).then(function(reachable) {
return epkg.compileModule("Main",true);
}).then(function() {
}).fail(function(e) {
return {error: e};
} // -> The result is a Promise<string,{error: Error}>, which gives executable
// javascript or an error from the elm compiler.