This docker image builds and runs the spigot version of minecraft.
If the spigot.jar is not found in the minecraft directory the system pulls down BuildTool and build a new spigot.jar from the latest released minecraft.jar
Due to leagal reasons you can build it but not redistribute the finished jar.
To run the lastest stable version of this docker image run
docker run -ti -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=true nimmis/spigot
the parameter
-e EULA=true
The is because Mojang now requires the end user to access their EULA, located at, the be able to start the server.
the parameter
-p 25565:25565
tell on witch external port the internal 25565 whould be connected, in this case the same, if you only type -p 25565 it will connect to a random port on the machine
To make it easier to handle you container you can give it a name instead of the long number thats normaly give to it, add a
--name minecraft
to the run command to give it the name minecraft, then you can start it easier with
docker start minecraft
docker stop minecraft
This will take a couple of minuters depending on computer and network speed. It will pull down the latest version on BuildTools and build a spigot.jar from the latest minecraft version. This is done in numerous steps so be patient.
If the compilation was successful the server will start in interactive mode. Log in from a minecraft client to controll that all works. The type
to drop back to a root shell in the minecraft directory. Edit and add files to customize your minecraft server.
When you are finished do a
to exit and stop the container
You can now start it in two different modes, interactive and non-interactive mode.
The interactive mode echos server output to the console and you can issue command by type them in the console. The server stops if you exits the console.
The Non-Interactive mode (daemon mode) starts the server without any output. If you need to connect and do something with the server you have to use the docker exec command.
If you delete the container all your filer in minecraft will be gone. To save them where it's easier to edit and do a backup of the files you can attach a directory from the host machine (where you run the docker command) and attach it to the local file system in the container. The syntax for it is
-v /host/path/to/dir:/container/path/to/dir
To attach the minecraft directory in the container to directory /home/nimmis/mc-srv you add
-v /home/nimmis/mc-srv:/minecraft
This is the initial release of this, more features to come.....