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 PS2FTPD - FTP Server for PS2
 Copyright (c) 2004 Jesper Svennevid

Piracy ruins the industry. Don't be a moron, buy your games.


Licensed under the AFL v2.0. See the file LICENSE included with this
distribution for licensing terms.


Building this project requires the following:

- A working IOP C compiler
- PS2SDK installed with $PS2SDK set properly.

Just run make and if all went OK there should be a ps2ftpd.irx in the bin/


ps2ftpd.irx requires that ps2ip.irx is already present. It accesses ioman.irx
and iomanx.irx, but does not absolutely require that they are present when
started. It hampers functionality greatly if they are not present or at least
loaded at a later time.

When starting the module, it will start listening for incoming connections
on port 21. The server currently allows for up to 4 concurrent clients. This
is configurable at compile-time if you need more.

The module accepts to following commandline-arguments:

  -port <num>    Set which port-number that the server should listen to.
                 (default: 21)
  -anonymous     Allow anonymous logins. (default: disabled)
  -user <user>   Set username to accept. (default: ps2dev)
  -pass <pass>   Set password to accept. (default: ps2dev)

If you're having trouble with "Unable to build data connection", it might be
that your version of ps2ip.irx is too old (the older versions did only allow
for 5 sockets at one time), please upgrade to a newer version in that case.
ps2ftpd will only in the worst case use a maximum of 4 sockets for
operation with one client connected.


The server understands the following commands:

USER <name>
	Login using <name> (or 'anonymous' if anonymous logins are allowed)
PASS <password>
	Send <pass> as password for account.
	Enter passive transfer-mode.
PORT <ipA>,<ipB>,<ipC>,<ipD>,<pH>,<pL>
	Enter active transfer-mode. (ipA.ipB.ipC.ipD:pH*256+pL)
	Quit session.
	Request system information.
LIST <path>
	Request directory listing.
NLST <path>
	Request name list.
RETR <file>
	Retrieve data in <file>. Affected by REST.
TYPE <type>
	Set transfer-type, only A & I allowed currently.
MODE <mode>
	Set transfer-mode. Only S(Stream) allowed.
STRU <structure>
	Set transfer-structure. Only F(File) allowed.
STOR <file>
	Save data to <file>. Affected by REST.
APPE <file>
	Append data to <file>. Not affected by REST.
	Query current path.
XCWD <dir>
CWD <dir>
	Change current directory.
	Go to parent directory.
DELE <file>
	Unlink <file> from filesystem.
XMKD <dir>
MKD <dir>
	Create directory.
XRMD <dir>
RMD <dir>
	Delete directory.
SITE <action>
	Perform site-specific action. See list below.
	No operation.
REST <marker>
	Set restart-marker (for resuming transfers)
SIZE <file>
	Get size of file.

The supported site-commands are:

SITE MNT <device> <file>
	Mount <file> at <device>. Example: SITE MNT /pfs/0 hdd:+PS2MENU
SITE UMNT <device>
	Unmount mounted device. Example: SITE UMNT /pfs/0
SITE SYNC <device>
	Synchronize device. Example: SITE SYNC /pfs/0

The filesystem is unified, so you will find the first memory-card at
'/mc/0/', and a mounted hdd partition at for example '/pfs/0/'. The device
list show all devices present, but you may not access them all depending
on if they have implemented all required functionality. The unit list will
stop listing devices if the device is not present, so if you have a MC in
slot 1 but not in slot 0, the card in slot 1 will not show (but can be
accessed by going directly to '/mc/1/').


FTP server for Sony PlayStation 2







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