Click the speaker's name to see session materials (demo code, slide) and the title of the session to see the video (after it is posted). If a speaker's name is not clickable, it's because they have not posted their session materials here. Perhaps ask them nicely on Twitter to get in touch with Ravikanth or Amanda to post their stuff ;)
All Videos:
- Please add a folder with your name, and then make a folder below that for each of your sessions, putting the all of the demos for each session into a .zip file.
- DO NOT update with your sessions - one of us (Ravikanth or Amanda) will update the table after we accept your pull request.
- If you'd prefer not to mess with GitHub, give Amanda or Ravikanth a shout, and we'll add your session materials to the repository for you.
Speaker | Title | Audience |
Tobias Weltner | Opening Ceremony | All |
Jeffrey Snover | PowerShell 2018 - State of the Art (Keynote) | PowerShell |
Joey Aiello | Managing your heterogeneous environments with PowerShell Core 6.0 and Win32-OpenSSH | Security |
Mathias Jessen | RegEx ^3.0$ - The Outer Edge | PowerShell |
Jaap Brasser | Using Chat Automation (ChatOps) | Fun |
Jan Egil Ring, Øyvind Kallstad | Containers! Where is my PowerShell? | DevOps |
Dr. H. Schwichtenberg | PowerShell Core 6 auf Linux. Und was mach ich jetzt damit auf Linux? | Core |
Ben Gelens | The DSC Pull Server is dead, long live the DSC Pull Server | DevOps |
Julien Reisdorffer, David das Neves | Red vs. Blue - Ready, Steady, Fight! | Security |
Staffan Gustafsson | The Extended Type System | PowerShell |
Mathias Jessen | How to become a PowerShell Type System Ninja! (Part 1) | DevOps |
Miriam Wiesner | Securing your infrastructure with JEA | |
Jeff Wouters | TFS and VSTS through Infrastructure as Code | DevOps |
Chrissy LeMaire, Rob Sewell | How we made Configurable Pester Tests for SQL Server | Pester |
Walter Legowski | Invoke-CypherDog - Bloodhound Dog Whispering with PowerShell | Security |
Dr. H. Schwichtenberg | Was ein PowerShell-Nutzer über .NET wissen MUSS! | PowerShell |
Mateusz Czerniawski | OVF - getting fun from boring tasks | Pester |
All | Zoo Evening Event | All |
Dongbo Wang | PowerShell Engine Internals | PowerShell |
Bartosz Bielawski | Saving Mr Typo: Authoring Tab Expansions with TabExpansionPlusPlus | PowerShell |
Daniël Both | Case of the Unexplained - PowerShell Edition | Fun |
Aleksandar Nikolic | Game of Automation Thrones | Azure |
Chrissy LeMaire, Friedrich Weinmann | Somewhat Advanced dbatools Development | Database |
Mathias Jessen | How to become a PowerShell Type System Ninja! (Part 2 | PowerShell |
Jan-Hendrik Peters, Raimund Andree | Hands-on JEA | Security |
Stuart Preston | Desired State: A close look at the PowerShell and DSC integrations with Chef | DevOps |
Jakub Jareš | Pester internals and concepts | Pester |
Daniel Bohannon | Revoke-Obfuscation: PowerShell Obfuscation Detection (And Evasion) Using Science | Security |
Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen | Automate everything: Bring self-service to LEGO robots | Fun |
Ravikanth Chaganti | Configurations, Personalities, and Stamps - Modular approach to realizing the deployment pipeline | DevOps |
Michael Greene | DSC in Azure Automation: Run configuration and orchestration as a cloud service | DevOps |
Jared Atkinson | PowerShell, Reflection, and the Windows API | PowerShell |
Irwin Strachan | Infrastructure validation using Pester | Pester |
Wojciech Sciesinski | Convert your Windows PowerShell module to be compatible with PowerShell Core 6.x | Core |
Bartosz Bielawski | PowerShell Yin-Yang: The Worst Practices and Tips & Tricks | Fun |
Mateusz Czerniawski | Release Pipeline - the PPoSh Modules Story | DevOps |
Will Schroeder,Jared Atkinson | Workshop: The Power of the Dark Side: Offensive PowerShell Workshop | Security |
Sergei Vorobev | Workshop: PlatyPS: From 0 to 1 and beyond | PowerShell |
Matthew Hitchcock, Gael Colas, Jan-Hendrik Peters, Raimund Andree | Workshop: Bring Existing Infrastructure under Code Control | DevOps |
Will Schroeder | Auditing Domain Trust Relationships | Security |
Rick Taylor | PowerShell for SharePoint Online - How DevOps is making SharePoint Admins feel loved again | Sharepoint |
Irwin Strachan | Dependencies, how to make them evident | PowerShell |
David das Neves, Julien Reisdorffer, Raimund Andree, Miriam Wiesner | The PowerShell Security Best Practice Live Demo! (Part 1) | Security |
Rob Sewell | Continuous Delivery for your Module to the PowerShell Gallery | PowerShell |
Michael Greene | Manage servers using configuration as code | Azure |
David das Neves, Julien Reisdorffer, Raimund Andree, Miriam Wiesner | The PowerShell Security Best Practice Live Demo! (Part 2) | Security |
Jan Egil Ring | Be the automator - not the automated | Azure |
Aleksandar Nikolic | PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell | Azure |
Bruce Payette | A Historical Architectural Tour of PowerShell (Part 1) | |
Jaap Brasser | Navigate around the edge with PowerShell | Core |
Daniël Both | Automate automating your automation, DSC with class-defined metadata | DevOps |
Bruce Payette | A Historical Architectural Tour of PowerShell (Part 2) | |
Staffan Gustafsson | PowerShell Formatting | PowerShell |
Ben Gelens | DSC in Configuration Management tool world | DevOps |
Steve Lee | PowerShell Core 6.1 and beyond | Core |
Andreas Nick | Werde zum XML Ninja mit PowerShell | PowerShell |
Friedrich Weinmann | Parameter Classes: Making parameter-binding user friendly | PowerShell |
Daniel Bohannon | DevSec Defense: How DevOps Practices Can Drive Detection Development For Defenders | Security |
Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen | Azure Automation in production, lessons learned in the field | Azure |
Jeff Wouters | Howto: Not get a burnout | PowerShell |
Andre Kamman | ETL with PowerShell | Database |
Bartosz Bielawski, Thorsten Butz | The X factor | Core |
Rick Taylor | Reverse DSC - Making SharePoint Admins feel loved again | DevOps |
Ravikanth Chaganti | SHiPS: Walk-through a bare-metal system configuration | PowerShell |
Andreas Nick | Automatisierung der Erstellung von Softwarepaketen mit PowerShell | Automation |
David das Neves | PowerShell Security - what to prioritize? | Security |
Walter Legowski | PowerShell Empire Strikes Back | Security |
Stuart Preston | Test-Driven Infrastructure with Test Kitchen, Chef, and DSC | Pester |
Jan-Hendrik Peters, Raimund Andree | Hybrid Lab Automation | Azure |
Øyvind Kallstad | Using other languages from PowerShell | PowerShell |
Wojciech Sciesinski | Use your PowerShell skills to extend Ansible workflows - create your own Ansible module for Windows platform | PowerShell |
Andre Kamman | Use PowerShell as your language of choice inside Azure Functions | Azure |
Friedrich Weinmann | The hitchhiker's guide to user-friendly module design | PowerShell |
Jeff Wouters | How to satisfy your OCD for and with PowerShell? | Pester |
Jakub Jareš | Common mistakes in Pester tests | Pester |
Sergei Vorobev | Python for PowerShellistas | PowerShell |
Jared Atkinson | Working with Binary Data: Writing your own parser | PowerShell |
Thorsten Butz | A matter of trust: Authentication and authorization in the PowerShell | Security |
Rob Sewell, Jaap Brasser | Go with the flow ( | |
Flemming Rhode | Building a powerful release pipeline for PowerShell | |
Ryan Bartram | DSC Security: Delegating access to the beast | |
Christoph Bergmeister | PSScriptAnalyzer | |
All | Microsoft & Speakers Grand Finale | All |
Country | City | Website | Contact |
Germany | Munich | | @david_das_neves |
Austria | everywhere | | @pwahlmueller |
Germany | Nürnberg | | @loeppinator |
Poland | Wroclaw | | |
Switzerland | Geneva | | @dbroeglin |
Switzerland | Basel | | @stephanevg |
UK | Nottingham | | @napalmgram |
UK | Manchester, London | | |
Scotland | Glasgow / Online | | @scotPSUG |
Sweden | | @powershellUGS | |
Germany | Stuttgart | | @fredweinmann |
Germany | Hannover | | |
Germany | Dresden | | @psugdd |
Germany | Hamburg | | @fabian_bader @_Burbert |
Denmark | Sonderborg | | @flemmingrohde |
The Netherlands | The Netherlands | | @dupsug |
Germany | Berlin | | @cj_berlin |
Belgium | Belgium | BEPUG | @bepowershell |
France | France | | @stephanevg @lazywinadm @mickyballadelli @fabiendibot |