by Filipe "ps" Cruz
- strategy notes/bot/
- my bot, based out of Fizzer's starter bot/temp/
- binaries and logs/sim/
- the conqueror engine simulator, slightly hacked/scripts/
- batch scripts to compile and run
- Mono 2.10.8 to compile the bot
- Java Development Kit 8 to compile the simulator
If you're planning to use this code to also participate in the competition you should be aware that the hosts can easily compare the code sources and spot copies. I made mine open source so others can take a look, either folks learning to code to figure out how something is done, or guys thinking about their own strategy to take a peek at how i laid out mine. Some might be using it as a reference for some feature they wished to port or support, and that's fine. But this code base is not intended for you to clone, alter a couple lines and submit.
tl;dr: please don't troll the compo, the fun is in building the bot yourself.