Two dimensional openMP code (spectral, volume penalization)
This is a slender code for medium sized 2D simulations (typically 1024^2 -- 4096^2) It uses the same mathematics as the 3D flusi code, but it is drastically simplified.
It has the following features
- primitive variables (u,p) penalized Navier--Stokes
- time stepping is RungeKutta 2 with integrating factor
- shared memory parallelism
- FFTW (fftw3_threads) used for FFTs
- hdf5 output, compatible with FLUSI code
- you can use mpi2vis to load the hdf5 data to paraview
Missing features
- drag/lift/moment/power computation
- dynamic mean flow
- fluid--structure interaction
We also have a MATLAB version of this code, for even faster prototyping.