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Releases: psi4/psi4

v1.4, 2021-08-03

05 Aug 23:24
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  • Binary installers: see link above
  • Python Anaconda: conda install psi4 -c psi4.
  • Windows conda packages available (#1560)
  • Dropped dependencies: deepdiff, Libint1
  • Added dependencies: QCEngine, Libint2

New Methods

  • Add ability to call Axilrod-Teller-Muto (ATM) 3-body dispersion correction from Grimme's DFTD3. Note that this is for dftd3 call, not energy call (#1491)
  • MP2D energies and gradients with help of external program (#1661)
  • SCAN functionals – SCAN0, revSCAN0, SCAN, revSCAN, BMK, revM06-L (#1597)
  • hybrid LDA functionals – CAM-LDA0, LDA0 (when Libxc puts them in a release) (#1645)
  • FISAPT-D (#1670)
  • Superposition of atomic potentials (SAP) guess (#1665, #1700)
  • Implementation of partial Cholesky orthogonalization (#1760, #1817, #1824 #1842)
  • Overlap half-derivative integrals (#1895)
  • TDDFT for HF, LDA, and GGA SCF wave functions (#1349, #1885, #1814, #2156)
  • UHF Hessians and gradients (#842)
  • LIBxc density screening (#1860)
  • Add MBIS charge partitioning (#1961, #2035, #2056, #2127)
  • External potentials to CP-SCF solver (#2006)
  • FMM and PE(ECP) (#2025)
  • SAPT(DFT) supports hybrid XC kernel in dispersion (#1865)
  • SAPT0-D routines, includes interface (#2081)
  • Electrostatic embedding to FSAPT (#2131)
  • Implement level shifts in RHF, UHF, CUHF, ROHF (#2225, #2237)

New External Libraries

  • QCEngine - A QCSchema runner is now a required dependency since we use it for several interfaces (#1577)
    • DFTD3
    • MP2D
    • gCP
  • CPPE - Polarizable embedding with environment modeled by multi-center multipole expansion with dipole-dipole polarizabilities at the expansion sites (#1401)
  • ADC from ADCC callable from Psi (#1744, #1827, #1848, #1892, #1914)
  • Enables use of GeomeTRIC optimizer in Psi (#1813)
  • Interoperability via Molssi Driver (#1676, #1929, #2163) ...
Read more

v1.3.2, 2019-05-17

18 May 02:18
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  • #1576 regularize MP2 correlation QCSchema variable and move psi4 --json output to tmpfile.


Bug Fixes

  • #1602 fixes multiple bugs in NBOWriter that make all previous Psi-generated NBO files suspect.
  • #1607 explicitly allow loading pickles in in psi4.core.Wavefunction deserialization. This is needed for Psi4 to work with NumPy >=1.16.3, when the pickle-loading-default changed.

v1.3.1, 2019-04-15

16 Apr 03:53
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  • #1570 (partial) better format exception when run_json encounters error. set_options can be used for local options, e.g., set_options({'scf__d_convergence': 8}).
  • #1578 (1st commit) update schema name to qcschema_[in|out]put, use dtype=2 Molecule in schema, move psi4:qcvars to extras/qcvars.
  • #1592 print the IR intensities for analytic RHF Hessians, not just compute, test, and export them.


  • Now requires QCElemental v0.3.3, which brings in Pydantic.
  • #1560 add Windows package building.
  • #1571 update Windows MKL/OpenMP build for MKL 2019.
  • #1572 expect libderiv/libderiv.h like everyone else, not libint/libderiv.h.

Bug Fixes

  • #1577 (partial) fix CFOUR ERROR CODE and DROPMO formatting for Cfour interface.
  • #1587 no change to code itself, but the conda dftd3 package has been rebuilt (conda update dftd3 -c psi4) to not segfault on Windows WSL and some Linux architectures.
  • #1585 (1st & 3rd commits) Per-stage options handling in cbs() previously wasn't stashing options correctly.
  • #1592 restore keyword cphf_tasks needed for psi4numpy polarizability.

1.3, 2019-02-28

01 Mar 12:34
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Major Points of Interest

  • Added native Windows compatibility without the WSL requirement.
  • DFT collocation grids can now be cache in-memory to avoid extra computation and lowering the total cost of DFT by up to a factor of two (#1233).
  • Wavefunctions can now be serialized to disk and back using Wavefunction.to_file/from_file (#1304).
  • Psi4 is now Python 3.6+ only.
  • Physical Constants updated to CODATA 2014 (#1213)
  • SCF iterations are py-side for easier access and logic (#953)
  • RHF analytic dipole derivatives. This means IR intensities when using analytic second deriv (#1382 ).


  • Binary installers: see link above
  • Python Anaconda: conda install psi4 -c psi4.
  • All Linux (and Windows WSL) binaries now built with AM=8 libint.
  • To obtain v1.2, use conda install psi4=1.2 libint=1.2.1=h87b9b30_4 -c psi4 (#1533)

New Methods

  • Improved support for the MolSSI QC Schema interface v1
  • VV10 dispersion is now available for UKS references.
  • Cubeprop can now compute the FRONTIER_ORBITALS and DUAL_DESCRIPTOR quantities.
  • nZaPa-NR basis sets have been added (#1346 ).
  • The recursive driver can now compute N-body gradients and Hessians.
  • CBS composite calculations can now use arbitrary options (frozen core, relativistic effects) or basis sets for different stages (e.g., scf, correlation, delta) (#1235)
  • Rework of SAD guess (#1451, #1452, #1456, #1458, #1477, #1479, #1481, #1438), fixing issues with fractional occupations, ECPs, and ghost atoms. Sad with spin-averaged fractional occupations is now the default guess in Psi4, yielding performance improvements, especially significant for unrestricted and restricted open-shell methods, for which the former default guess was GWH.
  • Implemented the on-the-fly extended Huckel guess (#1498, #1529), which is based on the SAD solver.
  • molecule {...} will take xyz (element symbol or atomic number) or psi4 formats. docs
  • overall chgmult now specifiable through 1 3\n-- before any fragments.
  • can specify atomic number, mass number, mass, ghosting, extra-label in mol spec.
  • Frozen core now aware of charged fragments and implements "previous shells" freezing, using e.g. freeze_core {1,2,...} (#1350).
  • Finite difference properly handles user-specific symmetry (#1424).

New Methods (beta)

  • TDDFT for HF, LDA, and GGA SCF wave functions (#1349). Guts are ready; interface is not.

New External Libraries

  • QCElemental - A library for CODATA, molecule manipulation routines, and periodic table information.
  • RESP - A restrained electrostatic potential fitting plugin.
  • PylibEFP - A Python API for I. Kaliman's libefp.
  • Libxc - Libxc isn't new, but we're finally using directly from upstream (#1502).

First Time Contributors

Additional Non-Core Contributors to v1.3

Performance Optimizations

  • DFT grid generation is now threaded (#1291).
  • DFT collocation grids can now be cache in-memory to avoid extra computation and lowering the total cost of DFT by up to a factor of two (#1233).

Psi Developer Upgrade Guide

  • Psi4 now requires C++14 (up from C++11)
  • The C++ code base was reformatted using clang-format and the provided format file (many PRs). Also clang-tidy was run for several transformations.
  • outright cbs(...) calls --> energy(cbs, ...)
  • doublet, triplet, create, horzcat, vertcat and the blocked matrix "new" and "delete" are now free functions, rather than static methods in Matrix. Also, create for Vector a free function now (#1447).
  • Wavefunction.reference_energy() --> in keeping with grad/hess (#1445).
  • Deprecate the c-side Wavefunction.frequencies member data and getter/setter. getter now reads off the py-side member data. setter will go away entirely (#1445). More deprecations in (#1394).
  • Non-Grimme B97 is now B97-0 (#1436, #1403 ).
  • Can run pytest in parallel with pytest-xdist. Known that final exit won't be clean.
  • Regularize Wfn and P::e psivar access for scalars and arrays (#1393) in accordance with (#1375). Mostly get_variable.
  • Deprecated LAPACK routines removed (#1314 ).

Developer Interests

  • Cleans up the Matrix class for non-totally symmetric irreps (#1383).
  • Psi4 is now C++17 compatible (#1345).
  • DFT grid generation is now threaded (#1291).
  • findif is now "metadata"-based to allow for greater serialization (#1289).
  • Additional documentation and notes on alpha/beta for DFT functionals (#1260).
  • dpd.gbl has been removed (#1254).
  • The CC* modules are moving to a CCWavefunction based solution (#1253).
  • CBS has been reworked to be dictionary based to allow for greater flexibility (#1235).
  • Updated conversion factors to CODATA 2014 (#1213).
  • pthreads has been removed from Psi4 (shall not return, #1199).
  • Empirical Dispersion has been refactored to a new unified interface (#1151).
  • OEProp has been split into many small modules allowing greater flexibility (#1133).
  • SCF now throws a SCFConverenceError upon reaching maximum iterations (#1130).
  • Standardizes memory printing to [GiB] (#1097, ...)
  • DIIS maximum absolute error criterion for SCF, instead of the default RMS error (#1460).
  • EFP/EFP and SCF/EFP accessed at driver layer, not multiple places in C-layer. EFP object now core.Molecule.EFP, not Process::environment.EFP (#953).
  • All molecule parsing and validation moved py-side. So chg/mult physics checked upon creation, not upon SCF. Form mols from_string, from_arrays, or from_dict (#953).
  • Read access to T1/T2 amplitudes py-side (#1344).
  • More functions added to PSI_API for plugins (#1400).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an error where the CBS extrapolation technology was not comparable with FNO-CC* methods (#1377)
  • Fixes an issue where relativistic basis sets were not compatible with SCF stability analysis (#1374).
  • Fixes an issue where JSON called from the command line did not correctly write an output (#1369).
  • Fixed an error where float options when set as integer were not correctly cast (#1352 ).
  • Correctly throws when Yukawa functionals are called from LibXC (#1260).
  • Fixed a bug where casting from a small basis was incompatible with symmetry-breaking displacements (#1139).
  • Ghost atoms were incorrectly attributing to core electron counts (#1109).
  • Fixes an issue in DFHelper memory estimation (#1100).
  • Fixes range-separate disk gradient paging (backported in v1.2.1, #1096 )
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the passing of DF_FITTING_CONDITION; the default value is now 1e-10 in line with what was actually used by the code before.
  • Fixed inconsistencies and bugs in formatted checkpoint files (#1475). Code assumes that the post-HF wave function contains a correlated density.
  • Fixed dzvp basis set that was malformed from EMSL (#1554).
  • Added full element range to pbeh-3c basis def2-msvp (#1554).
  • Fixed various memory errors (#1520 , #1488, #1489, #1480, #1469, #1476, #1441, #1440, #1432, #1427, #1422 ).
  • Fixed couldn't switch from ECP basis to non-ECP basis in same input. Prevent non-matching ECP-ness in cast-up basis (#1494).
  • Fix precision and formatting and truncation of Molden output files (#1510).
  • Now big-endian compatible (#1464).
  • Fix irrep ordering in FCIDUMP (#1453).
  • Fix BlockOPoints segfault (#1525).
  • Fix race condition in maximum orbital gradient of parallel ODCT (#1435).
  • Fix previously little-used symmetry operations on core.Matrix (#1383).
  • Fix nasty SAPT double free bug (#1398 ).
  • Fix integer overflow in SAPT (#1364).

Known Bugs

  • Find them and tell us

1.2.1, 2018-07-24

25 Jul 04:04
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Advertised Version: 1.2.1
Continuous Version: 1.2.1
Release Date: 24 July 2018
Availability: Public, GitHub source, CMake build, Conda binary installers

Release Notes

  • Fixes a bug in the DFJK gradient algorithm when using disk paging. (#1096)
  • Fixes memory estimate in SCF_TYPE=MEM_DF that wasn't switching between in-core and disk correctly for SAPT (direct_iaq in AO_core in DFHelper) (#1100)
  • Improves memory printing and uses correct GiB units for SCF_TYPE=MEM_DF (#1103, #1104)
  • Source right image in README (#1105)

1.2, 2018-07-04

05 Jul 02:29
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Advertised Version: 1.2
Continuous Version: 1.2
Release Date: 4 July 2018
Availability: Public, GitHub source, CMake build, Conda binary installers

Major Points of Interest

  • The DFT kernels were migrated to use LibXC, Psi4 now has 400+ functionals including modern functionals such as wB97M-V.
  • The DFT code was optimized leading up to a 4x speed enhancement on 6 cores.
  • A new Density-Fitted JK backend was written, DF-SCF is now up to 2x as fast.
  • Dozens of additional methods, bug fixes, and performance enhancements.


  • Binary installers:
  • Python Anaconda: conda install psi4 -c psi4.
    • If you're working from Psi4 v1.1 (psi4conda) or any conda Psi4 from 2017, do not update. Instead, create a new environment for a new Psi4. You may need to conda update conda beforehand.

New Methods

  • SNS-MP2
  • Hundreds of new DFT Functionals
  • VV10 non-local dispersion
  • Dispersion Corrected Spin-Component Scaled Double Hybrid (DSD) Functionals
  • Second-Order SCF Convergence of Density Functional Theory
  • Coupled Perturbed Self-Consistent Field (HF and DFT)
  • Second-Order Electron Propagator Theory (EP2)
  • SAPT0 with S^Infinity Induction and Induction Exchange
  • DF Gradients for range-separated and CAM functionals
  • Support for the MolSSI QC Schema interface v1

New Methods (beta)

  • Effective Core Potenitals (ECP's)

New External Libraries

  • Gau2Grid - Very fast gaussian to grid collocation matrices
  • OpenFermion-Psi4 - Quantum computer interface
  • SNS-MP2 - Spin-Network-Scaled MP2 theory
  • GeomeTRIC - Geometry optimizations in the TRIC coordinate system.

First Time Contributors

Performance Optimizations

  • Density Fitted 3-index AO->MO transformation significantly improved.
  • MemDFJK module up to 2x as fast as original DFJK for in-core operations.
  • DFT XC kenels threaded with a more efficient vectorization.
  • DFT collocation matrix generation vectorized and exploits cache-level localization.
  • All matrix and vector operations threaded for MIC and large Xeon/EPYC nodes to avoid bottlenecks.

Psi Developer Upgrade Guide

  • The driver method property(...) has moved toproperties(...) to avoid python namespace conflicts.
  • If you have a (non-py-only) plugin,
    • Add PSI_API to your plugin code in this pattern
    • If, upon rebuilding against psi4, you get symbol not found errors, run c++filt on the mangled symbol name, then add PSI_API to the psi4 repo to make sure the you're linking against is exporting the symbol you need. See example here. Or just file an issue with your lost symbol.
  • Note that anyone wanting to re-use an objdir will need to thoroughly remove the old pybind11 v2.0.0 from detectability. This means:
    • <objdir> rm -rf stage/<TAB-TAB-...-TAB>/includes/pybind11
    • <objdir> rm -rf stage/<TAB-TAB-...-TAB>/share/cmake/pybind11
    • <objdir> rm -rf external/upstream/pybind11
  • Intel 2016 is no longer a valid compiler (doesn't work with py11 >=2.2.1)

Developer Interests

  • Now uses LibXC for DFT XC kernels (#698)
  • Reworked the building of superfunctionals to use dictionaries (#922)
  • SCF Wavefunctions can now do Hessian-Vector builds see RHF.Hx and RHF.solve for examples. (#760)
  • The DFT V Potential object now has Hessian-Vector functionality. (#698)
  • DFT Functionals now takes advantage of polarized vs unpolarized DFT kernels.
  • Added generalized solvers in p4util/ These include DIIS and conjugate gradient
  • New density-fitted AO->MO transform object. More efficient than previous objects and has multiple modes depending on the type of computation (direct or AO storage).
  • ECP SCF energies.
  • ECP gradients by finite differences in Python.
  • DFT is now has several hundred tests against Psi4 and other implementations
  • Shared pointers were rewritten to use std::make_shared. (#836)
  • One-electron integrals from LibMints now properly apply external potentials so that external potentials are now applied evenly throughout the code base (#844).
  • Psi4 is now buildable with Ninja (#794)
  • Begins to deprecate char * from Psi4 (#780)
  • Pragma header for diagnostics and API's (#774)
  • Improved C++/Python binding docstrings (#761)
  • Clang and YAPF configuration files (#753)
  • Improved parallel and routine timing information in Psi4 (#743)
  • SCF can now be run in symmetry for post-SCF modules that do not use symmetry (#737)
  • Psi4 now compiles much faster (~3 minutes with LLVM on 4 cores) (#736)
  • NumPy views of Psi4 objects are now correctly reference tracked in cases where C++ returns a new matrix. arr = wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "OCC").nph now no longer give noise. (#736)
  • Basis PyParsing is now simpler and code duplication has been removed (#734 )
  • Update cc-pVXZ and add cc-pwCVXZ for Li, Be, Na, Mg (#728)
  • MCSCF orbital semicanonicalization (#722)
  • C++ Options are now exposed to Python (#720)
  • Intermediate sub-system and partial-basis energies from nbody wrapped exported as psivars (#952)
  • Better start/stop/elapsed time printing


  • Additional Documentation Information (#787)


  • Added N to ANO0 basis set (#825)

Bug Fixes

  • Accidental signed integer overflow when using extremely low memory in DFJK
  • wB97X had an incorrect range-seperation parameter. This is now fixed. Note that this did not effect wB97X-D.
  • Restricted-irrep finite-difference Hessians were only returning the totally symmetric portion of the Hessian (in #834)
  • Analytic HF Hessians were wrong under particular circumstances (#903)
  • A bug causing IRCs to converge to the initial transition state was fixed (#882)

Conda changes since v1.1

  • MKL linked dynamically through free Anaconda-provided rather than statically linked. This saves size (since NumPy also uses mkl_rt) and eliminates incorrect results and threading damping associated with multiple programs accessing BLAS/LAPACK from multiple sources (#748, #755).
  • Psi4 no longer installs a non-standard gcc5.2 alongside Psi4 on Linux (or gcc feature on Mac). This was necessary when conda's default 4.8.5 was too low for Psi4's c++11 requirements, but since conda's default has leaped to 7.2.0, we use default again. Note that only libraries (e.g., libstdc++) are installed alongside Psi4 now, not compilers (e.g., g++).
  • (generic, not psi4, conda) conda activate env works multishell, not just on bash. Since conda 4.4 c. Dec 2017

Known Bugs

  • PCM-ROHF is broken. See #999
  • ERD interface is broken and disabled

1.1, 2017-05-19

01 Jun 02:00
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Advertised Version: 1.1
Continuous Version: 1.1
Release Date: 19 May 2017
Availability: Public, GitHub source, CMake build, Conda binary installers

New Methods

  • Added analytic RHF Hessians, conventional and density fitted.
  • Added analytic RHF CCSD(T) gradients (no frozen core).
  • Added functional-group and intramolecular symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (F/I-SAPT) capabilities, scripts, and tests. (DOIs: 10.1021/ct500724p, 10.1063/1.4927575)
  • Added high-spin open-shell SAPT0. Note that Ind20,r (and exch counterpart) contains unrelaxed induction. (DOI: 10.1063/1.4963385)
  • Added analytic RHF-CC2 gradients and building of CC2 UHF and ROHF densities.
  • Reworked MCSCF with density-fitting, py driver, augmented Hessian iterations, better printing, and the ability to rotate guess orbitals in MCSCF procedure with MCSCF_ROTATE keyword.
  • Added B86B & PW86 exchange and B86BPBE & PW86PBE exchange-correlation functionals
  • Added X2C and (external) DKH relativistic corrections for post-SCF methods.
  • (external) Added Grimme's semi-semiempirical HF-3c and PBEh-3c semi-semiempirical energy methods through gCP interface.
  • (external) Added ROHF reference for perturbative methods (e.g., ROHF-CCSDT(Q)) in MRCC interface.
  • (external) Added PCM in the PTE (perturbation to energy) approximation for implicit solvation to CCSD via PCMSolver.
  • (external) Added SIMINT integral interface.

User Improvements

  • Fixed interfragment coordinates in geometry optimizer
  • Added option to only write occupied orbitals to Molden files.
  • Added saving of geometry and normal modes to Molden file after vibrational analysis.
  • Added Jensen [aug-]pc[s][seg]-N, N=0–4 basis sets.
  • Renamed rel_basis keyword to basis_relativistic.
  • Added 3c overlap integrals to libmints.
  • Switched default auxiliary basis sets for sto-3g and 3-21g to def2-SVP series.
  • Enhanced cc* modules to write OPDM back to Wavefunction object if computed and to construct psivars for eom-cc, 0-indexed (ground state = 0).
  • Added psi4.set_options(dict) function, making psi4.geometry(), psi4.set_options(), and, etc. the mainstays of driving calculations in PsiAPI.
  • Added AO-based CASSCF.
  • Reworked CI root indexing to use 0 as ground-state index, so now CI and CC use so the same indexing for PSI variables.
  • Added atom- and AM-labels to printing of molecular orbitals.
  • Reworked exiting so that if a geometry optimization exceeds maxiter, it no longer just prints a warning and exits sucessfully (beer) but now exits unsuccessfully (coffee) and raises a psi4.ConvergenceError.
  • Reworked psi4.set_memory() to optionally take a string that includes a memory unit. Added a minimum memory (250MiB) and increase the default memory (500 MiB).
  • Reworked parallelism control. Environment variables OMP_NUM_THREADS and MKL_NUM_THREADS now ignored. Control parallelism in PsiAPI with psi4 -nN or in either mode through set_num_threads(N).
  • Reworked Psi variables in dfmp2 module so that duplicated in Wavefunction.get_variables() as well as psi4.get_variables().
  • Added printing of file and line origin for basis sets upon loading. Auxiliary basis sets now get a name (basis1 + basis2 for combination) rather than a blank. Auto-selection of auxiliary basis sets for >=5-zeta orbitals basis sets no longer defaults to def2-quad-zeta when an appropriate >=5-zeta auxiliary basis not available.
  • Added new complete set of test case reference output files.
  • Added BFDb databases.
  • Reworked print in Psithon (input file syntax) to no longer process into print_out commands that redirect to output file. Now it means whatever your python print means.
  • Added to Numpy integration the ability for psi4.core.Matrix and psi4.core.Vector to be converted to NumPy arrays and back. Please see tests/numpy-array-interface for a full suite of examples.
  • Reworked the finding of useful text files in /share/psi4/. Environment variable PSI4DATADIR is now defunct. PSIDATADIR remains but should not need to be used unless you want to specify one not adjacent to the built psi4/ library. For running psi4 from both staged and installed locations, it should default just fine and not need PSIDATADIR=/path/to/share/psi4 or psi4 -l /path/to/share/psi4.
  • Added beginnings of JSON interface.

Infrastructure Improvements

  • Relicensed Psi4 from GPL-2.0+ to LGPL-3.0.
  • "Inverted" Psi4 from C++ executable with embedded Python to ordinary Python module layout. Added PsiAPI mode for interacting with Psi4 as Python module (i.e., python -c "import psi4". Tutorial at .
  • Reworked bin/psi4 so now a light script calling import psi4 rather than a hefty C++ executable. No longer linking to
  • Added Python 3 (3.5 & 3.6) support to existing Python 2.7
  • Reorganized directory layout so that Psi4+Addons in /, Psi4 Python module in /psi4/, and Psi4 C++ library in /psi4/src/.
  • Rewrote build system into a CMake (min version 3.3) superbuild, evicting all external code and leaving each add-on with only a single-file build footprint in the external/upstream/ folder specifying its build as a CMake External Project.
  • Removed as user interface to CMake build. Now one should call CMake directly using options and guidance in the first ~115 lines of top-level CMakeLists.txt.
  • Switched Python binding of C++ from Boost Python to pybind11. Renamed Py-bound C++ library from "psi4" to "core". A consequence is that Psi4 now requires full C++11 compliance (GCC 4.9+, Clang 3.3+, Apple Clang 6.1+, ICC 2016.0.2+). Note that ICC requires GCC and therefore GCC 4.9+. Note that PyBind11 adheres more to C-style than Python-style when it comes to references and pointer counting. As such, several functions required deep changes as internal references from C-side are no longer manipulatable Python-side.
  • Added testing mode to see if Psi4 basically works when you turn it on. From a build directory, using CTest, ctest -L smoke. On any executable, using pytest, psi4 --test. On the python module, using pytest, psi4.test().
  • Reworked plugin system to CMake from GNUMake. Use psi4 --plugin-compile to generate Makefile rather than psi4 --new-plugin-makefile as formerly. Plugin interface has been substantially renovated.
  • Renamed plugin generation from, for example, psi4 --new-plugin +wavefunction myplugin to psi4 --plugin-name myplugin --plugin-template wavefunction.
  • Build performs pre-install to BuildDir/stage/ so python driver not being run from source. Use psi4 --inplace to run python driver from source.
  • Switched versioning (e.g., 15 commits after tag v1.0 before tab v1.1rc1) from 1.0.15 to 1.1rc1.dev15.
  • Reworked build documentation into documentation proper (, making GitHub wiki defunct.
  • Switched Python build detection from find_package(PythonLibs) to find_package(PythonLibsNew) CMake module used by NumPy and pybind11.
  • Reworked ASCII scratch/output file names to incorporate job PID, just as binary scratch files do.
  • Adjusts BLAS/LAPACK detection to detect OpenBLAS and to favor unified runtime library for MKL.
  • Added internal variables_ and arrays_ std::maps for double and SharedMatrix types, respectively, to the Wavefunction class. These should be used inside a computation to enable greater localization of variables.
  • Switched Mac conda binary builds from gnu/libstdc++ to clang/libc++ with implications for mixing conda packages with locally compiled software (e.g., plugins from conda Psi4).
  • Rewrote GitHub history of psi4/psi4. All forks prior to 2016-10-19 are no longer valid. Please refork before working on Psi4.
  • Reworked BasisSets to be exclusively built in Python and passed into C-side by the Wavefunction get_basisset and set_basisset calls.

Performance Optimization

  • Reworked I/O in UHF CC routines to avoid expensive sorting.
  • Reworked fitting algorithm behind diatomic() from hard-wired Lagrange interpolations to weighted least squares that can use an arbitrary number of points.
  • Removed ccsort/transqt2 legacy modules from codebase. They can be enabled at build-time for testing.
  • Added threading to MintsHelper for one-body integrals for MIC architectures.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed OEProp bug for fields and electrostatic potentials when spherical basis sets were used with a symmetry-breaking origin.
  • Fixed CBS syntax bug that produced outrageous HF extrapolations errors for some methods.
  • Fixed DF-MP2 to fail gracefully when no virtual orbitals present.
  • Fixed bug that prevented freezing a bond angle at 0 degrees during a geometry optimization.
  • Fixed CASSCF to return correct variable if state averaging requested.
  • Fixed diag_method=rsp in detci module that wasn't working.
  • Fixed guess=read for ROHF wavefunctions.
  • Fixed integer overflows in SAPT code and libdpd code (for CC2) and dfocc code (for CCSD(T)).
  • Fixed DF-MP2 gradients in the presence of external potential.
  • Fixed various bugs and useability improvements for calculations in the presence of a dipole field.
  • Fixed silent fail for non-Lebedev numbers in dft_spherical_points.
  • Fixed instability of matrix diagonalization that led to anomolous DFT grid generation on Haswell processors.
  • Fixed specifying non-default basis-set-extrapolation schemes as a keyword argument to energy(), optimize(), etc.
  • Fixed properties_origin["COM"] that wasn't working.
  • Fixed bug in ccresponse that led to different polariability values with symmetry on and off.
  • Fixed `molden(....
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