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lambdaAMIBackups & Cleanup Python 3

Automated AMI Backups using python 3 This Repo conatains AMI daily, weekly and monthly backup scripts.

The process, generally comprises of the following steps:

Let’s now take a closer look at each of them with some demos and screenshots to make it easier.

  1. Setup IAM Permissions
  2. Create Lambda Backup Function
  3. Create Lambda Cleanup Function
  4. Schedule Functions
  5. Tagging EC2 Instance


Login to your AWS Management console, Go to Services, and click on IAM under Security , Identity & compliance .
In IAM Dashboard, Go to Policies tab, click Create Policy and paste the content of the following JSON in Policy Document, and click on Create Policy

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:*" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "ec2:*", "Resource": "*" } ] }

1  iampolicy

You can name the policy as lamda-ec2-ami-policy Now Click on Roles, and Create New Role. Under AWS Service Roles, select AWS Lambda as the Role Type and then proceed to click Next:Permissions Now click on filter polices and select customer managed Select the policy you created and click next :tags . Tags can be left emptied and select next:Review.
You can now create role with role name as lamda-ec2-ami-role. Click create role

Here’s the IAM Role (lamda-ec2-ami-role) with the attached policy (lamda-ec2-ami-policy) Image We have just created a role for which we have allowed permissions to EC2 instances and view logs in Cloudwatch. 2


Now that we have created a role and a policy, we’ll have to create the first function that allows us to backup every instance in our account, which has a "Backup" key tag. We don’t have to indicate a value here.

Here’s how the AMI backup script works: For daily backup , the script will first search for all ec2 instances having a tag with "BackupDaily” on it. Similarly it will look for BackupWeekly and BackupMonthly incase you need to setup weekly and monthly backups too.
As soon as it has the instances list, it loops through each instance and then creates an AMI of it. Also, it will look for a "RetentionDaily" , RetentionWeekly and RetentionMonthly tag key which will be used as a retention policy number in days. If there is no tag with that name, it will use a 7 days default value for each AMI.
After creating the AMI it creates a "DeleteOn" tag on the AMI indicating when it will be deleted using the Retention value and another Lambda function.
So here’s how you can create your first function. Go to Services, Lambda, and click Create a Lambda Function: Login to your AWS Management console, Go to Services, and click on Lambda under Compute.

  1. Click Create functions and select Author from scratch
  2. Give a name for it - lambdaAMIBackupsDaily
  3. Select Python 3.8 as a Runtime option.
  4. Under Change default execution role, select Use an existing role
  5. Select the previously created IAM role (lamda-ec2-ami)
  6. Click Create function
  7. Now paste the lambdaAMIBackupsDaily code from the repo under function code.
  8. Under the basic settings select timeout as 1 minute and Memory as 256mb in order to avoid memory issues . You can change these according to your requirements.
  9. Now create the lambdaAMIBackupsWeekly and lambdaAMIBackupsMonthly if weekly and monthly ami backups are required using the code in the repo. 5lambda


Having successfully created the AMI using the previous function, we need to now remove them when not needed anymore.
Here’s how the AMI cleanup script works: The script first searches for all ec2 instances having a tag with "Backup” on it. As soon as it has the instances list, it loops through each instance and reference the AMIs of that instance. It checks that the latest daily backup succeeded then it stores every image that's reached its DeleteOn tag's date for deletion. It then loops through the AMIs, de-registers them and removes all the snapshots associated with that AMI. Using the same steps as before, create the function lambdaAMICleanupDaily, lambdaAMICleanupWeekly and lambdaAMICleanupMonthly respectively and paste the provided code.
So, you have now working functions that will backup AMI and remove those when "DeleteOn" specifies. And now, it’s time to automate using the Event sources feature from Lambda.


The function:
lambdaAMIBackupsDaily : Needs to run atleast once a day from monday to saturday.
lambdaAMIBackupsWeekly : Needs to be run every Sunday .
lambdaAMICleanupMonthly : Needs to run first of every month.
To Schedule functions , go to aws cloudwatch, select Rules and create Rule
Image Select Schedule and add the cron expression in order to set when to execute the function To setup a cron you can visit the Schedule Expressions for Rules Now go to Targets, select lambda function as a target and select the function you created. You can name your rules as create-ami-daily, create-ami-weekly, create-ami-monthly For delete ami you can create a new rule name it as delete-ami and add athe multiple delete lambda functions you created. And rather than using cron schedule you can use fixed rate and run it every day. 5 cloudwatch


Having created AMI backup and clean-up functions and scheduling them, now it’s time to create a tag for the EC2 instance with a tag-key Backup with no value and Retention with retention days.
Login to your AWS Management console, Go to Services, and click on EC2 under Compute.
Click on Instances menu.
Select the Instance you want to tag (Linux-test, for example). Go to Tags >> Add Tags and add the following tags ( BackupDaily , BackupMonthly, BackupWeekly) with no value and with RetentionDaily value 7, for example. RetentionWeekly with value 30 and RetentionMonthly with 180
With this daily backup will be stored for7 days, weekly for 30 days and monthly for 180 days . sss


In order to check the logs , you can go to cloudwatch log group and check incase the backup script ran or the errors. cloud


Automated AMI Backups using python 3






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