JQuery plugin for animating objects as they enter or leave the screen.
Animate-on-scroll is designed for simplicity, flexibility and extendibility
'fade' and 'scale3d' animations are currently supported, but you can easily extend that to whatever CSS animations you like!
The only prerequisite for extending this plugin is that the function must accept two parameters: the element, and the transform value.
See source code for more details.
npm install animate-on-scroll
The simplest use:
This enables fade effect and scale3d effect by default.
If you're unhappy with the defaults, you can customize the options. Suppose we don't want scale3d:
scale3d: false
The following code makes all elements with class '.fade-on-scroll' fade out of the screen with a top offset of 120 and a bottom offset of 60.
Also, disables the scale3d effect.
fade: {
offset_top: 120,
offset_bottom: 60
scale3d: {
enable: false
If we want to scale only the items with class 'scale3d-on-scroll':
scale3d: {
enable: true,
offset_top: 40,
offset_bottom: -30
If we want to rotate some objects as they enter and leave the screen, we can supply our own special range and rotate function:
rotate: {
enable: true,
range: [0,360],
apply_css: (el, v) -> el.css 'transform', 'rotate(' + v + 'deg)'
Any function and range will do!
An item can have multiple classes and effects.
All supported options and respective defaults:
fade: {
enable: true,
offset_top: 50,
offset_bottom: 50,
range: undefined,
apply_css: (el, v) -> el.css 'opacity', v
scale3d: {
enable: true,
offset_top: undefined,
offset_bottom: undefined,
range: undefined,
apply_css: (el, v) -> el.css 'transform', 'scale3d(' + v + ',' + v + ',' + v + ')'
Please contact me (mailto:psteiger@gmail.com) so we display your website here!
This software's free and forever will be. If you like it, please consider donating any amount you like.