read CZI-documents from Mathematica / Wolfram Language
This project provides a Wolfram Library Link implementation (based on libCZI) allowing to directly open and read a CZI-document.
See the module in action -> here and here.
A Paclet is provided which includes binaries for ARM (e.g. Raspberry Pi), Windows x86 & x64 and Linux x64 on the release-page here on GitHub. Please check this page for the latest version.
FindFile["CZIReader`"] (* see where the paclet was downloaded to and installed *)
-> "/home/pi/.Mathematica/Paclets/Repository/CZIReader-0.1.2/Kernel/CZIReader.m"
PacletUninstall["CZIReader"] (* uninstall the CZIReader-paclet *)
The following commands are provided:
command | description |
GetCZIReaderLibraryInfo | gather information about the CZIReader-package |
OpenCZI | open a CZI-file |
ReleaseCZI | destroy the CZI-document object |
CZIGetInfo | get information about the content of the CZI-document |
CZIGetSubBlock | get the bitmap of the specified subblock |
CZISingleChannelScaledComposite | get a (scaled) multi-tile composite |
CZIMultiChannelScaledComposite | get a (scaled) multi-tile multi-channel composite |
CZIGetMetadataXml | get the XML-information |
CZIGetScaling | get the scaling of the document |
CZIGetSubBlockData | get content of a subblock |
See the wiki for more information.
The wllczi-shared-library can be built using cmake. Here is a recording of a build on a Raspberry Pi.
There is a build-pipeline configured here.