- document react features
<this.props.foo />
- call methods on instances using refs
Two ways to return data:
- immediate/changed
setState({foos: store.getFoos()});
store.on('foos-changed', function () { this.setState({foos: store.getFoos()}); });
- promise
store.loadFoos().then(function (data) {
this.setState({foos: data});
Optimistic load: when data is required, store can return previous data, query for new data and emit 'changed' when it arrives.
Optimistic save: store can e.g. edit collections immediately to improve user experience (more problematic)
If a store emits a 'changed' event every time something is changed, everybody can update via this.setState().
Both serverside and clientside pagination (or a combination) can be supported transparently to a grid
Controller views have state. State is loaded from
- receive parent state via props;
- communicate user interactions via callbacks:
<SomeView foos={this.state.foos} onEdited={this.onFooEdited} />
- filters before the grid
- filters in column headings
Filter specification:
key: 'foo',
label: '- Foo -',
type: 'input|range|select|multiselect|custom',
// for 'select' / 'multiselect'
choices: [{l: 'foo', v: 'bar'}, {l: 'foo', v: 'bar'}, {l: 'foo', v: 'bar'}],
// - or -
choices: callable_returnuing_promise().then(function (data) {
return data.map(function (el) {
return {l: el.foo, v: el/bar};
// for 'custom'
widget: React.createClass({ ... })