A NetChan implementation wrapping an unreliable DataChannel.
It encodes binary messages (either a TypedArray
or an ArrayBuffer
) and adds a sequence to it to make sure they will be delivered.
$ component install publicclass/netchan
Create a NetChannel instance. Pass in the DataChannel
instance that will send the encoded messages.
A callback which will be called with any new decoded message received from the DataChannel
Adds a msg
to the buffer which is encoded and then sent over the DataChannel
var pc = new PeerConnection(null)
var channel = pc.createDataChannel('netchan',{reliable: false})
var netchan = new NetChannel(channel);
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(4)
, dat = new DataView(buf);
netchan.onmessage = function(msg){
var dat = new DataView(msg);
dat.getUInt8(0) // 1
dat.getUInt8(1) // 2
dat.getUInt8(2) // 3
dat.getUInt8(3) // 4
// only binary supported by NetChannel
Because Node 0.8 lacks ArrayBuffer#slice it must be ran with Node 0.9.4+ but it will fail on 0.9.7 because of a regression.
To unit test simply run:
$ make
To run a simple DataChannel test in your browser open dc.html
. It uses a base64 wrapper to bypass the current lack of binary support in DataChannel so you'll be required to build a dev version first.
$ component install --dev
$ component build --dev
$ open dc.html