The purpose of this utility is to process the freely provided FAA/Aeronav digital aviation charts from GeoTiffs into seamless rasters, tiles, and mbtiles suitable for direct use in mapping applications
It has only been tested under Ubuntu 14.10+
- Only optimize tiles if the source raster has changed
- Only create mbtiles if the source raster has changed
- Handle charts which cross the anti-meridian (tilers_tools handles this)
- Pull out insets and georeference them as necessary
- Pursue a multithreaded gdal2tiles that can auto determine zoom levels
- Use make to update only as necessary (done via
- gdal 1.10+
- wget
- pngquant
- graphicsmagick
- mbutil
- ~200 Gigabytes of free storage
eg /home/testuser/Downloads
See for dates through 2029
eg 12-10-2015
next will be 02-04-2016
then 03-31-2016 etc etc.
If you use they will be cloned from github into this directory so no editing will be necessary
- Using -o will optimize individual tile size using pngquant
- Using -m will create mbtiles for individual and merged charts
Note that both of these will add some significant time to the overall process,
especially the tile optimization (though it does significantly reduce file sizes)
./ </path/to/aeronav_charts> <date_of_enroute_set>
eg. ./ /home/test/Downloads/aeronav 12-10-2015