This project started in 2022, I wanted to develop my own personal blog. Although the arquitechture is more like a social network. But I restricted the users (authors) and there is only one author (the admin) for now.
The project currently has the following features:
+ Posts
+ Projects
+ Tags
+ Dynamic Background
+ Gem Active Analytics
You can create posts, and publish them. You can add multimple paragraphs, images, pdfs, titles, tags or downloadable attatchements to your posts. Each post, has a title, a description and a header image.
- Rich Text, let's you create a paragraph which can have a text heading, text bold, text italic, list, code, links, strikethrough text, quote text & bullet lists.
- There are 3 types of titles, 1 being the biggest, and 3 being the smalles.
- You can attatch an image, the following types are allowed: [png, jpeg, jpg, webp, gif]
- You might want to attatch some file, any type is allowed
- Add a pdf to your post.
- You can add any tag you created before to your posts.
You can create projects and publish them. You can add references to your project resources, you can also add multiple tags. The project has a title a description, a rank and a link to the project itself.
- You can create many references, each one has a name and a link where the reference points.
- You can add any tag you created before to your posts.
You can create as many tags as you want, there is a card on the tag page which you can use to create a new tag.
Tags can should have a name, icon and a color. The icon needs to be an svg, you should copy the svg content directly.
The color will be the background of the tag, and the name will be displayed along the icon.
There is a module to monitor your blog activity, it will track each request to the website.
Filter by tags
Projects can have many images attatched
Post coments & post likes & post reactions
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions