Methods, post-ASpace transformation tools, and reports to support common SC activities around ArchivesSpace. For a detailed introduction to working with this repository, see this workshop.
The ArchivesSpace API documentation can be found here:
The general data model and system architecture are described here:
Dependencies: aspace_helpers
depends on the archivesspace-client gem:
- ruby
- bundler
install by running
gem install bundler
locally: push a change to git
locally: get the latest capistrano on your local machine
bundle install
locally: run capistrano
bundle install
to install the default branch run
bundle exec cap staging deploy
to deploy a different branch run
BRANCH=<name> bundle exec cap staging deploy
server (
): asdeploy
user:cd /opt/aspace_helpers/current
bundle install
cd out and back into current as needed to get the latest current
run your script and see it go! E.g.:
bundle exec ruby my_script_name >> my_script.log 2>&1 & tail -300f my_script.log
aspace_helpers uses 4 environment variables to connect to Aspace:
- ASPACE_URL (uses the production aspace in prod environments, and the staging aspace in staging environments)
- ASPACE_STAGING_URL (only set in staging and dev environments)
To test that your environment has the correct environment variables set, you can run:
$ bundle exec ruby test_connection.rb
Successfully authenticated to
You can also pass those environment variables over the command line as needed:
$ ASPACE_USER=wrong_user ASPACE_URL= bundle exec ruby test_connection.rb
API client login failed as user [wrong_user], check username and password are correct
- To run RSpec, from the root of your application, run
bundle exec rspec
- To run a single test file, include the path to the file, e.g.
bundle exec rspec spec/reports/get_MARCxml_spec.rb
- To run Rubocop, from the root of your application, run
bundle exec rubocop
- To auto-correct less-risky errors, run
bundle exec rubocop -a
- To auto-correct more risky errors (need to be double-checked by a human), run
bundle exec rubocop -A
- To troubleshoot the sftp connection:
- shh onto lib-jobs-prod2
- become the
user cd /opt/aspace_helpers/current/reports/aspace2alma
- create a test file to upload ("test.txt" or similar)
- open an IRB session
require_relative "get_MARCxml"
- will return
- ssh onto lib-sftp-prod1
- navigate to
- test.txt should be there