The To-Do List Application is a simple Java console-based application designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently. This application allows users to add tasks, mark tasks as complete, view their tasks, and remove tasks from the to-do list. The application is implemented in Java and uses basic input/output through the console.
To run the To-Do List Application, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository: Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone <repository-url>
Compile the Java Code: Navigate to the project directory and compile the Java code using the following command:
Run the Application: After compilation, run the application using the following command:
java ToDoListApp
Users can add a new task to the to-do list by providing the title, description, and due date of the task.
Users can mark a task as complete by entering the index of the task they want to mark. The application prevents marking tasks that are already completed.
Users can view the details of all tasks in the to-do list. The details include the title, description, due date, and completion status.
Users can remove a task from the to-do list by entering the index of the task they want to remove.
Users can exit the application when they are done managing their tasks.
Adding a Task:
- Choose option 1 from the main menu.
- Enter the title, description, and due date of the task as prompted.
Marking a Task as Complete:
- Choose option 2 from the main menu.
- Enter the index of the task you want to mark as complete.
Viewing Tasks:
- Choose option 3 from the main menu.
- All tasks in the to-do list will be displayed with their details.
Removing a Task:
- Choose option 4 from the main menu.
- Enter the index of the task you want to remove.
Exiting the Application:
- Choose option 5 from the main menu to exit the application.
Adding a Task:
Welcome to the To-Do List Application! Please choose an option from the menu: 1. Add a task 2. Mark a task as complete 3. View tasks 4. Remove a task 5. Exit Your choice: 1 Adding a new task... Enter the title of the task: Complete Project Enter the description of the task: Finish coding and documentation Enter the due date of the task (yyyy-mm-dd): 2023-12-01 Task added successfully!
Marking a Task as Complete:
Welcome to the To-Do List Application! Please choose an option from the menu: 1. Add a task 2. Mark a task as complete 3. View tasks 4. Remove a task 5. Exit Your choice: 2 Marking a task as complete... Task 1: Title: Complete Project Description: Finish coding and documentation Due date: 2023-12-01 Completed: No Enter the index of the task to mark as complete (starting from 1): 1 Task marked as complete successfully!
Viewing Tasks:
Welcome to the To-Do List Application! Please choose an option from the menu: 1. Add a task 2. Mark a task as complete 3. View tasks 4. Remove a task 5. Exit Your choice: 3 Viewing the tasks... Task 1: Title: Complete Project Description: Finish coding and documentation Due date: 2023-12-01 Completed: Yes
Removing a Task:
Welcome to the To-Do List Application! Please choose an option from the menu: 1. Add a task 2. Mark a task as complete 3. View tasks 4. Remove a task 5. Exit Your choice: 4 Removing a task... Task 1: Title: Complete Project Description: Finish coding and documentation Due date: 2023-12-01 Completed: Yes Enter the index of the task to remove (starting from 1): 1 Task removed successfully!
Exiting the Application:
Welcome to the To-Do List Application! Please choose an option from the menu: 1. Add a task 2. Mark a task as complete 3. View tasks 4. Remove a task 5. Exit Your choice: 5 Thank you for using the To-Do List Application!
The To-Do List Application provides a straightforward way for users to manage their tasks, offering basic functionality for adding, marking, viewing, and removing tasks from the to-do list. Users can use the console-based interface to interact with the application and stay organized in their daily tasks.