gong-wpf-dragdrop v3.2.0
As part of this release we had 7 issues closed.
What's Changed
- fix touch support by @dmg-hamann in #444
- Check subclass of ObservableCollection<> by @kzrnm in #451
- Add own cloneable interface for easier handling by @punker76 in #436
- #418 Drag&Drop on a touch device
- #432 Removing a list item from a selection using 'ctrl' key should be applied on mouse up
- #435 Problem with DragDrop.DefaultDropHandler.Drop() when dropping multiple items across groups
- #449 DropTargetAdorners.Highlight has wrong location
Bug Fix
- #451 Check subclass of ObservableCollection<>
- #436 Add own cloneable interface for easier handling
Full Changelog: 3.1.1...3.2.0
New Contributors
- @dmg-hamann made their first contribution in #444
- @kzrnm made their first contribution in #451
Where to get it
You can download this release from gong-wpf-dragdrop