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Jan Karger edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 1 revision

Strong naming again

GongSolutions.WPF.DragDrop is now strong-named again (beginning with v2.0).


The author of the (in)famous "Still strong naming your assemblies?" blog article has now done an about-face and now advocates strong-naming your assemblies again in an update to that same blog post:

Though the information and concerns in this blog post are still very true, I’ve actually had a change of heart and I’m now advocating to Start Strong-Naming your Assemblies!!

Start Strong-Naming your Assemblies!

Microsoft's corefx team also now strong-names and while they say not every assembly needs it, it's still useful:

Strong naming v1.x

GongSolutions.WPF.DragDrop is not strong-named (beginning with v1.0).


Strong-named assemblies are only useful in some rare scenarios. If you need strong-named assembly then you can compile the source by yourself ore use the Strong Namer from Daniel Plaisted @dsplaisted or Strong-Name Signer from Werner van Deventer @brutaldev.

More informations about the reason of this decision can be found here:

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