Uses BepInEx and Harmony to make patches for Thea 2
Each modification is found in a different DLL file so you can choose which to use.
/BepInEx/plugins/HarmonyFix.dll : Fix to allow Harmony to work with Thea 2
/BepInEx/plugins/StopHalloweenEvent.dll : Disables Halloween event (by running TemporalEventModeOff right after)
/BepInEx/plugins/ForceHalloweenEvent.dll : Forces Halloween event (by turning on halloween flag)
/BepInEx/plugins/AutosaveEveryTurn.dll : Add two new autosave slots, one for even turns and another for odd turns
/BepInEx/plugins/RemoveCharacterButton.dll : Remove Character button added to the Equip screen
/BepInEx/plugins/NoCardCloning.dll : After using a card the cost for the second use is bigger than possible
/BepInEx/patchers/NoCardCloningPrePatcher.dll : A fix to be able to use Harmony on the method for checking card cost
/BepInEx/patchers/RemoveCampResourcesRestriction.dll : Remove camp and settlement resource restrictions for better cooperative multiplayer. The same resource can be exploited by different players
Unzip the files in the Thea 2 game folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Thea 2 The Shattering
It may be a bit different for you.
After copying the files just start the game normally.
This isn't the latest version because it is not working with Harmony correctly
From BepInEx: