Unofficial University College Ghent (HoGent) LaTeX thesis template
An unofficial LaTeX template for dissertations/theses of students of the University College Ghent (HoGent). Based on the TU Delft LaTeX template for reports and theses.
Another, more official one is available at this repository. I choose to write my own is because that template is made for the faculty of Business and Information Management, more specifically for theses written to obtain a Bachelor of Applied Computer Science degree. Another reason is because I do not like the style of the template it was based on (The Legrand Orange Book).
- Supports both LaTex/PDFLaTeX and XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX (recommended)
- Multilingual (Dutch and English), with sources and documentation written in English
- Native (fontenc) font support and OpenType fonts (fontspec)
- Colored titles and headings based on the faculty color
- High resolution HoGent logo as EPS/PDF
- Option to suppress colors for black/white printing
- Code highlighting with Minted
All text in this thesis template is supposed to be sans serif. Headings, titles and text body are rendered in the excellent Montserrat typeface designed by Julieta Ulanovsky. This is also the official font specified in the HoGent styling guide and the font used for the HoGent logo. On the titlepage the title is rendered with thickness black, the (optional) subtitle is rendered in extra bold.
Typewriter style text (such as source code) is displayed using the Inconsolata font created by Raph Levien. Inconsolata was chosen because it has received favorable reviews from many programmers, who consider it to be a highly readable and clear monospaced font. For extra readability of source code the following options are chosen for this font: zeros are rendered as slashed and straight quotes instead of curly ones.
Math text is rendered using the FiraMath font, a sans-serif font with Unicode math support by Xiangdong Zeng. When compiling with LaTeX/PDFLaTeX sfmath is loaded instead.
All fonts come shipped with this template, but first it will see if the fonts are available on your system. Native font rendering when compiling with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX can be forced with the option nativefonts
Please refer to this guide for installing TeX Live on Windows.
Please take a look at this page for an up-to-date version of MacTex.
Installing the following packages on Debian/Ubuntu-based systems will cover all the package dependencies of this template:
- texlive-base
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-recommended
- texlive-bibtex-extra
- texlive-pictures
- texlive-fonts-recommended
For other Linux distros I have provided a complete list of the CTAN packages that are loaded by this template. In the second column is the Debian/Ubuntu package that contains it. Oftentimes other distros will follow the same naming scheme. If that's not the case you can search for the right package using the CTAN package name.
Click to expand
CTAN Package | Debian/Ubuntu |
xkeyval | texlive-latex-recommended |
iflang | texlive-latex-base |
infwarerr | texlive-latex-base |
pdftexcmds | texlive-latex-base |
ifluatex | texlive-base |
ltxcmds | texlive-latex-base |
ifpdf | texlive-latex-base |
amsmath | texlive-latex-base |
amstext | texlive-latex-base |
amsgen | texlive-latex-base |
amsbsy | texlive-latex-base |
amsopn | texlive-latex-base |
amssymb | texlive-base |
amsfonts | texlive-base |
babel | texlive-latex-base |
biblatex | texlive-bibtex-extra |
etoolbox | texlive-latex-recommended |
kvoptions | texlive-latex-base |
kvsetkeys | texlive-latex-base |
etexcmds | texlive-latex-base |
logreq | texlive-bibtex-extra |
ifthen | texlive-latex-base |
url | texlive-latex-base |
caption | texlive-latex-recommended |
caption3 | texlive-latex-recommended |
footmisc | texlive-latex-extra |
ifxetex | texlive-base |
geometry | texlive-latex-base |
ifvtex | texlive-latex-base |
graphicx | texlive-latex-base |
graphics | texlive-latex-base |
trig | texlive-latex-base |
hyperref | texlive-latex-base |
hobsub-hyperref | texlive-latex-base |
hobsub-generic | texlive-latex-base |
hobsub | texlive-latex-base |
intcalc | texlive-latex-base |
kvdefinekeys | texlive-latex-base |
pdfescape | texlive-latex-base |
bigintcalc | texlive-latex-base |
bitset | texlive-latex-base |
uniquecounter | texlive-latex-base |
letltxmacro | texlive-latex-base |
hopatch | texlive-latex-base |
xcolor-patch | texlive-latex-base |
atveryend | texlive-latex-base |
atbegshi | texlive-latex-base |
refcount | texlive-latex-base |
hycolor | texlive-latex-base |
auxhook | texlive-latex-base |
rerunfilecheck | texlive-latex-base |
xcolor | texlive-latex-recommended |
colortbl | texlive-latex-base |
array | texlive-latex-base |
tikz | texlive-pictures |
pgfrcs | texlive-pictures |
everyshi | texlive-latex-recommended |
pgfcore | texlive-pictures |
pgfsys | texlive-pictures |
pgfcomp | texlive-pictures |
pgffor | texlive-pictures |
pgfkeys | texlive-pictures |
pgfmath | texlive-pictures |
titlesec | texlive-latex-extra |
titletoc | texlive-latex-extra |
tocbibind | texlive-latex-extra |
fancyhdr | texlive-latex-base |
montserrat | texlive-fonts-extra |
textcomp | texlive-latex-base |
mweights | texlive-fonts-extra |
fontaxes | texlive-latex-extra |
inconsolata | texlive-fonts-extra |
sfmath | texlive-latex-extra |
fontenc | texlive-latex-base |
snapshot | texlive-latex-extra |
epsfig | texlive-latex-base |
makeidx | texlive-latex-base |
xspace | texlive-latex-base |
listings | texlive-latex-recommended |
lstmisc | texlive-latex-recommended |
microtype | texlive-latex-recommended |
minted | texlive-latex-extra |
fvextra | texlive-latex-extra |
fancyvrb | texlive-latex-recommended |
upquote | texlive-latex-extra |
lineno | texlive-latex-recommended |
calc | texlive-latex-base |
shellesc | texlive-latex-base |
ifplatform | texlive-latex-extra |
catchfile | texlive-latex-base |
xstring | texlive-latex-extra |
framed | texlive-latex-extra |
float | texlive-latex-recommended |
csquotes | texlive-latex-extra |
eurosym | texlive-fonts-recommended |
pdfpages | texlive-latex-recommended |
eso-pic | texlive-latex-recommended |
standalone | texlive-latex-extra |
currfile | texlive-latex-extra |
filehook | texlive-latex-recommended |
gincltex | texlive-pictures |
svn-prov | texlive-latex-extra |
adjustbox | texlive-latex-extra |
adjcalc | texlive-latex-extra |
trimclip | texlive-latex-extra |
collectbox | texlive-latex-extra |
ifoddpage | texlive-latex-extra |
varwidth | texlive-latex-extra |
filemod-expmin | texlive-latex-extra |
wrapfig | texlive-latex-extra |
enumitem | texlive-latex-extra |
tcolorbox | texlive-latex-extra |
verbatim | texlive-latex-base |
environ | texlive-latex-extra |
trimspaces | texlive-latex-extra |
tabularx | texlive-latex-base |
booktabs | texlive-latex-recommended |
rotating | texlive-latex-base |
makecell | texlive-latex-extra |
epstopdf-base | texlive-latex-base |
grfext | texlive-latex-base |
nameref | texlive-latex-base |
gettitlestring | texlive-latex-base |
pdflscape | texlive-latex-base |
lscape | texlive-latex-base |
You can clone this repository using git, but it might be better to download it as a ZIP and extract it. That way you will not get the whole history tree. To do this press the green Clone or download button in the upper right corner of this page.
The title and chapter headings are rendered in the color of your faculty. The color gets set by adding the faculty to the class options in thesis.tex:
In the example above the faculty is set to fbo
which is the abbreviation of the faculty of Business and Information Management (Faculteit Bedrijf en Organisatie). Other valid options are:
for the faculty of Education, Health and Social Work (Faculteit Mens en Organisatie)fnt
for the Faculty of Science and Technology (Faculteit Natuur en Techniek)soa
for the School of Arts, Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) and the Royal Conservatory (Koninklijk Conservatorium)
To disable the rendering of colors, for example when printing in back and white, add the option print
to the class options.
Realistically the only people at the HoGent that might use this template are students and faculty members of the faculty of Business and Information Management. Therefore support for code highlighting is included. An example implementation for displaying external Java code is provided, see thesis.tex for the macro.
It is called like this:
and it looks like this:
To get syntax highlighting to work in LaTeX the Python package Pygments needs to be installed. In order to do this you can do a pip install Pygments
or use your distro's package manager if you're on Linux.
I highly recommend using the solarized Pygments color scheme, at least as long as there is no color scheme using the HoGent style colors. The package and installation instructions can be found in this repository.
The compilation flag -shell-escape
needs to be added to your LaTeX compiler. For TeXstudio go to Options > Configure TeXstudio > Commands and add it to the parameters for each compiler listed:
Suggestions, feature requests, issues and pull requests are always welcome.
- Support for multiple supervisors
- Since Montserrat supports both serif and sans-serif, perhaps add serif?
- Support for changing the various text fields on the title page
- Add a 'draft' and 'final' mode
- Support multiple document types, like thesis, project and abstract
- Implement an 'abstract' page
- Add a copyright/copyleft page
This template is released under the MIT license. The fonts that are used are licensed under the SIL Open Font License. A copy of the original license text for each font can be found in their respective folder under the fonts/ directory.