Cpp 09 - STL.
Cpp 08 - Templated containers, iterators, algorithms.
Cpp 07 - C++ templates.
Cpp 06 - C++ casts.
Cpp 05 - Repetition and Exceptions.
Cpp 04 - Subtype polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces.
Cpp 03 - Inheritance
Cpp 02 - Ad-hoc polymorphism, operator overloading and Orthodox Canonical class form.
Cpp 01 - Memory allocation, pointers to members, references, switch statement.
Cpp 00 - Learning basic Stuff (Namespaces, classes, menber functions...).
Cub3D - 3D Game - My first RayCaster with miniLibX.
Netpratice - This project is a general practical exercise to discover networking.
Minishell - This project is about creating a simple shell.
Philosophers - The dinning philosophers problem - In this project, I learned the fundamentals of segmenting a process
So_long - 2D Game
Pipex - Replicate the functionality of the Unix pipe operator
Push_swap - Optimized data sorting algorithm
Get_next_line - Read line from a file descritor
Ft_printf - Recode of
Libft - My library with useful functions coded by myself
Exam Rank 04 - Solutions for Rank 04 Exam
Exam Rank 03 - Solutions for Rank 03 Exam
Exam Rank 02 - Solutions for Rank 02 Exam
Piscine - My projects from 42 piscine
100 days of code [in progress]
Hangman - Gane to guess the word before the hanging man drawing is completed.
Paper, Rock and Scissor -Paper, rock and scissors game (player vs computer)
Treasure map - Find the way to the treasure.