Ansible playbook and roles for easy install OKD on Proxmox using qcow2 images and templates.
It's the ansible version of this other project:
The scripts will help deploying 3 nodes okd 4.5 cluster
- Proxmox 6.x
- Enough resources
- CPU: 16 vcpu (at least 12vcpu, 4 for each master node)
- RAM: 64 GB (32GB should be ok)
- DISK: 500 GB (possibly SSD, better NVME)
- DHCP reservation for nodes
- DNS entries for nodes and haproxy
- Ansible 2.10.x installed on a machine that is not Proxmox (or Proxmox if you want, I don't care)
- Pull-secret downloaded from RH:
Clone repository where you want
git clone
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml
In those files:
- group_vars/all/vars
- group_vars/all/vault (in this repo is not encrypted, but it should be)
- inventory
ansible-playbook site.yaml
openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --dir=~/okd/ignitions/
And wait for completion. After that you can stop and delete bootstrap vm.
openshift-install wait-for install-complete --dir=~/okd/ignitions/
And wait for completion.
- Storage
- Deployments
No extra tools, you can use the shell scripts from other repo