A simple example of how to use the Rdio API.
Fork this repo on github and download it.
$ git clone git@github.com:username/collection-chronology.git
Get a heroku account then make an app to push to.
$ heroku create
Get an Rdio API key pair.
Don't put your keys in your source!
Copy env.sh.sample to env.sh for local testing and fill in your API keys.
$ cp env.sh.sample env.sh
$ vim env.sh
Leave DOMAIN alone for local development, but set your RDIO_API_KEY and RDIO_API_SHARED_SECRET_KEY. Now source the file for local testing.
$ source env.sh
$ bundle exec thin start
Your site will be at http://localhost:3000/. Music playback will not work! You'll need to push the code to the public internet to enable music playback.
Add config variables to your app and push your code live:
$ heroku config:add DOMAIN=<your heroku app name>
$ heroku config:add RDIO_API_KEY=<your key>
$ heroku config:add RDIO_SHARED_SECRET_KEY=<your key>
$ git push heroku master