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Here are instructions to reproduce my development environment on macOS, along with all my dotfiles.

Check out the companion blog post: Your dev environment is your ideal supermarket.

Installation instructions for Mac


After the first boot, perform all the possible OS updates:

  • install major and minor upgrades in System Settings > Software Updates, then reboot and check again until there are no more updates
  • in terminal, install XCode command line tools: xcode-select --install
  • check again System Settings > Software Updates and install updates if available, then reboot again. Repeat until there are no more updates.
  • System Settings > Privacy & Security > FileVault: click Turn On FileVault then set a recovery key and save it in password manager, then reboot
  • Log into Apple ID account in AppStore

Create important directories:

  • mkdir ~/workspace
  • mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

Configure Mac settings:

  • Appearance: set Show scroll bars to Always
  • Lock Screen > Turn display off on ...: turn display off after 20 min on battery, after 1h for power adapter
  • Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom > disable Natural Scrolling
  • Mouse > disable Natural Scrolling
  • Add printer


  • Keyboard > Text Input > Edit... then disable "Use smart quotes and dashes"
  • Keyboard: set Key Repeat to fastest and Delay until Repeat to shortest
  • Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Mission Control > disable Mission Control
    • Mission Control > disable Show Desktop (F11)
    • Display > disable decrease and increase (F14 and F15)
    • Input Sources: uncheck Select the previous ... and Select the next ...
    • Keyboard > Move focus to active or next window: press CMD + <
    • Keyboard > disable "Turn keyboard access on or off" + "Move focus to the menu bar" + "Move focus to the Dock" + "Move focus to the window toolbar" + "Move focus to the floating window" + "Move focus to status menus" + "Change the way Tab moves focus" (F1-2-3, F5-6-7-8)
    • Spotlight: disable Show Spotlight search and Show Finder search window
  • Accessibility > Pointer Control > Mouse Options: set to 3rd cursor from the right
  • Mouse > Tracking speed: set to 3rd cursor from the right (this needs a mouse to be plugged in)

Desktop and dock

  • Desktop & Dock: set a small size, set Position on screen to right and set Automatically hide and show the Dock
  • remove all optional icons from Dock
  • Desktop & Dock > Shortcuts: deactivate ALT-DOWN (Mission Control) and ALT-UP (Application windows) by replacing them with -
  • Control Center > Battery: Show Percentage

Screen captures

  • mkdir ~/workspace/screen-recordings ~/workspace/screen-recordings
  • Screenshot app: go to Options > Save to > Other location > set to ~/workspace/screenshots
  • Quicktime > New Screen Recording > Options > Other location > set to ~/workspace/screen-recordings


  • Finder app: go to Settings > Advanced and check Show all filename extensions
  • Finder > General > New Finder windows show set to ~/workspace
  • Finder > Sidebar > Disable disable Recents + Desktop + Documents + Downloads + iCloud Drive + CDs/DVDs + Cloud Storage + Bonjour computers + Connected servers
  • Finder > Advanced > When performing a search set Search the Current Folder
  • Finder: Add ~/workspace and ~ to favorites (in the left menu bar)


Install Brew:

  • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • echo '# If chezmoi not yet applied, register Brew\nif [[ ! -f "$HOME/.zshrc_custom.zsh" ]]; then\n eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)";\nfi' > ~/.zshenv

Terminal configuration

  • generate SSH key
  • brew install zsh-completions
    • ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$(date "+%Y%m%d")-DEVICE-NAME"
  • install oh-my-zsh and some of its extensions
# Install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Install oh-my-zsh extensions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions && \
  git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting && \
  git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/you-should-use

Install Wezterm:

  • brew install --cask wezterm
  • install Wezterm terminal integration
    • curl -sL -o ~/
  • close Terminal app and open Wezterm app
  • System Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy > Full Disk Access: add Wezterm from Applications directory

Terminal applications

Install Brew terminal applications

  • | bash


  • cd ~
  • lonesnake --py 3.11 (thefuck doesn't work with 3.12)
  • ~/.lonesnake/venv/bin/pip install pipx
  • for PACKAGE in itomate thefuck httpie magic-wormhole black isort flake8; do ~/.lonesnake/venv/bin/pipx install "$PACKAGE"; done


  • aws configure and enter default keys
  • mkdir -p ~/.docker && echo '{"credsStore": "ecr-login"}' > ~/.docker/config.json
  • workaround for Docker for Mac issue
    • alias docker-configure-ecr="mkdir -p ~/.docker && echo '{\"credsStore\": \"ecr-login\"}' > ~/.docker/config.json"

Apply chezmoi

  • apply chezmoi
    • sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply pwalch

GUI applications

Install all Brew Cask applications, then start all of them for the first time:

  • | bash

  • Ukelele:

    • mkdir ~/.keyboard-layouts
    • File > Install > Show Organizer > Set Folder and select ~/.keyboard-layouts
    • File > New From Current Input Source, then right-click on "Swiss French" and click "Set Keyboard Name and Script" and set name to Swiss French pwalch,
    • double-click on Swiss French pwalch, then press OPT on physical keyboard and double click on ~ key square, go to "Terminator" tab and put the empty string, then to Make Output and put the ~ character (including the space to complete its constructions)
    • File > Save, select File Format "Keyboard Layout Bundle" and save as ~/.keyboard-layouts/swiss-french-pwalch.bundle
    • drag'n'drop swiss-french-pwalch from Not Installed column to "Installed for All Users" column, then enter password and proceed
    • you will be asked to reboot, press ok, then reboot
    • System Settings > Keyboard > Text Input > Input Sources > Edit > Press Plus, in "French", select Swiss French pwalch
    • on the top-right of the screen, select keyboard layout Swiss French pwalch
    • tilde should now type directly, without needing a space
  • Rectangle: start app and set up permissions, set shortcuts for left/right half, next/previous display and fullscreen, launch on login, hide menu bar icon

  • Flycut: start app and set up permissions, set shortcut to CMD + SHIFT + K, check Move pasted item to top of stack, Privacy & Security > Privacy > Accessibility add Flycut, launch on login by going to "Login Items" and adding "" (TermiT/Flycut#206)

  • noTunes

    • start noTunes app and accept to open
    • System Preferences > Login Items in Open at Login add noTunes
  • GIMP: start app as it takes longer the first time


  • make default browser, disable form autofill and password management, install uBlock Origin and 1Password
  • Settings > Privacy and security > Security > Scroll to bottom: toggle Always use secure connections
  • in Settings > Keyboard > App Shortcuts, set Select Previous Tab to CMD-UP Select Next Tab to CMD-DOWN, Move Tab to New Window to CMD-D
  • start a meeting on Google Meet and try to get audio, video and share screen, which will trigger permissions request and require restarting the app


  • make default browser, disable password autofill, install uBlock Origin extension
  • Privacy & Security > Passwordsuncheck Ask to save passwords
  • Privacy & Security HTTPS-Only Mode select Enable HTTPS-Only mode in all windows
  • log in

Thunderbird: set up email accounts

  • Gmail:, with email address as user name and application password as password
  • in account settings in Copies & Folders, check Bcc these email addresses with the email address of the account so all sent messages go to the inbox


  • log in, start a meeting and try to get audio, video and share screen, which will trigger permissions request and require restarting the app
  • in Background & Effects and enable virtual background
  • in Audio check Automatically join computer audio when joining and Mute my mic when joining
  • in Video check Stop my video when joining
  • in PMI Settings (appears when clicking on down-arrow next to New Meeting button), check Waiting Room and Mute participants upon entry
  • disable audio and video when starting a meeting


  • use CMD-SPACE as Raycast shortcut
  • mkdir ~/.local/bin/raycast
  • Extensions > Script Commands > Add Directories: add ~/.local/bin/raycast

VS Code:

  • in macOS System Settings, go to Privacy & Security > Privacy > Full Disk Access then add VS Code
  • Settings > Profile then Import Profile...
  • import profile from pwalch.code-profile in the repo

Notes about VS Code profile:

  • "key": "cmd+[Backslash]" is actually '#', not backslash
  • various points of interest
    • workbench.action.previousEditor
    • workbench.action.nextEditor
    • viewContainer.workbench.view.explorer.enabled
    • explorer.openAndPassFocus
    • workbench.action.splitEditorRight

Kinesis Keyboard config

  • enter Power User Mode: PROGM + SHIFT + ESC
  • enable/disable virtual drive: PROGM + F1







  • on virtual keyboard, rctrl points to left CTRL key
  • in Kinesis config file, rctrl corresponds to the expected CTRL-RIGHT key
  • LeftOpt and RightOpt lead to the same key in virtual keyboard
  • known correspondances between physical keyboard and Kinesis key names
    • STRG LEFT => lctrl
    • ALT LEFT => lalt
    • ALT GR => ralt
    • STRG RIGHT => rctrl

optional paging replacement



my dotfiles, managed by chezmoi






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