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WebBreacher edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 9 revisions

People Organization

We have two main groups of people helping this project move forward:

  1. Curators - These people run the project, put in countless hours organizing, approving, merging and adding content to the project. Their names can be found at the bottom of the page.
  2. Contributors - This group of people add content to the project. They are the heart and soul of this project and we thank them very much for their work! They can be found on the page.

How to Contribute

  1. There are many tutorials on the Interwebz that describe how to work using git. Some of our favorites are below. Please check them out and, if you have never used git before, make a small, meaningful change to a file and submit the pull request. Our team of friendly curators will work with you to ensure you are following the Style Guide and have everything correct.
  2. The helpful tutorials for those new to git are:
  3. You can go to the Issues Page to find out topics we'd like people to write up and add to the project or add your own!

General Notes

  1. Please make pull requests of any changes. If you have commit rights to the PwnWiki content, please wait 24 hours before committing your own pull request, but feel free to have another committer review and merge your request sooner.
  2. When you do push to master, sync gh-pages using the setup detailed here:
  3. The PwnWiki content is broken down into 4 main sections:
    1. Presence - Finding out what the compromised system runs, has enabled, gathering data
    2. Persistence - Staying on the compromised computer
    3. Pivoting - Moving to other computers from the compromised system
    4. Privilege Escalation - Gaining rights and privileges on the compromised system
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