is a lightweight Swift package that abstracts an analytics provider to easily switch or implement custom analytics solutions.
The main focus is to log events and report scene usages of an user.
Additionally, it enables swift-log to automatically log relevant log messages to the analytics provider as a custom event.
- Simple abstraction layer to call and log app usage
can log and scene eventsLogger
from swift-log will automatically upload logs also to the provider as an event if setup
The following Info.plist
variables can be maintained but is optional:
With this configuration in the Info.plist
you can use the PWAnalyticsDetails
convenience struct to read the configuration and create an PWAnalyticsConfig
Different approaches are also possible.
To use PWAnalytics
in your project, import the module:
import PWAnalytics
In order to log events and scene usage you first need to create your analytics provider and implement the the functions of the Provider protocol:
public protocol PWAnalyticsProvider {
func event(name: String)
func scene(event: PWSceneEvent, on: String)
Example for PostHog:
import PostHog
import PWAnalytics
class PostHogProvider: PWAnalyticsProvider {
private var posthog: PHGPostHog? {
init?(with config: PWAnalyticsConfig) {
switch config.authType {
case .apiKey(let apiKey):
let configuration = PHGPostHogConfiguration(apiKey: apiKey, host: "https://" +
PHGPostHog.setup(with: configuration)
func event(name: String) {
func scene(event: PWSceneEvent, on scene: String) {
posthog?.screen(scene, properties: ["Type": event.rawValue])
After creating your provider you need to make sure to register it:
// Abstraction to load analytics details from the Info.plist file to set the in a `.xcconfig` file
let details = PWAnalyticsDetails(bundle: Bundle.main)
let host = details.infoString(for: .analyticsHost),
let key = details.infoString(for: .analyticsKey),
else {
appLogger.warning("Analytics details not maintained.")
let config = PWAnalyticsConfig(
projectIdentifier: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "AppName",
authType: .apiKey(key),
host: host
guard let provider = PostHogProvider(with: config) else {
appLogger.warning("Analytics Provider could not be initialized with the config provided.")
PWAnalytics.shared.register(provider: provider)
After the provider is registered you can use the following code to log events and report scene events:
// Log an event
PWAnalytics.shared.event(name: "Something happened.")
// Log a scene event
PWAnalytics.shared.scene(event: .shown, on: "LoginScene")
To automatically log events from Apple's swift-log package to the analytics provider you need to create a Logger
instance and setup logging:
import Foundation
import Logging
import PWAnalytics
let appLogger = Logger(label: "App")
func setupLogging() {
let environment = PWAnalyticsDetails(bundle: .main).environment ?? .debug
PWAnalyticsLogging.shared.setupLogging(environment: environment)
Depending on the environment a cusomt LogHandler is used to report log messages as an event to the provider.
is available under the MIT license.