Fetch wonderful pictures of cute doggos 🐶🐶🐶.
This project is built using Vite and uses React and Typescript. You can see it live on https://paw-print.netlify.app/.
- Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:pxlmvr/pawprint.git
- Install dependencies:
cd pawprint
npm install
To run the app in development mode:
npm run dev
By default views are on
To create a production build of the app:
npm run build
This will generate an optimized build in the dist
We use Jest for running unit tests. To execute unit tests:
npm run test
We use Cypress for End to end testing. To run e2e tests in headless mode:
npm run dev
npm run e2e:headless
Note: this command assumes you have Chrome installed on your machine.
Alternatively if you want to run tests through Cypress' UI run:
npm run dev
npm run e2e
If you are running node v.20.6.0 you could run into the following error while running the app in development mode:
[plugin:vite:react-babel] Cannot redefine property: File
It's recommended to use the latest lts version of node to get rid of the issue.