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A Discord bot for scheduling events.

This bot uses the DSharpPlus library.

This codebase represents SchedulerBot version 2 and above, which was rewritten to work on top of the .NET Core platform. The previous (1.x) SchedulerBot codebase, which was written for Node.js, can be found at this repository. The previous codebase is no longer maintained, and is only present for display purposes.


Migrating from v1.0.x to v2.0

A data migration tool is available for migrating data from a MongoDB database that stores data for SchedulerBot v1.0.x to a PostgreSQL database storing data for v2.0. See the readme in the SchedulerBot.MigrationTool project for further details.

Installation and Usage

All command examples given assume the use of a Bash shell.

  1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone
  1. Create a Discord Developer App with an app bot user at, and note the app bot user token to place in the configuration file.
  2. Ensure that a local PostgreSQL instance is running, and create a database called schedulerbot.
  3. The provided appsettings.json file in SchedulerBot/SchedulerBot.Client comes with default settings for the client to run. To override any of these settings, create an appsettings.Development.json file in SchedulerBot/SchedulerBot.Client with the key-value pairs that you want to override with the same hierarchy:
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SchedulerBotContext": "Server=localhost;Database=schedulerbot;Username=someuser;Password=abc123"
  "Bot": {
    "Token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE"

Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE with the app bot user token generated earlier.

  1. Restore the solution's dependencies.
$ cd SchedulerBot
$ dotnet restore SchedulerBot.sln
  1. Migrate the data model schema to the database.
$ cd SchedulerBot/SchedulerBot.Data
$ ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development dotnet ef database update -s ../SchedulerBot.Client/SchedulerBot.Client.csproj
  1. Build and run the SchedulerBot.Client project.
$ cd ../SchedulerBot.Client
$ dotnet build
$ cd bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1
$ ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development dotnet SchedulerBot.Client.dll

Alternatively, open the solution in Visual Studio and debug the SchedulerBot.Client project from there.

  1. Invite the bot to your server by generating an invite link at At minimum, the bot requires permission to read, send and manage messages.

Docker Support

This project has support for Docker.

To build and run:

$ docker build . -t schedulerbot:dev
$ docker run -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" -d schedulerbot:dev

Production Configuration

Production application settings should be placed in a appsettings.Production.json file in the SchedulerBot.Client project directory. The contents are similar to the appsettings.Development.json file, with the addition of a section for providing the DSN to report errors to for the Sentry error reporting service.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SchedulerBotContext": "Server=localhost;Database=schedulerbot;Username=someuser;Password=abc123"
  "Bot": {
    "Token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE"
  "Raven": {
  	"DSN": "https://<key><project>"

Alternatively, these settings can be set with environment variables when running the client. Separate hierarchical keys and array index keys with the __ (double underscore) separator.

$ ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production Bot__Token=YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE Prefixes__0=++ Raven__DSN= dotnet SchedulerBot.Client.dll


The SchedulerBot source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Refer to the file for more information on how to contribute to the development of SchedulerBot.


Discuss about the development of SchedulerBot on the #development channel of the SchedulerBot support server.