A vanilla dice roller for tabletop dice games.
- Open .py file in an IDE (like PyCharm, Sublime, Spyder) or paste all of the code into a site like repl.it
- Run code ('Shift + F10' in Python, 'F5' in Spyder, click 'Run' in the repl.it website)
- Type in the dice-type you want to roll and press 'enter'. For example, for a d20, type '20', then hit 'enter'.
- Type in the number of rolls of specified die to be rolled. For example, to roll your d20 once, type '1', then hit 'enter'
- For a single roll, output will provide roll.
- For more than one roll, output will be list of rolls, sum of the rolls, and average of the rolls
- When ready to Quit, type '0', then hit 'enter' in any text prompt.