PyTorch 1.13.1 Release, small bug fix release
This release is meant to fix the following issues (regressions / silent correctness):
- RuntimeError by torch.nn.modules.activation.MultiheadAttention with bias=False and batch_first=True #88669
- Installation via pip on Amazon Linux 2, regression #88869
- Installation using poetry on Mac M1, failure #88049
- Missing masked tensor documentation #89734
- torch.jit.annotations.parse_type_line is not safe (command injection) #88868
- Use the Python frame safely in _pythonCallstack #88993
- Double-backward with full_backward_hook causes RuntimeError #88312
- Fix logical error in get_default_qat_qconfig #88876
- Fix cuda/cpu check on NoneType and unit test #88854 and #88970
- Onnx ATen Fallback for BUILD_CAFFE2=0 for ONNX-only ops #88504
- Onnx operator_export_type on the new registry #87735
- torchrun AttributeError caused by file_based_local_timer on Windows #85427
The release tracker should contain all relevant pull requests related to this release as well as links to related issues