This is the official website for Python Nigeria Conference
The project uses python3
Before cloning the repo, create a parent folder
clone the repo inside this folder just created
$ git clone pycon # ensure you switch to the develop branch $ git checkout develop
Create a virtual environment and activate it
$ python -m venv venv $ source venv\bin\activate $ cd pycon # for window users > venv\Scripts\activate
Install all the dependencies for the project
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Ensure you have Postgres database installed on your system. visit Postgres Download Section to download postgres for your respective OS
Create a database using the default
user and create a db namedpyconng
$ createdb pyconng
__This step isn't compulsory if you already have a database that you want to use or you are using
to create the database. -
Setup an environmental variable to map the database configuration
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@<dbhost>:<dbport>/pyconng # remember to set this environment variable export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.local
Run migrations
python migrate
Run fixtures (one time only)
$ python loaddata fixtures/*
If everything above was successful, you can go ahead and start the server
python runserver # if running on cloud9 python runserver $IP:$PORT
For development, the project uses gulp
and webpack
$ npm install
$ npm run dev #webpack devserver starts.
In a new command prompt
$ gulp watch #Live scss editing
The cloud9 url is at
If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.