This project is based on Ardesco's Selenium-Maven-Template and Joe VDW's Bootstrapium with some handy added extras for getting started quickly with Selenium and Appium.
Open the frameworkium
directory in a terminal window/command prompt and run mvn clean verify
to run the example tests using Firefox.
Want to run the tests on a different browser? No problem, just provide the 'browser' argument:
mvn clean verify -Dbrowser=chrome
All you need to do is ensure the browser is installed in the default location.
Running mobile web tests using Appium on Sauce Labs is only slightly more involved:
export SAUCE_USERNAME=<username>
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key>
mvn clean verify -Dplatform=ios -Dbrowser=safari -Dsauce=true
A full list of arguments can be found on the project wiki.
After running your tests, you can generate an Allure test report by simply running:
mvn site
Frameworkium sets you up for other stuff too - check out the project wiki for further info.