ExcelDataDriver is a Excel Data-Driven Testing library for RobotFramework. The project is hosted on GitHub and downloads can be found from PyPI.
Inspired by:
See keyword documentation for available keywords and more information about the library in general.
The recommended installation method is using pip:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-exceldatadriver
Manual download source code to your local computer and running following command to install using python:
python install --force -v
- Examples/
- A simple demonstration, with a web application and RF test suite
- docs/
- Keyword documentation
- CoreRPAHive/
- Python source code
- tests/
- Python nose test scripts
To write tests with Robot Framework and ExcelDataDriver, ExcelDataDriver must be imported into your RF test suite.
Create Excel file by copy from template (download).
- Mandatory Columns:
- [Status] For report test result Pass/Fail
- [Log Message] Error message or any message after test done
- [Screenshot] Screenshot (Support only 1 screenshot)
- [Tags] Robot Tag
Test data Columns:
- User can add their own test data columns without limit
- Username
- Password
Create RF test suite
*** Setting ***
Library ExcelDataDriver ./test_data/BasicDemoData.xlsx capture_screenshot=Skip
Test Template Validate user data template
*** Test Cases ***
Verify valid user '${username}' ${None} ${None} ${None}
*** Keywords ***
Validate user data template
[Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${email}
Log ${username}
Log ${password}
Log ${email}
Should Be True '${password}' != '${None}'
Should Match Regexp ${email} [A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}
- Create update keyword documents
python -m robot.libdoc -f html ExcelDataDriver docs/ExcelDataDriver.html
- Extended (In-progress)
Eclipse plug-in RED
There are known issues if the Eclipse plug-in RED is used. Because the debugging Listener of this tool pre-calculates the number of test cases before the creation of test cases by the Data Driver. This leads to the situation that the RED listener throws exceptions because it is called for each test step but the RED GUI already stopped debugging so that the listener cannot send Information to the GUI.
This does not influence the execution in any way but produces a lot of unwanted exceptions in the Log.