In JS we trust - The best way to learn is by building/coding and teaching. I create the challenges to help my friends learn JavaScript and in return it helps me embrace the language in much deeper level. Feel free to clone, fork and pull.
function a(x) {
return function () {
let x = a(1);
- A:
1, 2, 3
and1, 2, 3
- B:
3, 3, 3
and3, 4, 5
- C:
3, 3, 3
and1, 2, 3
- D:
1, 2, 3
and3, 3, 3
This question revisits closure - one of the most confusing concepts in JavaScript. Closure allows us to create a stateful function
and such a function can access to the variable outside of its scope. In a nutshell, a closure can have access to the global
variable (scope), father function
scope and its
own scope.
We have here, the only one correct answer, 3, 3, 3 and 3, 4, 5 because first we simply call the function a()
. It works like a normal function and we have not seen anything so-called stateful
yet. In the following code, we declare a variable x
and it stores the value of function a(1)
, that is why we get 3. 4. 5 rather than 3, 3, 3.
This kind of gotcha gives me the feeling of static
variable in PHP world.
function Name(a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
const me = Name("Vuong", "Nguyen");
console.log(!(a.length - window.a.length));
- A:
- B:
- C:
- D:
We get true in the console. The tricky part is when we create an object from the constructor function Name but we DO NOT USE new
keywork. That makes the variable a
global one and get the value "Vuong". Remember that it is actually a property of the global object window
(in the browser) or global
in the nodejs.
We then get a.length
~ 5 and window.a.length
~ 5 which return 0. !0 returns true.
Imagine what would happen when we create the instance me
with the new
keywork. That is an interesting inquire!
const x = function (...x) {
let k = (typeof x).length;
let y = () => "freetut".length;
let z = { y: y };
return k - z.y();
- A:
- B: 1
- C: -1
- D:
The spread operator ...x
might help us obtain the parameter in the function in the form of array. Yet, in Javascript the typeof array return "object" rather than "array". It is totally odd if you are coming from PHP.
That is said, we now have the length of the string object
which returns 6. z.y() simply returns the length of the string 'freetut' (7).
Be aware that the function x() (in the form of function express
or anonymous function
(if you are coming from PHP) return -1 when being called and when converted to bool with Boolean(-1)
return true instead of false. Noted that Boolean(0)
return false.
(function js(x) {
const y = (j) => j * x;
function s() {
return j();
function j() {
return x ** x;
- A:
- B: 18
- C: 81
- D: 12
The function js()
can be automatically executed without calling it and known as IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression). Noted the parameter x
of the function js
is actuallly passed with the value 3.
The value return of the function is y(s())), meaning calling three other functions y()
, s()
and j()
because the function s()
returns j()
j() returns 3^3 = 27 so that s() returns 27.
y(s()) means y(27) which returns 27*3 = 81.
Note that we can call declare function
BEFORE the function is actually declared but not with expression function
var tip = 100;
(function () {
console.log("I have $" + husband());
function wife() {
return tip * 2;
function husband() {
return wife() / 2;
var tip = 10;
- A: "I have $10";
- B: "I have $100";
- C: "I have $50";
- D: "I have $NaN";
We have here an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression). It means we do not have to call it but it will be excuted automatically when declared. The flow is as: husband() returns wife()/2 and wife() returns tip*2.
We might think that tip = 100 because it is a global variable when declaring with var
keyword. However, it is actually undefined
because we also have var tip = 10
INSIDE the function. As the variable tip
is hoisted with default value undefined
, the final result would be D. We know that undefined
returns NaN when we try to divide to 2 or multiple with 2.
If we do not re-declare var tip = 10;
at the end of the function, we will definately get B.
JS is fun, right?
const js = { language: "loosely type", label: "difficult" };
const edu = { ...js, level: "PhD" };
const newbie = edu;
delete edu.language;
- A: 2;
- B: 3;
- C: 4;
- D: 5;
This challenge revises the ES6's feature regarding spread operator ...
Spread operator is quite useful for retrieving parameter in function, to unite
or combine
object and array in JavaScript. PHP also has this feature.
In the variable edu
, we use ...js
(spread operator here) to combine both objects into one. It works in the same way with array.
Then we declare another variable named newbie
. IMPORTANT note: By declaring the variable like that, both variables point to the SAME POSITION in the memory. We may have known something like $a = &$b
in PHP, which let both varibles work in the same way. We might have known about pass by reference
in the case.
Then we have 2 as edu.language
is deleted. Both objects now have only two elements.
Now is time to think about coping an object in JS either shallow or deep one.
var candidate = {
name: "Vuong",
age: 30,
var job = {
frontend: "Vuejs or Reactjs",
backend: "PHP and Laravel",
city: "Auckland",
class Combine {
static get() {
return Object.assign(candidate, job);
static count() {
return Object.keys(this.get()).length;
- A: 5;
- B: 6;
- C: 7;
- D: 8;
The buit-in method Object.assign(candidate, job)
merges the two objects candidate
and job
into one object. Then the method Object.keys
counts the number of key
in the object.
Note that two methods get()
and count()
are defined as static
, so they need to be called statically using Class.staticmethod()
syntax. Then the final object get 5 elements.
var x = 1;
(() => {
x += 1;
((y) => {
x += y;
x = x % y;
(() => (x += x))();
(() => (x *= x))();
- A: 4;
- B: 50;
- C: 2;
- D: 10;
Initially x
is declared with the value 1. In the first IIFE function, there are two operations. First x
becomes 2 and then 3.
In the second IIFE function, x = x + y
then the current value is 5. In the second operation, it returns only 1 as it undergoes 5%2
In the third and fouth IIFE functions, we get 2 x = x + x
and then 4 x = x * x
. It is more than simple.
$var = 10;
$f = function($let) use ($var) {
return ++$let + $var;
$var = 15;
echo $f(10);
var x = 10;
const f = (l) => ++l + x;
x = 15;
- A: 26 and 26;
- B: 21 and 21;
- C: 21 and 26;
- D: 26 and 21;
This question illustrates the diffences between PHP and JavaScript when handling closure. In the first snippet, we declare a closure with the keyword use
. Closure in PHP is simply an anonymous function and the data is passed to the function using the keyword use
. Otherwise, it is called as lambda
when we do not use the keyword use
. You can check the result of the snippet here PHP closure
only accepts the value of the variable BEFORE the closure is defined, no matter where it is called. As such, $var
is 10 rather than 15.
On the contrary, JavaScript treats the variable a bit different when it is passed to anonymous function. We do not have to use the keyword use
here to pass variable to the closure. The variable x
in the second snippet is updated before the closure is called, then we get 26.
Note that in PHP 7.4, we have arrow function and we then do not have to use the keyword use
to pass the variable to function. Another way to call a global
ariable inside a function in PHP is to use the keyword global
or employ the built-in GLOBAL variable $GLOBALS.
let x = {};
let y = {};
let z = x;
console.log(x == y);
console.log(x === y);
console.log(x == z);
console.log(x === z);
- A: true true true true;
- B: false false false false;
- C: true true false false;
- D: false false true true;
Technically, x
and y
have the same value. Both are empty objects. However, we do not use the value to compare objects.
is x
are two objects referring to the same memory position. In JavaScript, array and object are passed by reference
. x
and z
therefore return true when being compared.
setTimeout(() => console.log("world"), 0);
- A: "hello" -> "world" -> "hi"
- B: "hello" -> "hi" -> "world"
- C: "hi" -> "world" -> "hello"
- D: "hi" -> "hello" -> "world"
Given that the function setTimeout() will be kept in the task queue
before jumping back to stack,
"hello" and "hi" will be printed first, then A is incorrect. That is also the case of the answers C and D.
No matter how many seconds you set to the setTimeout()
function, it will run after synchronous code. So we will get "hello" first as it is put into the call stack first. Though the setTimeout()
is then being put into the call stack, it will subsequently offload to web API (or Node API) and then being called when other synchronous codes are cleared. It means we then get "hi" and finally "world".
So B is the correct answer.
Credit: @kaitoubg (voz) for your suggestion regarding the timeout throttled
by which I have decided to alter the question slightly. It will ensure that readers will not get confused as the previous code might bring out different results when tested on other browsers or environments. The main point of the question is about the discrepancy between the synchronous code and asynchronous code when using setTimeout.
String.prototype.lengthy = () => {
let x = { name: "Vuong" };
delete x;;
- A: "Vuong";
- B: "hello";
- C: "undefined"
- D: "ReferenceError"
String.prototype.someThing = function () {}
is the common way to define a new built-in method for String
. We can do the same thing with Array
, Object
or FunctionName
where FunctionName is the function designed by ourself.
That is not challenging to realise that "string".lengthy()
always returns hello
. Yet, the tricky part lies in the delete object
where we might think that this expression will entirely delete the object. That is not the case as delete
is used to delete the property of the object only. It does not delete the object. Then we get hello
rather than ReferenceError
Note that if we declare object without let, const
or var
, we then have a global object. delete objectName
then return true
. Otherwise, it always returns false
let x = {};
x.__proto__.hi = 10;
Object.prototype.hi = ++x.hi;
console.log(x.hi + Object.keys(x).length);
- A: 10
- B: 11
- C: 12
- D: NaN
First we have an empty object x
, then we add another property hi
for x with x.__proto__.hi
. Note this is equivalent to Object.prototype.hi = 10
and we are adding to the father
object Object
the property hi
. It means every single object will inherit this propety. The property hi
becomes a shared one. Say now we declare a new object such as let y = {}
, y
now has a propery hi
inherited from the father
. Put it simply x.__proto__ === Object.prototype
returns true
Then we overwrite the property hi
with a new value 11. Last we have 11 + 1 = 12. x
has one property and x.hi
returns 11.
Updated (July 27th 2021). If you write Object.prototype.hi = 11;
instead of Object.prototype.hi = ++x.hi;
as written in the code above, then Object.keys(x)
will return an empty array as Object.keys(object)
only returns the property of the object itself, not the inherited ones. It means the final result will be 11 rather than 12. For some reason, the code ``Object.prototype.hi = ++x.hi;will create a property for the object
x` itself and then `Object.keys(x)` gives us the array `["hi"]`.
Yet, if you run console.log(x.hasOwnProperty("hi"))
it still returns false
. By the way, when you deliberately add a property for x such as x.test = "testing"
, then console.log(x.hasOwnProperty("test"))
returns true
const array = (a) => {
let length = a.length;
delete a[length - 1];
return a.length;
console.log(array([1, 2, 3, 4]));
const object = (obj) => {
let key = Object.keys(obj);
let length = key.length;
delete obj[key[length - 1]];
return Object.keys(obj).length;
console.log(object({ 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5 }));
const setPropNull = (obj) => {
let key = Object.keys(obj);
let length = key.length;
obj[key[length - 1]] = null;
return Object.keys(obj).length;
console.log(setPropNull({ 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5 }));
- A: 333
- B: 444
- C: 434
- D: 343
This question examines how the delete
operator works in JavaScript. In short, it does nothing when we write delete someObject
or delete someArray
. It nonetheless completely deletes and removes a property of an object when writing something like delete someObject.someProperty
. In the case of array, when we write delete someArray[keyNumber]
, it only removes the value
of the index
, keep the index
intact and the new value
is now set to undefined
. For that reason, in the code first snippet, we get (the length) 4 elements as in the original array but only 3 properties left in the object passed when the function object() is called, as in the second snippet.
The third snippet gives us 4 as declaring an object's propery to either null
or undefined
does not completely remove the property. The key is intact. So the length of the object is immutable.
For those who are familiar with PHP, we have unset($someArray[index])
that remove the array element, both key and value. When print_r
the array, we might not see the key and value that have been unset. However, when we push (using array_push($someArray, $someValue)
) a new element in that array, we might see that the previous key is still kept, but no value and not being displayed. That is something you should be aware of. Have a look at
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = [1, 2, 3];
var c = [1, 2, 3];
var d = c;
var e = [1, 2, 3];
var f = e.slice();
console.log(a === b);
console.log(c === d);
console.log(e === f);
- A: true true true
- B: false false true
- C: true true false
- D: false true false
and b
returns false because they point to different memory location even though the values are the same. If you are coming from PHP world, then it will return true obviously when we compare either value or value + type. Check it out:
In JavaScript, value is passed by reference in case of array
and object
. Hence in the second case, d
is the copy of c
but they both point to the same memory position. Everything changes in c
will result in the change in d
. In PHP, we might have $a = &$b;
, working in the similar way.
The third one gives us a hint to copy an array in JavaScript using slice()
method. Now we have f
, which is the copy of e
but they point to different memory locations, thus they have different "life". We get false
accordingly when they are being compared.
var languages = {
name: ["elixir", "golang", "js", "php", { name: "feature" }],
feature: "awesome",
let flag = languages.hasOwnProperty(Object.values(languages)[0][4].name);
(() => {
if (flag !== false) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(languages)[0].length <<
} else {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(languages)[1].length <<
- A: 8
- B: NaN
- C: 64
- D: 12
The code snippet is quite tricky as it has a couple of different built-in methods handling object in JavaScript
. For example, both Object.keys
and Object.getOwnPropertyNames
are used even thought they are quite similar except that the latter can return non-enumerable properties. You might want to have a look at this thoroughly written reference
and Object.keys
return the property value and property name of the object, respectively. That is nothing new. object.hasOwnProperty('propertyName')
returns a boolean
confirming whether a property exists or not.
We have flag
true because Object.values(languages)[0][4].name
returns feature
, which is also the name of the property.
Then we have 4 << 4 in the if-else
flow that returns the bitwise value, equivalent to 4*2^4
~ 4*16
~ 64.
var player = {
name: "Ronaldo",
age: 34,
getAge: function () {
return ++this.age -;
function score(greeting, year) {
greeting + " " + + `! You were born in ${year - this.getAge()}`
}, "Kiora", 2019);
score.apply(player, ["Kiora", 2009]);
const helloRonaldo = window.score.bind(window.player, "Kiora", 2029);
- A: "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1985", "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1985", "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1985"
- B: "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1991", "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1991", "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1999"
- C: "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1991", NaN, "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1980"
- D: "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1991", "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1980", "Kiora Ronaldo! You were born in 1999"
We can use call()
, apply()
and bind()
to appy a function to any object. At first sight, it seems that three functions do the same thing. Yet there are some situations where they are differently employed to handle respective contexts or solve particular problems.
Of the three, only bind()
can be executed after binding. We can create a variable to store the result as helloRonaldo()
in the code snippet above. apply()
and call()
will bind and execute the function at the same time. apply()
hints us a
~ array where we need to pass an array as parameter. call()
hints us c
or comma where we pass parameters with a comma. You might want to have a look at this post
Note that window.window.window.score
or window.score
or simply score
do the same thing. It points to the score()
function in the global scope.
The correct anwser is D. The score()
and getAge()
functions are nothing special.
var ronaldo = { age: 34 };
var messi = { age: 32 };
function score(year, tr, t) {
if (typeof tr === "function" && typeof t === "function") {
console.log(`You score ${tr(year, t(this.age))} times`);
const transform = (x, y) => x - y;
const title = (x) => ++x + x++;
const helloRonaldo = score.bind(ronaldo, 2029, transform, title);
const helloMessi = score.bind(messi, 2029, transform, title);
- A: "You score 1989 times" and "You score 1963 times"
- B: "You score 1959 times" and "You score 1989 times"
- C: "You score 1989 times" and "You score 1953 times"
- D: "You score 1959 times" and "You score 1963 times"
allows us to bind a function declared with any object. Here we bind score()
and both ronaldo
and messi
In score()
we pass three parameters year
, tr
and t
in which both tr
and t
are function. They handle simple things as defined afterwards.
When we bind score()
with ronaldo
and messi
, we pass three parameters as declared in the score()
function wherein transform
and title
are functions.
var person = {};
Object.defineProperties(person, {
name: {
value: "Vuong",
enumerable: true,
job: {
value: "developer",
enumerable: true,
studying: {
value: "PhD",
enumerable: true,
money: {
value: "NZD",
enumerable: false,
class Evaluate {
static checkFlag(obj) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj) > Object.keys(obj)
? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)
: Object.keys(obj);
const flag = Evaluate.checkFlag(person);
- A: 1
- B: 2
- C: 3
- D: 4
is almost identical to Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)
except the fact that the latter returns any type of object's property regardless of enumerable
. By default enumerable
is true when creating object. Using Object.defineProperties
or Object.defineProperty
we can manually set this option to false
As such the object person
will get 3 usingObject.keys(obj)
but 4 with Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)
. In short Object.keys(obj)
only returns the property setting the enumerable as true
const id = 10;
const getID = ( => {
function id(id) {
console.log(typeof id);
- A: ReferenceError
- B: 10
- C: undefined
- D: 'function'
When declaring a function inside another function, we are working with Closure in JavaScript. Note that if a function is declared as normal (rather than function expression), it is hoisted. We might see several id
in the code snippet above but in fact, some of them does nothing.
The result of the code depending on the operator typeof id
, which is function
. So id
in this operation is the id()
var book1 = {
name: "Name of the rose",
getName: function () {
var book2 = {
name: { value: "Harry Potter" },
var bookCollection = Object.create(book1, book2);
- A: 'Harry Potter'
- B: 'Name of the rose'
- C: ReferenceError
- D: Object object
allows us to create an object which is based on another object. If we do not pass the second parameter - book2
in this case - the name
property of the object bookCollection
will be Name of the rose
inherited from the book1
. It means we can provide additional properties when declaring object with Object.create
has its own property name
and another one inherited from book1
. In this case its own property name
will show up as it has higher priority. That is why we get 'Harry Potter'.
(() => {
const a = Object.create({});
const b = Object.create(null);
let f1 = a.hasOwnProperty("toString");
let f2 = "toString" in b;
let result =
f1 === false && f2 === false
? console.log((typeof a.toString()).length)
: console.log(b.toString());
- A: ReferenceError
- B: undefined
- C: 0
- D: 6
The two objects a
and b
are created using Object.create()
operator. There is a bit of difference between them as a
inherits from Object prototype but b
is totally empty when we pass the null
paramater. Yet hasOwnProperty('toString')
always returns false
neither a
nor b
given that toString()
is not defined inside these objects. The method however is still available as it is inherited from Object prototype.
Both f1
and f2
return false
. Note that we use object.hasOwnProperty('key')
and ('key' in object)
to check the availability of a key in an object. There is a bit difference between the two as the latter also returns the key inherited. You might want to have a look here:
Then typeof a.toString()
returns string
, which gives us 6 with the .length
If the syntax is odd to you, you might look for 'self-invoking function' and 'arrow function' in JavaScript.
let promise = new Promise((rs, rj) => {
setTimeout(() => rs(4), 0);
.then((rs) => {
console.log(rs ? rs ** rs : rs);
return rs;
.then((rs) => console.log(rs == 256 ? rs : rs * rs));
- A: 3, 2, 256, 256
- B: 3, 2, 256, 16
- C: 256, 16, 3, 2
- D: 16, 256, 3, 2
We first declare a promise-based code with let
and then call it. Given that setTimeout()
is an asynchronous action, it will run last even the time is set to 0 in setTimeout(() => rs(4), 0);
. Although Promise.resolve(console.log(3))
also returns a promise but it is a Microtasks, then it has a higher priority than Tasks as set by setTimeout()
. You might want to have a look at this post
In .then()
we chain the result so that we have 4^4
in the first then() and 4*4
in the second then()
. Note that return rs
returns the original value.
async function f() {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 0);
setTimeout(() => console.log("world"), 0);
console.log(await promise);
f(setTimeout(() => console.log("kiora"), 0));
- A: ReferenceError
- B: done, hello, world
- C: hello, done, world
- D: kiora, done, hello, world
Though we do not declare any paramater for the function f()
, we pass setTimeout(()=>console.log("kiora"),0)
when call it. We therefore get 'kiora' first.
Given that the variable promise
returns a solved promise and it is called with the keyword await
, JavaScript will 'pause' at this line console.log(await promise);
till the result is resolved. That is why we get "done" at the next result.
Why we do not get "world" or "hello" at the second ? As JavaScript "pauses" at the line with await
keyword, we cannot get "hello" as usual (note that whenever we call setTimeout(), this function will run last because it is an asynchronous task operator), whereas setTimeout(()=> console.log("world"), 0);
should always run last.
Here we might see a bit of difference when employing await
keyword before asynchronous operator (in this case, we use setTimeout()
as an example) or when call the function/operator without it.
function name() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("New Zealand");
}, 10);
function fruit() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 20);
(async function countryandfruit() {
const getName = await name();
const getFruit = await fruit();
console.log(`Kiora: ${getName} ${getFruit}`);
(async function fruitandcountry() {
const [getName, getFruit] = await Promise.all([name(), fruit()]);
console.log(`Hello: ${getName} ${getFruit}`);
- A: Null
- B: Kiora
- C: "Hello: New Zealand Kiwi" -> "Kiora: New Zealand Kiwi"
- D: "Kiora: New Zealand Kiwi" -> "Hello: New Zealand Kiwi"
Both countryandfruit
and fruitandcountry
are self invoking functions. Both are declared with the keyword async
, it means the code inside will run step by step. It helps us control the flow of data much more concise as compared to Promise-based operator or callback way.
The first function returns "Kiora: New Zealand Kiwi"
and the second one ouputs "Hello: New Zealand Kiwi"
. We might think that the order will be the same but actually the order of the result is reversed because the function with await
keyword will run step by step rather than in in parallel as Promise.all. It means fruitandcountry
will run faster than countryandfruit
You might want to have a look at the difference between the two at
class MySort {
constructor(object) {
this.object = object;
getSort() {
return Object.entries(this.object)[0][1].sort()[
const object = {
month: ["July", "September", "January", "December"],
const sortMe = new MySort(object);
- A: July
- B: September
- C: January
- D: December
returns an array consisting of both key and value from an object while Object.values
retuns an array of the values of object and Object.keys
gives us an array of keys of the object. As such, Object.entries(object)
in the code snippet above gives us a nested array with just one element in which the values are put in another nested array like that [["month", ["July", "September", "January", "December"]]]
For that reason, Object.entries(this.object)[0][1].sort()
will actually sort the value array and return a new order as "December" -> "January" -> "July" -> "September". Hence, when we get the element with the index given by [Object.values(this.object).length]
we get January
because [Object.values(this.object).length]
give us 1 (the length of the array given by Object.values);
const flag = [] !== !!!!![];
let f = () => {};
console.log((typeof f()).length + flag.toString().length);
- A: NaN
- B: 12
- C: 13
- D: 14
Comparing two arrays or two objects in JavaScript always return false
because both are passed by reference, unlike primitive types such as string, number or boolean. That is why comparing [] and [] using either == or === returns false
. The weird part is the !==!!!!!
which is equivalent to !==
, nothing special. So the flag
is true
In the expression function f()
, we use arrow function here but and {}
is a part of the function rather than an object. In case you want to return an object, you have to write as let f = () => ({})
or simply using normal way to define function. With the keyword return
, we can easily catch the content of the function when using normal way to define function.
Thus, the typeof f()
returns undefined
rathern object
. We then get the length 9 and the flag (true) becomes 'true' (a string, by using toString() function), which returns 3 with the property length
. We finally get 13.
(function (a, b, c) {
arguments[2] = (typeof arguments).length;
c > 10 ? console.log(c) : console.log(++c);
})(1, 2, 3);
- A: 4
- B: 5
- C: 6
- D: 7
We have a self-invoking function with three parameters declared. Note that arguments
inside a function returns an object consisting of the parameters of the function.
The key part here is that when we assign a value to that array (it is array-like, as mentioned above) (or any element), the function will use that value rather than the value from the parameter we pass to it when calling the function. Hence, c
will be (typeof arguments).length;
(6) rather than 3.
As c
has a new value of 6, it is definitely less than 10, so we get the final result console.log(++c)
, which returns 7.
Note that arguments
is not available on arrow functions. See more detailed here
From ES6 onwards, it is recommended to use ...restParameter given that it is a true array. It means you can manipulate the parameter with native JavaScript functions such as map, reduce or filter.
For PHP developer, we have func_get_args()
in PHP that does the same thing, but it will not override the value passed. Check it by yourself at
class Calculator {
constructor(a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
static getFlag() {
return new Array(this.a).length == new Array(this.b).toString().length;
getValue() {
return Calculator.getFlag() ? typeof this.a : typeof new Number(this.b);
const me = new Calculator(5, 5);
- A: NaN
- B: "string"
- C: "object"
- D: "number"
We have a class named Calculator. When declaring a new instance of the object, we pass two parameters a
and b
. These two parameters have the same value but new Array(this.a).length
is totally different from new Array(this.b).toString().length
because the latter returns a string ",,,,"
meaning the length 4 while the former returns the length of an array and we therefore get 5.
For that reason getFlag()
returns false
. In getValue()
we get typeof new Number(this.b);
which returns object
. That is a bit different from typeof b
, which returns number
var name = "Auckland";
const nz = {
name: "Kiwi",
callMe: function () {
let me = nz.callMe;
let she = nz.callMe.bind(nz);
let result = me() === nz.callMe() ? she() : `${me()} ${she()}`;
- A: undefined
- B: "Auckland"
- C: "Kiwi"
- D: "Auckland Kiwi"
The key point in this question involves the keyword this
in JavaScript. We have a simple object that contains one method and one string property name
First, it is important to write down is that let me = nz.callMe;
and then call me()
is totally different from directly calling nz.callMe()
. If we assign a variable to a method delared inside an object, this
in that method will behave differently (when we call the variable as a method and when dirrectly call that method). In particular, in the first case, this
is the window
object while in the second one, this
inside the function still points to property name
in the object nz
. It means me()
returns "Auckland" while nz.callMe
returns "Kiwi".
Then result
will return false
and we get the final output value ${me()} ${she()}
. Why she()
is different from me()
? You might easily guess that she
still bind
to the object nz
rather than window
object as in me()
const club = {
name: "Juventus",
player: ["Ronaldo"],
showMePlayer: function () { (thename) {
}, this);
showMe: function () {
function (thename) {
show: function () {
const self = this; (thename) {
Me: function () { (thename) {
- A: 8 - 8 - 8 - 8
- B: "Juventus" - "Juventus" - "Juventus" - "Juventus"
- C: "Ronaldo" - "Ronaldo" - "Ronaldo" - "Ronaldo"
- D: 8 - 8 - 8 - 0
The code snippet above is not a big challenge for you I guess. It simply gives you an example of this
in different contexts when we declare an anonymous function inside a method of an object. The three first methods are common ways to handle this
using this
as second parameter in map()
, by using bind(this)
in forEach
(or map()) or by that = this
technique (we did use seft
rathern that
The last method Me()
will cause unexpected result because
does not bind to the object club
. Note that you might get another result when testing the code on On Chrome and Firefox, we get 0.
For further information, kindly have a look at
((...a) => {
const b = ["javascript", "new zealand"];
const c = [...a, typeof a, ...b, "kiwi"];
console.log(c.length + c[0].length);
})(new Array(10));
- A: 5
- B: 10
- C: 15
- D: 20
can be used in two ways in JavaScript (and PHP) as either spread operator
or rest parameter
. You might have to check the following article about the two. They are the same as three dots, but the way they are employed vary considerably between the two.
We see both spread operator
and rest parameter
in the code snippet above. First the parameter (...a)
in the self-invoking function is of course a rest parameter
while the constant c
we see the spread operator
. In the former case, it simply means that you can pass to the function as many parameter as you want. Note that the typeof a
in this case is object
even though it is a native array in JavaScript. (I means native array because you might think about array-like if we use arguments. Please have a look at the question 28 or this link
Spread operator
as in the constant c
allows us to combine array. So ...a
in the code above is rest parameter
when it is used as function parameter but in this case it is the syntax of spread operator
Finally, we get c
with 5 elements (...a
is a nested array, so the length
is 1) but the first element has 10 child elements (when we pass to the function new Array(10)
). The length of both then returns 15.
function Kiora(name, { = name;
return Array.isArray(career) === true && typeof career === "object" ? {} : "";
var student = new Kiora("Vuong");
- A: "Vuong"
- B: undefined
- C: ErrorReference
- D: false
We have a function constructor Kiora
(written with a capital letter, but that is optional) that can be used to create object, as the student
object in the code above. In the function, we have two parameters with the second one is actually a rest parameter
. The typeof operator is object
but if we check with Array.isArray(array)
it also returns true.
For that reason, Array.isArray(career) === true && typeof career === "object"
returns true. Hence the return
operator finally returns an object {}
You might be surprised when console.log(;
outputs undefined
given that the constructor function Kiora
returns an object. Otherwise, we might simply get the value name
class Filter {
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
filter() {
return this.type() === "object" ? this.element[0].name : "hello";
type() {
return typeof this.element;
let countries = [
{ name: "New Zealand", isdeveloped: true },
{ name: "Vietnam", isdeveloped: false },
let x = new Filter(countries);
const filter = countries.filter((item) => {
return !item.isdeveloped;
console.log(x.filter().length + filter[0].name.length);
- A: 15
- B: 16
- C: 17
- D: 18
Apologize that the code snippet is a bit longer than usual. But actually it is not really challenging as you might think. You can easily get the correct result after spending a little of time to debug.
First we declare a class that has two methods. The first method filter()
will returns the first element of the array (of the propterty element
) or simply returns hello
depending on the type()
method. We know that typeof of array
will return object
so the filter()
method return this.element[0].name
Try to make you feel confused, we then call the built-in filter()
method. This native method returns a new array depending on the condition we pass to the call-back function. Note that !item.isdeveloped
means false
. It means we get Vietnam
Finally we get New Zealand
.length and Vietnam
.length, which in total returns 18.
async function abc() {
await Promise.resolve(2).then(console.log);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
queueMicrotask(() => {
- A: 6 - 8 - 3 - 0 - 4 - 2 - 1
- B: 8 - 2 - 3 - 0 - 4 - 6 - 1
- C: 6 - 8 - 2 - 0 - 4 - 3 - 1
- D: 8 - 6 - 2 - 0 - 4 - 3 - 1
D is correct anwser. The order of the asynchronous code's output depends on the MicroTask or MacroTask. MicroTask has a higher priority. Note that the synchronous code always be executed before asynchronous code. So in essense, we have the order as follows:
1) synchronous code
2) microtask code (promise, queueMicrotask)
3) macrotask code (setTimeout, setInterval)
Be awared that in Nodejs environment, we also have process.nextTick(callback)
which has the highest priority but we dont have it in this code.
So, first callback in the setTimeout()
will be executed last given that this is a MacroTask. That is why we got 1 last.
Second, the function abc()
is called next. Then we have 8 printed out in the console first. As the next line of code inside that function is an asynchrnous code with the keyword "await", we then console.log(6)
as Promise.resolve(4).then(console.log)
is an asynchrnous code. That is why we got 6.
Now is the time for Promise.resolve(2)
, so we get 2. At this point, you might have some sort of confusion. What will happend if we do not pass the keyword "await" before Promise.resolve(2)
As we have await
, the code will be blocked here. Then what? We get 0 and 4 not 3. Promise
and queueMicrotask
are both microtask and they are already to run before console.log(3)
. The reason is that microtask queue need to be emptied before any other codes can be called in the callstack.
In the next step, we get 3 and the last one is 1.
What would happend if we do not have the await
keyword? Then the order of the output will be 8 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 0 - 4 -1.
function myAccount(money) {
let myMoney = money;
return {
status: function () {
return `You have $ ${myMoney} in your account`;
dePoSit: function (amount) {
myMoney = myMoney + amount;
withDraw: function (amount) {
if (amount > myMoney) {
return `You cannot withdraw money now`;
myMoney = myMoney - amount;
const vuong = myAccount(1000);
- A: "You have $ 950 in your account"
- B: "You have $ 1000 in your account"
- C: "You have $ 550 in your account"
- D: "You have $ 350 in your account"
As the "state" of the data is preserved each time we call dePoSit()
or withDraw()
, hence we get $350 after all.
Noted that that is a kind of "factory" function with "preload" data. You might think about another object when pass to myAccount(somedata);
some other data. That is a really helpful way to create multiple objects from a factory function.
const hoccoban = {
x: "".length,
getMe() {
const inner = function () {
- A: 20
- B: 21
- C: 22
- D: 23
We get 21. First "" returns 20 as we are using the property length of the string. Then it is being added one more value in ++this.x
. The question here seems trivial but it is actually not. There is a crucial note we should keep in mind is that console.log(++this.x)
will not work as x
is undefined when it is called outside of the object.
We can solve the problem with this
in this case by using arrow function in the inner so that is can become something like const inner = () => {}
as the arrow function does not actually have this
. It will automatically look around and call the available object when the function is executed.
The second solution is that we can somehow "bypass" the tricky this
by using that/this solution. We just need to declare a new variable const that = this
inside getMe() and before declaring inner function. That is a quite common practice.
The third solution is to take advantage of call(), bind() and apply() which are native methods of function (yes, function is also an object in JavaScript). In this case, we implement bind(this)
to "bind" the function and the object so that this
can actually point to the object when the function is executed. Note that bind() cannot be instantlly executed so that we need to add () after we bridge the function and the object. If we replace bind() with call(), then we do not need to pass () as in the above example. So inner.bind(this)();
will become;
. They are technically equal. In practice, we tend to create a new variable to get the result from the binding of the function and the object.
function* hocCoBan() {
yield "";
yield "";
yield "Vuong Nguyen";
let data = hocCoBan();
console.log((typeof data).length +;
- A: NaN
- B: 10
- C: Error
- D: 15
First, take a closer look at the function. It has a asterisk (*) next to the keyword "function". We do not have return
keyword inside the function itself. What is going on here?
It you have already known about generator, then this code snippet is not a big deal at all. We do not use generator very often, but this native JavaScript feature is the basis for async/await function, which is supported in ES7 that allows us to handle the flow of asynchronous code much easily.
The operator typeof data
will return object
rather than function
, which is the same case with typeof hocCoBan()
. Of course, typeof hocCoBan
still returns function
. But it is actually a normal function. Basically, we get 6 in the operator (typeof data).length
calls the the built-in method next()
which will output the value in the first yield
, which is declared in the function. Then we get the length 9 with the string
After all, we get 15. Not that understanding generator is quite important if you really want to understand async/await
const a = [1, 2, "chó", 3, 1, "chó", "mèo", 3];
const b = [ Set(a)];
b.length = "chó".length;
- A: 4
- B: [1, 2, "chó", 3, "mèo"]
- C: [1, 2, "chó", "mèo"]
- D: [1, 2, "chó"]
When using ... in array, it is called spread operator in JavaScript which, technically, is similar to rest parameter (using in the context of function). It provides a more elegant way to concat (combine) or copy array. In the code above, b is a copy of a. However, as we pass a in to a Set
, it will return the unique value only in a. It means, now we have `[1, 2, "chó", 3, "mèo"] in b.
However, we then set the length for b as 3. Note that "chó".length returns 3 but in PHP, strlen("chó") returns 4, just in case you are coming from PHP world.
As we set the length for the array b, we also cut down the array itselt. That is the reason why we get [1, 2, "chó"] printing out in the console.
const mot = function (m) {
return arguments[0];
const hai = function (...m) {
return arguments[arguments[0]];
const a = [mot(123), hai(1, 2, 3)];
console.log(typeof a !== "object" ? a[0] : a[1]);
- A: 1
- B: 2
- C: 3
- D: 123
First, it should be noted that arguments
cannot be used in an arrow function, so in order to take advantage of this feature, we have to write the function in the casual form. arguments
returns an array-like object that contains any parameter we pass into the function when executing it.
is a rest operator
. We use this feature in function and array. Noted that in the context of array, it is called spread operator
and it behaves differently. When declaring a function with ..., we can pass as many parameters into the function itselt when executing it as we want.
Note that in the function hai
, we return arguments[arguments[0]]
which means hai(1, 2, 3)
will return 2 rathern than 1 because arguments[0]
return 1 and then arguments[1]
returns 2.
The last thing we have to take note is that the typeof operator of an array will return object
, here the trick seems more daunting. The final anwser is 2 as we got it in a[1]
, or hai(1, 2, 3)
class Component {
constructor(age) {
this.age = age + `${typeof Coder}`.length;
getAge() {
return ++this.age;
class Coder extends Component {
constructor(age) {
this.age = age - `${typeof Coder}`.length;
const a = new Coder(16);
- A: 7
- B: 8
- C: 9
- D: 10
We have two simple classes in which Coder extends Component. Nothing fancy. As typeof ClassName
returns function
rather than class
, we then get 8 in the operator "function".length
Though we implement super(age)
in the Coder class, we actually overwrite the contructor of the parent class Component in the child class Coder. Therefore, when initiating the object a
, the following code is automatically triggered this.age = age -
${typeof Coder}.length;
. The difference between the child and parent 's constructor is minus (-) and plus (+) in the above code.
As such, we have 16 - 8 rather than 16 + 8, which returns 8. The function getAge()
returns 9, so the corrent answer is C.
Bear in mind that JavaSCript is not a "real" OOP programming language even though we can now implement class
and object
as in other languages.
class RemoveFalse {
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
this.length = this.removeFalse().length;
removeFalse() {
this.element = this.element.filter(Boolean);
return this.element;
const theArray = [true, false, 1, 0, NaN, undefined, "", null, ""];
const a = new RemoveFalse(theArray);
- A: false
- B: true
- C: 2
- D: 3
The key message that can be taken away in the code snippet above is filer(Boolean)
which can be taken into consideration in case you want to eliminate falsy values
in an array. We can use filter(callback)
or filter(Boolean)
in particular in this case to do that. Note that we have to pass into the filter function a callback and in this case Boolean is actually a function. You can check typeof Boolean
to see it.
Similar to map
or reduce
function, filter
always returns a new array from the exisiting one. [true, false, 1, 0, NaN, undefined, "", null, ""].filter(Boolean);
will return [true, 1, ""];
, hence calling the function removeFalse()
gives us 3. So the correct answer is 3.
const coderfarm = [1, [], {}, [], 2, 3];
const converted = Number(coderfarm instanceof Array);
const result = coderfarm.indexOf(converted + true);
- A: []
- B: {}
- C: 2
- D: 4
We have a simple array in the code snippet above that includes some digits, two other arrays and one object. Using the built-in function Number
, we can convert any value passing to the function into digit
. As coderfarm instanceof Array
returns true
, then converted
get 1. Noted that you can use another way to check the type of an array is Array.isArrray(arrayToBeChecked)
which return a boolean
value. Suprisingly, the operator typeof []
returns object
rather than array
The built-in function indexOf
will return the index of the element that is being checked. So as converted + true
return 2, we are going to check the index of the element with the value 2 in the array coderfarm
We get 4 in the console.log
and the correct answer is D.
const converter = (arrayInput) => {
return { ...arrayInput };
const content = ["function", "object", "decorator"];
const checking = content[Number(false)];
const result = typeof converter(content) === content[1];
console.log(checking ? (result ? (typeof converter).length : false) : false);
- A: 6
- B: NaN
- C: true
- D: 8
The operator ...
in JavaScript is very handy. The function converter
is quite trivial, it takes advantege of ...
(rest operator || spread operator) to turn an array into an object.
First we have the constant checking
with the value function
given that Number(false)
gives us 0 and that is the first index in the array content
Second, the constant result
gives us the value true
as the typeof converter(content)
is function
, which is also the value of content[1]
Then in the final code, we have checking = true
, and then result = true
as well, so the final result is (typeof converter).length
which is equivalent to "function".length
because the typeof of converter
is simply function
. We get 8 after all and the correct answer is D.
So the key message here is that we can take advantate of the spread operator
(or ...
) to turn an array to an object. For example: const a = ["hello", 2]
, then we can have a go with const b = {...a}
and b is now an object with the following value: {0: "hello", 1: 2}
. The key of the object is actually the index of the original array.
function* js(length) {
for (let i = length.length; i > 0; --i) {
yield i;
let getJS = js(typeof js);
let result =;
console.log(result +;
- A: 10
- B: 14
- C: 15
- D: 16
We have a generator function in the code snippet above, which is defined with the *. Noted that we can "store" as many result as we want in a generator thanks to the keyword yield
As the typeof js
is function
, so the length of the string function
is 8. So when calling;
, we get 8. However, in the next calling, it returns 7, and in the following calling after that, we get 6. That is why generator can "store" and "release" (or return) as many value as we want.
So the answer is C, which is 8 (first execution of the generator) + 7 (second execution of the generator).
var ages = [10, 15, 20, 25];
let response = [];
ages.some(function (currentValue, index, ages) {
if (currentValue > ages[ages.length - index])
response.push(currentValue + ages.length);
- A: [20]
- B: [20, 25]
- C: [25, 29]
- D: [29]
is a built-in function facilitating us to iterate the array using a callback. As in the code snippet above, there are three parameters in the callback, namely currentValue
(the value of the current element that is being checked), index
(the index of the element in the array that is being checked/evaluated) and ages
(the array itself).
The function some()
returns a boolean
value. The code currentValue > ages[ages.length - index]
returns true
only one time, which is the last element. Let 's examine the code when it runs through each element:
10 > ages[4 - 0]. As ages[4] returns
, and10 > undefined
, it stops. -
15 > ages[4 - 1]. As ages[3] returns 25, it breaks as the operator returns
. -
20 > ages[4 - 2]. As ages[2] returns 20, it breaks as the operator returns
. -
25 > ages[4 - 3]. As ages[1] returns 10, it returns
. Only this value is being pushed to the arrayresponse
So response.push(currentValue + ages.length)
will add the value 25 + 4 to the array response
, D is the correct answer.
const getSTring = (string, method = false) => {
if (method === true) {
return string.slice(1, 4).length;
return string.substr(1, 4).length;
console.log(getSTring("hello", true) + getSTring("hello"));
- A: 6
- B: 7
- C: 8
- D: 9
is an arrow function with two parameters. As you can see that the parameter method
has the default value false
, then if you do not pass any value to it when executing the function, the default value will be used.
The key thing to take note from the code above is the difference betweet slice(1, 4)
(which returns 3 characters) and substr(1, 4)
(which returns 4 ones).
Finally console.log(getSTring("hello", true) + getSTring("hello"))
returns 7 because slice
and substr
are both used.
(function (a, b, c) {
console.log(Boolean([...arguments].slice(2, 3)[0].slice(3, 4)));
})("hello", "world", "new zealand");
- A: "new"
- B: true
- C: "land"
- D: false
The code above is a self-executing function. It runs when it is being declared. We have three parameters and three arguments passed are "hello", "world"
and "new zealand"
First, arguments
returns an object consisting of arguments passed to the function when executing it. However, using spread operator ...
, we then convert the object to an array. We can also do it by using Array.from(object)
Second, slice(2, 3)
extracts the element from the index 2 to the index 3, which returns "new zealand"
. It is still an array. We then extract the element with the index [0]
and we get the string "new zealand"
rather than an array.
Third, "new zealand".slice(3, 4)
gives us an empty string (with a space between) " "
. The Boolean(" ")
gives us true
. Noted that if there is no space in the empty string, we get false
So the correct answer is B.
class HocCoBan {
name = "hello world";
getSlice(slice) {
return this.getName(slice).slice(true,;
getName(space) {
HocCoBan.prototype.split = function (argument) {
return this.getSlice(argument);
const a = new HocCoBan();
- A: NaN
- B: true
- C: 10
- D: 11
The code above is nothing much special. However it is written in a complicated way on purpose. First, we have a class named "HocCoBan" with two methods and one property. Then we add another method split
using the tradional way (via prototype
). Note that class
in JavaScript is simply a syntactic sugar of function
given that typeof ClassName
return function
When we call the method split
, we pass the an empty string to it. This method then call other methods. The flow is as follows:
==> this.getSlice("")
==> this.getName("")
. Here split
is a built-in function that convert a string to an array.
Noted that in getSlice()
, we also use .slice(true,
to slice
(cut) the array from the index 1 to 11. So the length is 10.
So the final answer is C.
This code might help us master the concept function prototype
in JavaScript and the understand the difference between the built in function String.prototype.split
and the function we declare by ourself HocCoBan.prototype.split
function javaScript(node) {
let mot = node.includes("I") ? "love" : "you";
return function (deno = mot) {
let hai = node.replace(deno, "done");
return function (done = hai) {
return (node + deno + done).length;
console.log(javaScript("I love you")()());
- A: 18
- B: 24
- C: 20
- D: 25
Apart from learning some built-in functions to handle string such as replace
and inclues
, we are reviving the concept of currying function
in JavaScript. Say you want to declare a function with three parameters, you may consider refactoring the code by declaring 3 nested functions, each with one parameter you wish to pass to. Basically, both of them work in the same way. However, noted that only the outerest (the main) function has the name as javaScript
in the code above. Both nested (inner) functions are declared without the name. We also use three return
keywords in the code.
When executing the function, you then have three ()
as in the javaScript("I love you")()()
. We do not pass any argument into the second and third functions (both are inner/nested functions without the name) and these functions will take the default value we have alreaded declared when being executing.
All in all, we have the final operator return (node + deno + done).length;
in which node
is "I love you", deno
is "love" and done
is "I done you". The length of these strings is 24, which you can calculate by yourself the concatenated string I love youyou I done you
. Be aware of the empty space
, which is also taken into account.
const www = ["hello", "coranovirus", "kiora", "world", "new zealand"];
const found = www.find(function (world) {
return world > "victory";
const result = found[1] < www[0][0] ? www[false ? 1 : 0] : www[true ? 0 : 1];
- A: "hello"
- B: "world"
- C: "victory"
- D: "w"
The key information in the question above is about the method Array.prototype.find()
. It returns the first element in the array that meets the condition declared in the callback function, which is passed to the function. The array is being iterated to check every single element. In the code above, we might easily see that the element world
is the first element in the array that has a larger value than victory
. Remember that "w" > "v" return trues if the two letters are compared. When two words are being compared, only the first letter in each word is being utilised to compare.
As the result, found
is now world
and thus found[1]
returns the letter w
whereas www[0][0]
gives us the letter h
in the element hello
. It means found[1] < www[0][0]
returns false
So the final result is www[true ? 0: 1]
or www[0]
, which is hello
. And the correct answer is A.
(function (flag) {
let age = Boolean(NaN === NaN ? false : flag);
- A: "f"
- B: "t"
- C: true
- D: false
We have a self-executing function with the parameter/argument is an empty array. Noted that NaN === NaN
returns false
, then age
gets the value flag
, which is an empty array. However, the boolean value is true
when we call Boolean([])
The function toString()
returns the string true
and the Number([])
returns 0
. Then we get "t" in the console.log. The correct answer is B.
Keep in mind that Boolean([])
==> true
but Number([])
==> 0
. And sadly NaN === NaN
returns false
1) console.log(Boolean([]));
2) console.log(Number([]));
3) console.log(Number(Boolean([])));
4) console.log(Boolean(Number([])));
5) console.log(Boolean({}));
6) console.log(Number({}));
7) console.log(Number(Boolean({})));
8) console.log(Boolean(Number({})));
9) console.log(Boolean(new Boolean(false)));
- A: true - 0 - 1 - false - true - 1 - 1 - false - false
- B: true - 0 - 1 - false - false - NaN - 1 - false - true
- C: true - 0 - 1 - false - false - false - 1 - false - false
- D: true - 0 - 1 - false - true - NaN - 1 - false - true
JavaScript is sometimes tedious to deal with given that it is a loosely type language. The data type of a variable can be changed depending on the value. An unexpected behaviour might unfortunately occur when you change/convert the original value to another one.
For example, the code 2 Number([])
returns 0
and 6 (Number({}))
returns NaN
, although both (Boolean([]))
and (Boolean({}))
return true
In the code 9 Boolean(new Boolean(false))
, we get true
even though we pass into the function constructor Boolean()
a false
(as the) parameter. However, if we do not use the keyword new
, then false
will return. It seems that in Boolean(new Boolean(false))
, we have a valid opreration, so it is true
. However, in the Boolean(Boolean(false)))
where we do not use the keyword new
, we then get false
because now a false
value is being evaluated rather than an operation.
So, the correct answer is D.
Credit: @tiepphan, Vietnamese Angular Facebook group.
const myYoutube = {
name: "hoccoban",
address: "",
getInfo() {
return this;
content: () => (this === window ? myYoutube.getInfo() : this),
- A: "hoccoban"
- B: window (object)
- C: NaN
- D: undefined
To answer the tricky question above, you might want to have a look at the concept of this
in JavaScript (on browser environment). By default, this
refers to window
object. Note that Window
(written in capital) is the Function constructor of the window
object. In this regard, console.log(this === window)
return true but console.log(this === Window)
returns false.
As content()
is an arrow function, this
declared inside this function points to window
, so myYoutube.content()
returns myYoutube.getInfo()
. Noted that we have to explicitly write myYoutube.getInfo()
to make sure the code will run correctly as this
in this case does not work as it does not refer to the currect object. In the function getInfo()
, however, this
actually refers to the currect object instead of window
object because we use a normal function here.
Then we have the property name
with the value "hoccoban". So the correct answer is A.
Credit: Thanks for fixing the typo. Please make a pull request when you have time bro. Cheer.
const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
myArray.someProperty = this;
Array.prototype.someOtherProperty = "hello";
let result = [];
for (let key in myArray) {
for (let key in myArray) {
if (myArray.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- A: 10
- B: NaN
- C: 9
- D: 7
We have a simple array that consists of 3 elements. If checking the type of the array with the operator typeof
, we will have object
. (Hint, you can make use of Array.isArray(array))
or array instanceof Array
to check its type).
When declaring myArray.someProperty
, we now add a new property to that array and when declaring Array.prototype.someOtherProperty = "hello"
, we add a new property to every single array.
As a result, the for... in
loop will iterate through the array in question and return its key/property and the inherited property as well. However, in the second iteration, we take advantage of the method hasOwnProperty(key)
to check whether a particular key/property actually belongs to the array in question rather than the inherited one.
In short, in the first iteration, we get 5 (3 original ones, 1 property that is directly added to the array, 1 inherited from the Array.prototype. In the second one, we only get 4 as the inherited property is not taken into consideration.
Keep in mind that, we use for... of
to loop through an array or the traditional for
loop. It is not a good practice to use for ... in
to loop through an array. It is often used to loop through an object.
const coderfarm = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const [top, ...bottom] = (function (a) {
let result = a;
a.unshift(new Array(3));
return result;
console.log(top.length + bottom.length);
- A: 8
- B: 9
- C: 10
- D: 11
We are using destructure array (or object) technique to extract element of an array (or object). We also take advantage of ...
(spread parameter) here.
The array we are destructuring is returned from a self-executing function. First we pass the parameter coderfarm
, which is the parameter a
when declaring the function. Then we update this array with some additional value (an array with three undefined
elements using new Array(3)
) on the top of the array (using unshift
). The array is updated now as [[undefined, undefined, undefined], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
So top
is the first element of the array or [undefined, undefined, undefined]
, which returns 3 when we check the length.
The bottom
returns the rest of the array in question, which is 5 when using length
The final number is 8 and thus the correct answer is A.
let age = { number: 10 };
const getAge = (flag) => {
flag ? delete age.number : delete age;
return age.number++;
- A: 10 - 10 - NaN - NaN
- B: 10 - 10 - undefined - undefined
- C: 10 - 11 - undefined - undefined
- D: 10 - 11 - NaN - NaN
The operator delete
only works on the property of an object, not the object itself. In the code snippet above, we have a simple function getAge
with the parameter flag
. When the flag
is true
, we trigger delete age.number
and if it is false
, we will use the operator delete
upon the whole object.
As this operator does not work on an object, if we can say that, it turns out that delete age
actually does nothing. As such, console.log(getAge(false))
returns 10 and simultanously increases the value of age.number
to 11. The value is now being kept in the memory. As such, console.log(age.number)
will return 11.
When we pass the argument flag
as true
in the console.log(getAge(true))
, we will trigger delete age.number
which removes the value and the property age.number
itself. It means age.number
is now undefined
. However, because we also attempt to increase the value of this undefined
property using ++
operator, it returns NaN
also returns NaN
as well. So the correct answer is D.
const youtube = { name: "hoccoban" };
const copy = Object.create(youtube);
const cloneA = Object.assign({}, copy);
const cloneB = Object.assign({}, youtube);
- A: undefined - "hoccoban" - "hoccoban"
- B: "hoccoban" - "hoccoban" - "hoccoban"
- C: "hoccoban" - "hoccoban" - "undefined"
- D: undefined - "undefined" - "hoccoban"
We have three outputs in the code snippet above.
First console.log(;
will return undefined
but why? We use Object.assign
to clone a new object from an empty and from the object copy
. The object copy
itself is actually created from the original object youtube
using Object.create
. Noted that because we use Object.create
, copy
will inherit the data from the original one but it is still an empty object itself.
Second, both console.log(
and console.log(
return "hoccoban" because
will have the actual property name
. On the contrary,
outputs the property name
inherited from the youtube
So the correct answer is A.
((x) => {
const data = !Array.isArray(x) ? x : x.entries();
})(["hello", "world", "vuong"]);
- A: NaN
- B: "hello"
- C: "world"
- D: "vuong"
We have a self-invoking function here and we pass an array to it when the function is executed. Note that Array.isArray(x)
return true
but actually we use !
before Array.isArray(x)
. It means data
will return x.entries()
The method array.entries()
, as you might have already known, returns a gererator
. Here we will call next()
to iterate through each element. Note that if you only call next()
once, it will only return the first element instead of the whole iterator.
Then when we call value
, it returns an array with the index and the value of the iterator. So what will we get if we call console.log([0])
. Sure, it returns 0
as 0
is the index.
So the correct answer is B.
let x = Symbol();
let y = Symbol();
console.log(x === y ? `${typeof x}`[1] : `${typeof x}`[2]);
- A: NaN
- B: "object"
- C: "y"
- D: "m"
As x
and y
are both instances of symbol
, they are unique in our codebase; therefore, the ===
comparison will return false
as expected. In the simple code snippet above, we get the else
It should be noted that the typeof x
operation gives us symbol
, and since a string in JavaScript is iterable, we get m
as we pass in the index 2.
So the correct answer is D.
const frameworks = ["react", "angular", "vue"];
const iterator = frameworks[Symbol.iterator]();
const i = frameworks.entries();;;
- A: "react" - "angular"
- B: "react" - "react"
- C: "angular" - "angular"
- D: "n" - "angular"
As frameworks
is an array, it has a built-in method named Symbol.iterator
. You can hence iterate through the whole array using commonly used methods such as for... of
, normal for loop
, forEach
or map
, among others. That is relatively trivial, I suppose.
This code challenge above is written to help us understand the concept of iteration better. First, we use the built-in method called entries()
to create a new iteration. So does Symbol.iterator. Both seem to do the same thing.
Each time we call next()
method, the iteration will output one element. We then can call value()
to get the value. The difference between iterator
and i
is that the former shows the value itself while the latter outputs an array consisting of the index and the value. It means that in the code above,
returns angular
gives us [1, angular]
So the correct answer is D.
class React {
theName = "Not React";
class Author extends React {
static theName = "Real React";
render() {
return this.theName;
static render() {
return this.theName;
const me = new Author();
- A: "Not React" - "Real React"
- B: "Not React" - Error
- C: Error - Error
- D: Error - "Real React"
We have two classes in the code snippet above. It sounds we are imitating React. The React
class has only one property named theName,
and no method is declared here. Providing that Author
extends the React
class, it inherits that property, surely. However, we have also declared another property with the same name in the Author
classs. The difference is that the property declared in the child class is given the keyword static.
The Author
class also has two methods with the same name render()
, one as regular methods and another with static
keyword. Will that work in JavaScript?
It turns out that JavaScript is quite flexible. It supports both property and method if they are declared with the same name as long as they are either regular property (or method) or static property (or method).
The last thing you should be aware of is that the method static render()
only calls the static property, here is static theName = "Real React";
So does the regular method render().
As such, the code does not run into any issues.
So the correct answer is A.
class js {
say = "hello";
js.prototype.say = "goodbye";
console.log(new js().say);
js.prototype.thename = "google";
console.log(new js().thename);
- A: Error - Error
- B: "hello" - "google"
- C: "goodbye" - "google"
- D: Error - "google"
is a standard class declared in the code snippet above that has only one property with the name say.
Then we again declare another property with the same name say
for it. You might think that the property say
has been overwritten with a new value goodbye.
That is not the case as we will get hello
when we run console.log(new js().say);
. It is clear that the JavaScript engine prioritizes the property declared inside the class more than the property declared later using the prototype mechanism.
If the property has not been declared inside the class itself, we can then add a new one with the help of prototype
as in thename
. Without the doubt, the code console.log(new js().thename);
gives us google
as expected.
So the correct answer is B.
const App = ([y, x, z]) => {
return () => {
return () => {
return x++;
console.log(App([10, 20, 30, 40])()());
- A: 10
- B: 32
- C: 21
- D: 22
To answer the question raised on the above code snippet, you might want to revisit two concepts, currying function
and destructing array or object.
First, currying function
means we convert a function with multiple parameters into multiple functions with a SINGLE parameter. Then you can easily manipulate the flow of the data. Noted that currying function
is relevant to higher-order function
, you might want to have a look.
destructing array or object
means we attempt to extract a complex array or object more conveniently. For example, [y, x, z] = [10, 20, 30, 40]
will extract y, x and z with the value 10, 20 and 30 respectively.
The last thing is incremental operator here ++x
returns 21 but x++
does not as it still returns 21.
So the correct answer is C.
const numbers = [5, 6, 7];
function callback(accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue;
const theCallBack = (accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + currentValue;
const sum = numbers.reduce(
numbers.reduce(theCallBack, numbers.reduce(theCallBack, 7))
- A: 54
- B: 55
- C: 60
- D: 61
is a bit perplexed built-in method that allows you to manipulate data in an array. It returns a single value from the array predefined as in the case with map
or filter
. The syntaxt of the function is arr.reduce(callback( accumulator, currentValue, [, index[, array]] )[, initialValue])
, so it accepts a callback function with four arguments including accumulator
, currentValue
, currentIndex
(optional) and array
The second argument of the reduce
method, which is optional, is called initialValue
that will be counted as the first element with the index 0 when reduce
is executing. If initialValue
is not provided, then reduce
will run with the index 1 instead. reduce()
sounds complicated, but truly it is not. In case you want to revise the function, kindly take a look at MDN here:
The above code has two callback functions named callback
and thecallback
, which do the same thing. The seemingly creepy code is the variable sum
, which is returned by a couple of nested reduce
functions. It turns out that there is only one "real" reduce
function and the other ones give us initialValue
- The first
is 7; - The first nested
function gives us 7 (initialValue) + 5 + 6 + 7 = 25. - The second nested
has 25 as the initialValue, which we get from the above. Then it returns 25 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 43; - The "real"
function now has 43 as the initialValue, the we get the final result: 43 + 5+ 6 + 7 = 61.
So the correct answer is D.
const a = { name: "" };
const b = { name: "" };
const first = { ...a }.name.length;
const second = { ...a, ...b }.name.length;
const third = { ...a, ...b, name: "hello" }.name.length;
console.log(first + second + third);
- A: 12
- B: 37
- C: 5
- D: 20
The code snippet above is relatively trivial. What we can learn from it is all about the spread operator
(three-dot ...). Sometimes it is also used as a rest operator
to extract data from an object or array.
We have two simple objects which both have the same key name
but different values. The constant first
gives us the length of the string value of the keyword name
that is copied from a
. So, first
is now 12.
The constant second
merges a
and b
into one object. However, as b
has the same key name
with a
, the object created by merging two objects will have the value of b
. It means the constant second
gives us the length of
, which is 20.
does the same thing with first
and second
as it merges two objects into one. However, it also adds another key-value to the object. Coincidently, the key now is name
, which is the same with the key attained from a
and b
. Hence, this key and value will take over the merged object. That means third
is the length of the string hello
, which is 5.
In total, we have 12 + 20 + 5, and the final result is 37.
So the correct answer is B.
const hocCoBan = {};
Object.defineProperty(hocCoBan, "domain", {
value: "",
async function App({ year, age }) {
return year - age + hocCoBan.domain.length;
App({ year: 2021, age: 30 }).then((r) => console.log(r));
- A: 2051
- B: 2001
- C: 30
- D: 2003
The code snippet above seems complicated regarding how we take advantage of Object.defineProperty
to add key and value to the object hocCoBan
. In fact, Object.defineProperty
has a couple of handy features that allow us to control the behavior of the object in some situations where we want to make sure that the object created is mutable or not, whether it is iterable (using
) and so for. For example, if we set configurable: false
when we declare an object with Object.defineProperty
, we cannot use delete
operator to delete the object's property. We cannot change the value of that property as well.
The second "take away" message when reading the code above is the unpacking object technique, or a more frequent term is the destructing object. Say you have an object with two keys called year
and age
, then you can get them by using the destructing object technique as follows: {year, age} = theOBject;
. In the code above, when declaring the function App
, we also use destructing object technique to get the key from the object and use them as the parameters.
If you are familiar with asynchronous code in JavaScript when using the keyword async,
it is not a big deal to understand why we need to use then
to get the function App
being called. It fact, async
always returns a promise, so we need to use then
method to get the data we want.
The flow of the code is: 2021 - 30 + "".length
(which is 12).
The final result is 2003. So the correct answer is D.
class hoccoban {
#thisyear = 2021;
constructor(covidTheFirstYear) {
this.covidTheFirstYear = covidTheFirstYear;
getThisYear() {
return this.#thisyear;
getCovidFirstYear() {
return this.covidTheFirstYear;
const message = new hoccoban(2019);
const result =
hoccoban.hello ?? message.getThisYear() - message.getCovidFirstYear();
- A: NaN
- B: 2019
- C: undefined
- D: 2
This challenge partly illustrates the newest features of JavaScript detailed in ECMAScript 2020 or ES11.
Now you can declare a private property in a class thanks to the symbol #
. Like other languages, a private property in JavaScript can only be accessed from inside the class. It will trigger an error when you attempt to call it outside the class, surely.
The second feature you might see on the code snippet above is the nullish coalescing operator
or ??
. When declaring some variable such as let myVariable = number ?? 7
, if the variable number
is either undefined
or null
, the variable myVariable
will be assigned the value 7
So hoccoban.hello
means undefined
because we have not added any value yet. Then by using nullish coalescing operator
with ??
the variable result
simply returns 2 as message.getThisYear()
gives us 2020 and message.getCovidFirstYear()
gives us 2019. Note that we can access the private property outside of the class via a method, as in the method getThisYear()
So the correct answer is D.
const keyWords = "hello world";
const entries = keyWords.split(" ");
const collections = [];
entries.forEach((entry, index) => {
collections.push([entry, index]);
const objectResult = Object.fromEntries(collections);
const { world } = objectResult;
- A: 0
- B: true
- C: 1
- D: "hello"
The code snippet above is not challenging for those who have had decent experience working with ES6 I suppose. First we turn keywords
into an array using split()
function. Then we create a variable named collection
, which initially is an empty array.
Take a closer look at the forEach
function, which allows us to run a for loop through the whole array entries
, you might realize that push([entry, index]);
add an array to collections
rather than an element.
The next step is by taking advantage of Object.fromEntries()
that converts an array with at least two elements (the form of key-value) to an object. This built-in method is the reversing version of Object.entries()
, which extracts key and value from an object to an array.
const { world } = objectResult;
is nothing special as we unpack the object using destructing object technique supported since ES6. As the object objectResult
has hello
and world
with two respective values 0 and 1, we get 1 when printing out world
, so the correct answer is C.
const target = {
domainname: "",
author: "vuong",
const handler = {
get: function (thetarget, prop, receiver) {
if (prop === "domainname") {
} else {
return thetarget.domainname.length;
const proxyObject = new Proxy(target, handler);
console.log(proxyObject.domainname >;
- A: true
- B: false
- C: 12
- D: 5
We have implemented a basic use case of Proxy
in the code snippet above. Each proxyObject
object has two parameters (target
and handler
). handler
is also an object.
Apart from get()
as you might see, handler
also has a handful of other methods such as set
, defineProperty()
, has()
and so forth. Sometimes, people may say a method is a trap
of a proxy object.
Back to the code above, the get
method allows us to modify how the proxy object will display the value of the original object. thetarget
is the original object, and prop
is the property of that object as you might guess. You might choose another name in the get
function if you want when creating your handler.
The handler
above calculates the length of the string value of the two properties. Based on the flow of if - else
code, it swaps the returned value.
So proxyObject.domainname
now should be understood as
which means 5 and
means target.domainname.length
which gives us 12. So the output is false
. The correct answer is B.
If you do the same thing with the original, it should be something like console.log(target.domainname.length >
which returns true
I believe that Proxy
is worth to have a closer look. If that is the case, no place is better than MDN. So have a go at:
const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("hello"), 5000);
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("world"), 4000);
(async () => {
const p1 = await promise1;
const p2 = await promise2;
console.log(`${p1} ${p2}`);
- A: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 5000 ms
- B: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 9000 ms
- C: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 4000 ms
- D: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 1000 ms
We have already had a couple of questions regarding asynchronous code in general and handling the data flow with promise in particular. If you understand how JS works, I am sure that the code challenge above is not difficult.
We have two promises; each takes 5 or 4 seconds to complete the code and returns "hello" (in promise1
) and "world" (in promise2
) in the resolve
methods, respectively.
Then we take advantage of the async
function to chain the two promises to get the result we want. As async
function returns a promise
so to get the returned value from async
function, we have to use then()
method. As we do not do that here, then we get Promise { <pending> }
The question is, does p2
have to wait and only run after p1
complete? It turns out that it does not. Both p1
and p2
run simultaneously in the task queue thanks to web API or nodejs API (the environments by which JavaScript engine runs). So it will not take 9 seconds to finish the code but solely around 5. It means promise1
takes 5 seconds to complete and at the same time, promise2
reaches the bottom within only 4 seconds.
That is why A is the correct answer.
Updated: What happens if promise2
takes 6 seconds instead of 4 ? Well, as promise2
runs almost at the same time with promise1
, it will only take 1 second after the promise1
completes. So in total, it takes approximately 6 seconds.
const promise1 = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("hello"), 5000);
const promise2 = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("world"), 4000);
(async () => {
const p1 = await promise1();
const p2 = await promise2();
console.log(`${p1} ${p2}`);
- A: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 5000 ms
- B: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 9000 ms
- C: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 4000 ms
- D: Promise { } - "hello world" - timeleap: ~ 1000 ms
The 72nd challenge is almost identical to the 71st. Please take a closer look.
The difference lies in the way we declare a promise. In question 71st, we use two constants, and both return promise, but in question 72, we declare functions and each returns a promise.
If you run the code, you might be surprised with the result as it takes around 9 seconds to complete the code in place of 5 seconds as in the previous question.
It means that const p1 = await promise1;
and const p1 = await promise1();
are different as the latter (a function) might block the callstack and const p2 = await promise2();
can only be called after the p1
completes. The two do not run in parallel as the two promises in the previous question.
As it takes 9 seconds to finish, B is the correct answer.
let history = {
year: 2021,
getYear: function () {
setTimeout(history.getYear, 0);
setTimeout(history.getYear.bind(history), 10);
const { year, getYear } = history;
- A: undefined - undefined - 2021
- B: undefined - 2021 - 2021
- C: 2021 - undefined - 2021
- D: 2021 - 2021 - 2021
We have three outputs on the code above. First, we have a simple object with one property and one method. Noted that the method point to the property year
using this
keyword. The problem now happens when we attempt to extract data from the object.
Be aware of the setTimeout
method, which will create a separated context that is different from the original object's context. Even though in setTimeout(history.getYear, 0);
we have explicitly called the object history
, setTimeout will still execute the function history.getYear
pointing to the global object. So it returns undefined.
is extracted from the object we have defined in the beginning. But as this
is out of the original context when executing the function, it returns undefined
. This code is called last, but the output is displayed first on the console window as it is a synchronous code.
setTimeout(history.getYear.bind(history), 10);
runs last and will give us 2021 as it is bound to the object history
. Finally, we get undefined - undefined - 2021,
and A is the correct answer.
class handleCovid {
constructor(start) {
this.start = start;
calculate(someValue) {
this.start = this.start + someValue;
return this.start;
vaccine() {
return this;
delaying() {
return this;
static getFinal(result) {
return result * 2;
const now = new handleCovid(2019);
- A: 2019
- B: 8082
- C: 8080
- D: 8084
The code snippet above is ugly and sounds complicated at first. Yet, you might encounter a situation when some good "take away" messages might be given. The flow of the code is not hard to understand, I suppose.
First, a function in JavaScript can accept another function as its parameter. With regard to the static
keyword, it means we can directly call a static method in the form of className.staticmethod
without invoking the object created by the normal way new ClassName
Besides, you might want to have a look at how we chain more than one method together. That is possible if these methods return this
Now let break it down:
--> 2019 + 2020 = 4039;delaying().calculate(2020)
--> 4040;now.vaccine().delaying().calculate(2020)
--> 4041;handleCovid.getFinal(now.vaccine().delaying().calculate(2020)
--> 4041 * 2 = 8082;
So the correct answer is B.
function HappyNewYear() {
return "hello";
const year2021 = new HappyNewYear();
year2021.__proto__.greeting = "happy";
HappyNewYear.prototype.say = "new year";
console.log(year2021.__proto__ === HappyNewYear.prototype);
console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(year2021) === HappyNewYear.prototype);
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(year2021) === HappyNewYear.prototype);
console.log(year2021.__proto__ === Object.prototype);
console.log(year2021 instanceof HappyNewYear);
console.log(year2021 instanceof Object);
const thisyear = new HappyNewYear();
console.log(`${thisyear.greeting} ${thisyear.say}`);
- A: true - true - true - false - true - false - "happy new year"
- B: true - true - true - false - false - true - "happy new year"
- C: true - true - true - true - true - true - "happy new year"
- D: true - true - true - false - true - true - "happy new year"
The code snippet above helps us revise the concept of prototype
in JavaScript with two essential keywords: __proto__
and FunctionName.prototype
. I believe that the code console.log(year2021.__proto__ === HappyNewYear.prototype);
is the key to understand the difference between the two. So, in short, every single object in JavaScript has a built-in property __proto__
that gives us an overview of the built-in (internal) [[Prototype]]. They are the things (property and method) the object inherits from the "parent" function constructor or class).
For example, if you declare a literal object such as const a = {}
then a.__proto__ === Object.prototype
returns true
because a
inherits the prototype from the "parent" Object
. However, if an object is created using function constructor then the "parent" prototype is function constructor itself instead of the Object
. So while console.log(year2021.__proto__ === HappyNewYear.prototype);
returns true
, console.log(year2021.__proto__ === Object.prototype);
gives us false
Be aware of Object.getPrototypeOf (object)
and Reflect.getPrototypeOf(object)
. The two are recommended to use as __proto__
is being deprecated.
You might want to read more about __proto__
at MDN
The correct answer is D, and btw "happy new year"!
const address = {
name: "",
author: "Vuong Nguyen",
const key = Reflect.has(address, "author")
? Reflect.ownKeys(address)[0]
: "hello";
Reflect.set(address, "language", "JavaScript");
const totalKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(address).length;
const name = Reflect.get(address, key).length;
const language = Reflect.get(address, "language").length;
console.log(totalKeys + name + language);
- A: 22
- B: 10
- C: 20
- D: 25
The correct answer is D. Why? Now let break it down:
Reflect.has(address, 'author')
gives ustrue
given that the objectaddress
has the keyauthor
. Simple as it is. So the value of the variablekey
is nowReflect.ownKeys(address)[0]
, which in fact is the keyname
. -
Reflect.set(address, 'language', 'JavaScript');
set another key-value to the objectaddress
. -
gives us 3 because now it has three keys, sototalKeys
is now 3. -
Reflect.get(address, key).length;
gives us the length of the
which is 12. -
Reflect.get(address, 'language').length
is the length of the stringJavaScript
, which is 10. -
The final answer is 3 + 12 + 10 = 25.
const myModule = (function () {
const covidYear = 2019;
const year = 2021;
function getYear() {
return year;
function getCovidYear() {
return covidYear;
function exposeYear() {
return getYear();
function exposeCovidYear() {
return getCovidYear();
return {
nothing: undefined ?? null ?? null ?? undefined,
const result =
myModule.nothing ?? myModule.exposeYear() + myModule.exposeCovidYear();
- A: 2021
- B: 2019
- C: 4040
- D: undefined
The challenge above will help you revise the revealing pattern
and thanks to it you can declare a private variable in JavaScript. Note that we can now declare a private
property in a class in modern JavaScript, so the above way of writing a private variable seems old-fashioned.
First, we have an IIFE function - immediately invoked function expressions. There are two variables and two functions as well. However, in the return
, there are three key-values. We can not directly access the two variables covidYear
and year
except for using some already-built functions inside the IIFE.
If you feel the keyword ??
is odd, then you might want to have a look at the latest syntax supported in modern JavaScript called "Nullish Coalescing Operator". It means, if the left element is either undefined
or null
, the value of the right element will be assigned.
In short, we have myModule.exposeYear()
(2021) and myModule.exposeCovidYear()
(2019). In total, the final result is 4040. So the correct answer is C.
class HocCoban {
constructor(address) {
this.address = address; = "";
get getAddress() {
return this.address;
set setYoutube(channel) { = channel;
getYoutube() {
const web = new HocCoban("");
web.setYoutube = "";
- A: "" - "" - 20
- B: "" - function() - 20
- C: function() - "" - 20
- D: function() - function() - 20
and get
are commonly called setter and getter. When declaring a method in a class and putting the keyword set
or get
before it, you can then call them without using parenthesis - ()
. Put another way, when using get
and set
, you can directly get or set the value of/for the properties. Somehow it might be convenient in some cases.
Be aware of the methods declared with a getter
as we just need to call the method as we call a property (without using parenthesis).
If you know how a traditional method works in JavaScript, then the code challenge above is not difficult, I suppose. The answer is A.
const result = ["ronaldo", "messi", "neymar", "Ronaldo", "LuKaKUUUU"].sort();
- A: ["LuKaKUUUU", "Ronaldo", "messi", "neymar", "ronaldo"]
- B: ["LuKaKUUUU", "messi", "neymar", "Ronaldo","ronaldo"]
- C: ["LuKaKUUUU", "messi", "neymar", "ronaldo", "Ronaldo"]
- D: ["messi", "neymar", "ronaldo", "Ronaldo", "LuKaKUUUU"]
In JavaScript, the built-in sort()
method sorts the elements of an array. It returns a sorted array in ascending order. Note that each element will be converted to strings and then compared according to the sequences of UTF-16 code unit values. What does it mean?
It means, "banana" < "cherry" or 80 < 9 (because "80" < "9" in the Unicode order).
If you run the following code const result = [9, 11, 89].sort();
, the constant result
will be sorted as [11, 8, 9]
rather than [9, 11, 89]
because the engine will convert the number value to string.
The following codes might give you a hint about the relationship between character and number. Ultimately, as the computer can only understand 0 and 1, all characters and even decimal numbers are then converted to 1 and 0. charCodeAt()
gives us the decimal value of any string evaluated.
or console.log("LuKaKUUUU".charCodeAt())
==> 76
or console.log("Ronaldo".charCodeAt())
==> 82
or console.log("messi".charCodeAt())
==> 109
or console.log("neymar".charCodeAt())
==> 110
or console.log("ronaldo".charCodeAt())
==> 114
or console.log("99".charCodeAt())
==> 57
or console.log("8".charCodeAt())
==> 56
Noted that if index is not a number, it defaults to 0. The answer is A.
const anArray = typeof [];
const aTypeOfNull = typeof null;
const weirdFirst = null instanceof Object;
const weirdSecond = [] instanceof Object;
const weirdThird = [] instanceof Array;
- A: "array" - "null" - false - true - true
- B: "array" - "object" - false - true - true
- C: "object" - "object" - false - false - true
- D: "object" - "object" - false - true - true
In the 80th challenge question, we will review some fundamental "issue" or "weird" features in JavaScript relating to the typeof
and instance
operators. Given that the original version of the JavaScript language was designed in just 10 days, there are a bundle of inconsistent behaviors that cannot be fixed. They are permanent features existing in the modern language. If we fix it, a lot of websites might crash.
The above code shows us some of the weird features in JavaScript. For example, []
is an array but the typeof []
gives us object
. Note that you might take advantage of Array.isArray([])
rather than typeof
to examine whether a variable is an array or not.
typeof null;
is another weird operator as it returns object
. However null instanceof Object;
returns false
. WhatTheHell!!!
Man, [] instanceof Object;
and [] instanceof Array;
both return true
. How inconsistent it is.
The answer is D.
class Dog {
speak() {
return this.say();
say() {
console.log("hello world");
class Cat {
speak() {
return this.say();
say() {
console.log("kia ora");
const animal = new Dog();
Object.setPrototypeOf(animal, Cat.prototype);
- A: "hello world" - undefined
- B: "kia ora" - "kia ora"
- C: "hello world" - "kia ora"
- D: "hello world" - "hello world"
The central issue/concept mentioned in the code above is the method Object.setPrototypeOf(object, prototype)
. It is one of the features in ES6, or ECMAScript 2015. Another way to set the prototype of an object is Object.prototype.__proto__
but the latter is controversial.
At first, animal.speak();
gives us "hello world" which is no surprise. Yet, in the second call, we get "kia ora" instead of "hello world". When checking the prototype with Object.getPrototypeOf(animal)
, you might see that Cat
is the prototype of the object animal
rather than Dog
The answer is C.
By the way, kia ora
means hello
in the Māori language.
const js = [9, 10];
function mutate(a, b) {
mutate(js, 1);
- A: [9, 10]
- B: [9, 10, 1]
- C: [1, 9, 10]
- D: ReferenceError
The code snippet might be pretty trivial if you have already obtained a solid understanding of the two different concepts: reference
and value.
In JavaScript, non-primitive type such as array and object does not store the value but the reference.
Also, as the arguments in function are passed by the reference, the function mutate
will push another element into the array js
. Finally, the initial variable 'js' is updated with the new value [9, 10, 1]
If the variable js
is assigned a primitive value such as string or number, no matter how the function mutate
, it will not mutate the initial variable 'js'. However, if the variable is an object, then it will also be mutated, as in the case of an array in the code above.
B is the correct answer.
console.log(this === window);
console.log(this === frames);
console.log(this === globalThis);
console.log(this === self);
console.log(this === global);
- A: true - true - true - true - "ReferenceError"
- B: true - false - true - true - "ReferenceError"
- C: true - true - true - true - true
- D: true - true - "ReferenceError" - true - "ReferenceError"
The code snippet above might output different results if running on other environments than the browser. For example, there is no self
, window
, or frames
on Nodejs.
plays the role of the global object in Nodejs, but that is not the case in the browser environment. In contrast, globalThis
is available in both browser and Nodejs environments.
The first takeaway message is that Nodejs does have this
, global
, and globalThis
. Browser environment has 5 ones including this
, globalThis
, window
, frames
, and self
The second takeaway message is that Web Worker only has self
as the global object.
Ultimately, A is the correct answer.
class StackHocCoBan {
constructor() {
this.stack = [];
push(thing) {
return this.stack.push(thing);
pop() {
return this.stack.pop();
peek() {
return this.stack[this.length - 1];
get length() {
return this.stack.length;
isEmpty() {
return this.length === 0;
const firstThing = new StackHocCoBan();
!firstThing.isEmpty() ? firstThing.push(firstThing.length) : firstThing.length;
console.log(firstThing.peek() + firstThing.length + firstThing.pop());
- A: 3
- B: 4
- C: 5
- D: 6
The code challenge above is a bit lengthy, frankly. But it might practically help you to revise the concept of stack
implemented in JavaScript. Such a concept is quite crucial when it comes to the algorithm, so to say. It appears that stack
and queue
are blood brothers, and as a developer, you are always advised to master these concepts along with array, linked list, tree, graphs, and so on.
In my opinion, both stack
and queue
are simply arrays, but they are exclusively built to serve some particular jobs with strict requirements. You might see pop()
or push()
in the code above are standard native methods we often use when working with the array.
So now firstThing
is an object initiated by the class StackHocCoBan
. As the class's construct initially triggers an empty array this.stack = [];
, first the code firstThing.push(firstThing.length);
will actually push the number 0 into the array given that firstThing.length
returns 0 as the stack, at the beginning` is empty.
Then firstThing.push(firstThing.length);
(the second one) pushes number 1 to the stack as we have already had one item (the number 0).
returns false
because we have two things in the stack. Yet, be causious with "!" before it. As we write !firstThing.isEmpty()
, the code with call firstThing.push(firstThing.length)
rather than firstThing.length;
. It is a simply short-hand of if-else
So, the stack is pushed the number 2 because firstThing.length
returns 2. So now the stack is as [0, 1, 2], beautiful, right?
will eliminate the number 2 and the stack is now [0, 1].
The last line of the code above is firstThing.peek()
(1) + firstThing.length
(2) + firstThing.pop()
So B is the correct answer.
class QueueHocCoBan {
constructor() {
this.queue = [];
enqueue(item) {
return this.queue.unshift(item);
dequeue() {
return this.queue.pop();
peek() {
return this.queue[this.length - 1];
get length() {
return this.queue.length;
isEmpty() {
return this.queue.length === 0;
const items = new QueueHocCoBan();
const item = items.peek().length - items.length;
- A: 6
- B: 7
- C: 8
- D: 9
Following up the question 85th, we now pay the attention to another important concepts - queue
- which is a bit different from stack
. While stack
leverages two native array methods push()
(for adding new item) and pop()
(for extracting new item), queue
utilises unshift()
(for adding new item) and pop()
(for extracting new item). In essense, both stack
and queue
are array and thus the difference between them, IMO, lays in the way push()
and unshift()
are implemented for adding new item. While push()
adds a new item/element at the end/tail of the array, unshift()
adds the new one to the top/head of the array itself.
First, the object items
will add three new elements into the array (initiated by the constructor) at the top one by one, thanks to the method enqueue
. The array will look like this ["", "QueueHocCoBan", "constructor"];
Now items.peek()
gives us "constructor" and thus items.peek().length
returns 11. items.length
simply returns 3 and so the final result will be 8.
So C is the correct answer.
By way of summarisation, using queue
, we can only take out the first element (also the tail of the array) with the method dequeue().
You might need to find another way to extract other elements of the queue.
const domains = new Map();
domains.set("site", "");
domains.set("youtube", "");
const keys = domains.keys();
const values = domains.values();
let result = domains.has("")
- A: "site"
- B: ""
- C: "youtube"
- D: ""
There are two ways hash tables are implemented in JavaScript: object and Map(). Hash tables are data structures created to store information in the form of key-value.
While the native object defined as {} is trivial for a JavaScript developer, a new way to design a hash table has been recently added into the language. When writing const domains = new Map();
, we have declared an object with a couple of different features as opposed to the veteran one declared in the form of {}
or new Object
we all know.
You are advised to take advantage of the built-in methods such as set()
, get()
, has()
or delete()
among others to manipulate the map object.
Note that a map object can be iterated using for of
. You might need to use next().value
to extract the raw information written. At this point, you might want to revisit function generator
to see why we need to do that.
Both keys()
and values()
are native methods of the class Map
. You might see that they works on a map object as in a normal object. Back to the code snippet above, let result = domains.has("") ?
given that domains.has("")
returns false
So console.log(result)
gives us "site", so A is the correct answer.
Note that if you want to extract "youtube", you must run
function inner(flag) {
hello = 10;
if (flag) {
return ++hello;
return --hello;
var hello = 12;
inner(hello > 11 ? false : true);
- A: 9
- B: 10
- C: 11
- D: 12
As a variable in JavaScript can be declared without any functional keyword such as var, let, or const standing before the variable name, as seen on the code above, this challenge sounds a bit odd as now developers tend to use const
or let
everywhere. What happened when we do that? The variable will have a global scope no matter where it has been written initially. So first, the variable hello
will be accessed anywhere outside of the function scope whenever (after to be exact) the function inner has been executed.
Then we redeclare the hello
variable with a different value.
The code inner(hello>11? false: true)
is translated to inner(false)
, so the variable hello
declared inside this function is mutated to 9.
As hello
is now 9 instead of 12, A is the correct answer.
const collections = ["a", [123], true, "c", { abc: "hello world" }];
const iterator = collections.values();
const a =;
const b =;
const c =;
const d =;
const e = Object.values([Number(a > b)].length;
console.log(a + b + c + d + e);
- A: 12
- B: 14
- C: 16
- D: 18
The code snippet above is frankly tedious as it does not solve any big problem but is still written in a very cryptic manner, honestly. I want you to pay a bit more attention to the native function to manipulate array values()
. For your information, I also use Object.values()
so that you can somehow make a comparison between the two by yourself.
In the beginning, we have a very simple array packed with different types of data such as boolean, string, array and object. The code collections.values();
returns an iterator, so you can not simply access to each element as an usual array. You might run a for of
loop here to render all of the elements in this iterator. By doing that, the way iterator works is likely a typical array.
So how do we access a single element in this iterator? We need to use next().value
. Each time we call it, the iterator will render the value, one by one, starting with the first element.
It means const a =;
returns 1. So a is 1. So does b. C is a bit different and we have 4 here as true
, a boolean, is converted to a string. d is 1. So
The code in e is not fascinating, I suppose. Object.values
gives us an array of value defined in the object { abc: "hello world" }
. [Number(a > b)]
give us [0]. So e is simply the length of the string "hello world", which is 11.
Finally, in the console we have 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 11 = 18. So D is the correct answer.
const matrix = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
function matrixHandle(m) {
let total = arguments[0][0][0];
let length = m.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < m[i].length; j++) {
total += m[i][j];
return total;
- A: 44
- B: 45
- C: 46
- D: 47
You can easily create a two-dimensional array by nesting an array inside the parent one as the variable `matrix` above. To render all of the elements in the matrix, we implement a simple code with two for-loop functions which are nested.
gives us 1 because arguments
has wrapped the variable matrix
in an array. Note that arguments
is a Array-like.
So the variable total
at first is 1, and then the final value cumulated by looping through the matrix is 46.
In short, we have 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7+ 8 + 9 = 46. So C is the correct answer.