fantableous is a markdown style table editor, generator, and spreadsheet engine written in lua and using treesitter. It is designed to be used alongside the neovim plugin nvim-orgmode/orgmode
, or as a standalone tool.
Until this plugin reaches feature parity with dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode
it is recommended to have that plugin installed as well.
Conflicting keybinds should not matter since each feature provided is an atomic operation for each plugin. Otherwise you may want to ensure that this plugin is loaded second of the two, so that its keybinds take precedence.
- Neovim 0.10.0 or later
- treesitter
- optional: vim-table-mode
Use your favorite plugin manager:
no special steps required
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- expected behaviour in last column: will create a new column to the right of the current column and move the cell there
- expected behaviour in last column: will create a new column to the right of the current column and swap them
- not implemented
- suggest creating keybinds:
{ '<A-k>', '<cmd>m .-2<cr>==', desc = 'move line up' }
,{ '<A-S-k>', '<cmd>m .-2<cr>gqgq', desc = 'move line up' }
- not implemented
- suggest creating keybind:
{ '<A-j>', '<cmd>m .+1<cr>==', desc = 'move line down' }
,{ '<A-S-j>', '<cmd>m .+1<cr>gqgq', desc = 'move line down' }
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation
- todo
- see vim-table-mode for current implementation