goutil: Your Go-To Utility Library for Go
goutil is a comprehensive, easy-to-use utility library for Go programmers. It provides a collection of handy utility functions that are commonly used in day-to-day programming tasks. This library aims to enhance productivity by reducing the time spent on writing and maintaining common utility functions.
- Comprehensive: Covers a wide range of functionalities including string manipulation, file I/O operations, data structure operations, and error handling.
- Easy to Use: Designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind.
- Time-Saving: Reduces the time spent on writing and maintaining common utility functions.
To install goutil, use the following command:
go get github.com/qcrao/goutil
Import goutil in your Go program as follows:
import "github.com/qcrao/goutil"
You can then call the utility functions as per your requirement. For example:
result := goutil.SomeUtilityFunction(input)
go test -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./... && go tool cover -html=coverage.txt