A PostgreSQL extension for generating Snowflake-like IDs using snowid Rust library.
Generate 64-bit unique identifiers in PostgreSQL that are:
- ⚡️ Fast (~244ns per ID)
- 📈 Time-sorted
- 🔄 Monotonic
- 🔒 Thread-safe
- 🌐 Distributed-ready
Example ID: 151819733950271234
Default configuration:
| TIMESTAMP (42 bits) | NODE (10) | SEQ (12) |
- Timestamp: 42 bits = 139 years from 2024-01-01 (1704067200000)
- Node ID: 10 bits = 1,024 nodes (valid range: 6-16 bits)
- Sequence: 12 bits = 4,096 IDs/ms/node
Docker Image
Use our pre-built PostgreSQL 17 image with SnowID extension:
docker pull qeeqez/snowid:v0.1.0-pg17
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 qeeqez/snowid:v0.1.0-pg17
The image comes with:
- PostgreSQL 17
- SnowID extension installed
Manual Installation
- Build and install the extension:
cargo pgrx install --release
- Add the extension to
# Required: Add pg_snowid to shared_preload_libraries
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_snowid'
- Restart PostgreSQL server to load the library
First, create the extension in your database:
-- Set node ID (0-1023, default is 1)
SELECT snowid_set_node(5);
-- Get current node ID
SELECT snowid_get_node();
-- Create a table with SnowID
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT snowid_generate(1), -- Use unique table_id (1)
name text,
created_at timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp
-- Create another table with SnowID
id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT snowid_generate(2), -- Use different table_id (2)
title text,
content text,
created_at timestamptz DEFAULT current_timestamp
Note: Each table requires a unique positive integer ID (1-1024). The extension currently supports up to 1024 tables. If you need support for more tables, please create an issue and we'll add this functionality.
-- Extract timestamp from ID
SELECT snowid_get_timestamp(151819733950271234);
-- View SnowID statistics
SELECT snowid_stats();
# Run tests
cargo pgrx test
# Package the extension
cargo pgrx package
# Install the extension
cargo pgrx install
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.