These installation instructions correspond to the 2017 data/MC production.
To install execute the following in your work area.
Notice: if you are not creating the ntuples, you can skip the part of the instructions
marked with the ##OPTIONAL/##END OPTIONAL
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_2
cd CMSSW_9_4_2/src
#photon/electron id+scale and smearing
git cms-merge-topic lsoffi:CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3_TnP
git cms-merge-topic guitargeek:ElectronID_MVA2017_940pre3
git cms-merge-topic cms-egamma:MiniAOD2017V2_940
scram b -j 8
cd $CMSSW_BASE/external
git clone data/RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data
cd data/RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data
git checkout CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3_TnP
cd $CMSSW_BASE/external
git clone data/RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/data
cd data/RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/data
git checkout CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3_TnP
cd $CMSSW_BASE/external
git clone data/EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data
cd data/EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data
git checkout ReReco17NovScaleAndSmearing
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone
scram b -j 8
The ntuplizer is steered with test/ It takes several options from command line (see cfg for details). To run locally the ntuplizer, for testing purposes do something like:
cmsRun test/ runOnData=False era=era2017 outFilename=MC13TeV_TTJets.root
cmsRun test/ runOnData=True era=era2017 outFilename=Data13TeV_SingleMuon.root
To submit the ntuplizer to the grid start by setting the environment for crab3. More details can be found in CRAB3CheatSheet
source /cvmfs/
The following script helps submitting a list of files described in a json file. Partial submission can be made adding "-o csv_list" as an option. Adding "-s" will trigger the submission to the grid (otherwise the script only writes down the crab cfg files)
python scripts/ -j data/era2017/samples.json -c ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/TopLJets2015/TopAnalysis/test/
As soon as ntuple production starts to finish, to move from crab output directories to a simpler directory structure which can be easily parsed by the local analysis runThe merging can be run locally if needed by using the script
python scripts/ -i /store/cmst3/group/top/psilva/c29f431 -o /store/cmst3/group/top/RunIIFall17/c29f431
After ntuples are processed, you can create the list of runs/lumi sections processed using crab as:
a=(`find grid/ -maxdepth 1 | grep crab_Data `)
for i in ${a[@]}; do
crab kill ${i};
crab status ${i};
crab report ${i};
In case of failed jobs the missing lumis can be processed with the following script to wrap the tedious process of updating the cfg with a finer grain luminosity per job and the missing lumis json
for i in ${a[@]}; do
python scripts/ ${i}
You can then run the brilcalc tool to get the integrated luminosity in total and per run (see for more details). The following script runs brilcalc inclusively and per trigger path, and stores the results in a ROOT file with the total integrated lumi per run. It takes a bit to run, depending on the number of triggers configured to use in the analysis
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/afs/$PATH
python scripts/ -o data/era2017/
Correction and uncertainty files are stored under data by era directories (e.g data/era2017) in order no to mix different periods.
- Pileup weighting. To update the pileup distributions run the script below. It will store the data pileup distributions for different min.bias cross section in data/pileupWgts.root
python scripts/ --json /afs/ --out data/era2017/pileupWgts.root
- B-tagging. To apply corrections to the simulation one needs the expected efficiencies stored somwewhere. The script below will project the jet pT spectrum from the TTbar sample before and after applying b-tagging, to compute the expecte efficiencies. The result will be stored in data/expTageff.root
python scripts/ -i /store/cmst3/group/top/RunIIFall17/c29f431/MC13TeV_TTJets -o data/era2017/expTageff.root;
- MC normalization. This will loop over all the samples available in EOS and produce a normalization cache (weights to normalize MC). The file will be available in data/genweights.pck
python scripts/ -i /store/cmst3/group/top/RunIIFall17/c29f431 -o data/era2017/genweights.root
The lepton/photon trigger/id/iso efficiencies should also be placed under data/era2017. The src/ should then be updated to handle the reading of the ROOT files and the application of the scale factors event by event.
Commit your changes regularly with
git commit -a -m'comment on the changes made'
Push to your forked repository
git push
From the github area of the repository cleak on the green button "Compare,review and create a pull request" to create the PR to merge with your colleagues.
The ROOT trees created by can be analyzed with a simple executable.
See some examples under src
The new executable should be included in bin/
so that it can be used with the script
which allows to run over single files or full directories.
See examples under test/ in steer*
To plot the output of the local analysis you can run the following:
python scripts/ -i analysis/ -j data/era2017/samples.json -l 12870