This repository contains the official source code for our paper:
Optical Flow Estimation for Spiking Camera
CVPR 2022
Liwen Hu1,2,* , Rui Zhao1,* , Ziluo Ding1 , Lei Ma1,2 , Boxin Shi1,2,3 , Ruiqin Xiong1 and Tiejun Huang1,2,3
1 NERCVT, School of Computer Science, Peking University
2 Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence
3 Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Peking University
You will have to choose cudatoolkit version to match your compute environment. The code is tested on PyTorch 1.10.2+cu113 and spatial-correlation-sampler 0.3.0 but other versions might also work
conda create -n scflow python==3.9
conda activate scflow
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip3 install spatial-correlation-sampler opencv-python h5py tensorboardX
# for training
bash encoding/
# for evaluating
bash encoding/
# for dt=10 case
python3 -dt=10 --pretrained='./ckpt/dt10_e40.pth.tar'
# for dt=20 case
python3 -dt=20 --pretrained='./ckpt/dt20_e80.pth.tar'
# for dt=10 case
python3 -dt=10 --epochs=40 -b=4 --lr=1e-4 \
--decay=0.7 --milestones 5 10 20 30
# for dt=20 case
python3 -dt=20 --epochs=80 -b=4 --lr=1e-4 \
--decay=0.6 --milestones 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
In this work, two datasets are proposed where SPIkingly Flying Things (SPIFT) is as train set and Photo-realistic High-speed Motion (PHM) is as test set. You can download them from (password:5331).
The dataset includes 100 scenes and each scene describes that different kinds of objects translate and rotate in random background includes spike streams with 500 frames, corresponding GT images and optical flow. Some scenes is shown in Fig. 1.
Each scene in the dataset is carefully designed and has a lot in common with the real world as shown in Fig. 2. Besides, the number of generated spike frames for each scene is shown in Table. 1.
Ball | Cook | Dice | Doll | Fan | Fly | Hand | Jump | Poker | Top |
1000 | 4000 | 4000 | 3000 | 1000 | 4500 | 2000 | 1400 | 3200 | 1000 |