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The DiVine Dependency Injection Tool

DiVine is an advanced dependency injection tool for Java, that is inspired by the design of the TypeScript typedi library.

It is designed to be simple to use, and to provide a powerful and flexible way to manage dependencies in your Java applications.


One of the main purposes behind a dependency injection tool, is to minimize the need of manual code initialization. Rather than spending time on developing the business logic of applications, you have to do a lot of work of making, passing and deleting instances throughout your entire codebase.

This is where DiVine comes into place. It minimizes the code for service registration and dependency requests, so you can have your focus kept on implementing actual logic.


Check out the documentation to learn the basic and advanced usage.


You may use the following code to use DiVine in your project. Check out our jitpack page for the latest version.




repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.qibergames:di-vine:VERSION'