It's a small http serivce built upon Flask, Pillow and Numpy. It converts images (png/jpg/bmp) to their ASCII version.
To use the service, user should POST their binary image file to '/upload' and the converted image will be returned as JSON.
To get a basic feeling of its function, user can go to the project folder and run the demo as (change the url if the http service is not running locally):
The returned result is in JSON:
{ "data":[row1, row2, ..], "message": "Image converted.", "status": 200 }
each row in the 'data' can be considered one row of pixels of the converted image.
The three major components for building this service are:
Flask The micro web framework, mature and perfect for "micro services"
Pillow The Python image library, very mature and the go-to choice for common image processing tasks
Numpy The Python numerical library, very mature and most powerful
There are no other dependencies for this service. However, for testing and demostration, the following tools are chosen:
Flask-testing Nice Flask testing extensions and make testing easier
Requests Very mature Python HTTP library and easy to use The main Flask app. Converter function from image to ascii demonstration of the function Tests
requirements.txt Python package dependencies
fruits.png and Lenna.png Two sample images for testing and demo
To set up the development, in the folder of the project, run:
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 env
then activate the new environment by:
source env/bin/activate
after this, install all the dependencies by run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
then it's done.
To run the app locally, you can do like this:
To test the app, just run:
To test the app manually and get a demo of the function, just run:
or you can use your favorite command line tools such as curl or httpie to test '/upload' when the service is up. For example:
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@fruits.png" http://localhost:8000/upload